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Basketball drills

  • The ball starts in the middle.
  • The blue player stays in the middle and always grabs the rebound on both sides of the court. He passes the ball to the outlet.
  • The white player at the outlet passes the ball to the red player on the other side of the court and runs to the Free throw line.
  • The red player runs the layup and becomes the new outlet.
  • Blue grabs the rebound and passes to the outlet, red.
  • Meanwhile, the white player has run back to receive the ball from red and run a layup.
  • The blue rebounder makes sure the ball doesn't hit the floor!

    An intense drill for:
    - fitness
    - team building
    - perseverance
    - passing

    - make x number of scores
    - x number of scores in a row

    IMPORTANT: build well

    To make it easier:
    - Ball may bounce once on rebound anyway
    - The outlet may first set 1 or 2 dribbles before the long pass
drawing Side line fast break drill
  • Starting lineup:
    • 1 defender at the level of the free throw line
    • Rest of the players in the middle of the center line
    • Ball at the center line
  • Progression:
    • Player dribbles forcefully to in front of the free throw line and takes a shot
    • Defense moves but does not prevent the shot
    • Shotter takes own rebound and rejoins in the back
    • Defense stays standing x number of times
  • Progression:
    • Defense comes up
    • Offense does a crossover and takes a layup
    • Extra defender on the lay-up
drawing Shooting drill middle
  • Starting lineup
    • 1 group left end line
    • 1 group middle end line
    • 1 group right end line
    • Balls in the middle
  • Progression:
    • Player in the middle passes to player left
    • Player on the left passes back to player in the middle
    • Player in the middle passes to the right
    • Player on the right does a layup and runs through to the other side
    • Player in the middle runs around the cone on the right side and returns that way
    • Player on the left takes the rebound and runs down the middle
    • Play the same to the other side
drawing Lakers lay-up drill
  • Starting lineup:
    • There are as many teams as there are groups of 4
    • 1 player baseline on one side with ball
    • 1 player baseline on other side with ball
    • 1 player three-point line on one side
    • 1 player three-point line on other side

  • Conduct:
    • The players standing at the level of the three-point line walk to the other side of the field
    • There they receive a pass from the baseline player
    • Then they take a shot at the free throw line
    • The passer runs to the other side of the court to receive the ball there
    • The shotter takes own rebound and waits for the next player to come running in
  • Progression:
    • To first take 7 shots inside, then move on
drawing Shooting drill per 4
  • Starting lineup:
    • Use whole court
    • 2 players stand right on the center line ready to do lay-up
    • 2 players stand on the left center line ready to lay-up
    • 3 players stand on the right sideline, level with the free throw line
    • 3 players stand to the left on the sideline, level with the free throw line
  • Progression:
    • Players at the center line start their lay-up
    • After the lay-up they take their own rebound and give an outlet pass to the waiting player on the sideline
    • Then they join the sideline, at the level of the free throw line
    • Lay-up, bob cousy, power lay-up, lay-back, jump stop
  • Progression:
    • Change of direction at the level of the three-point line
    • Crossover, behind the back, reverse dribble at the center line
    • Coach defends, attacker adjusts
    • After lay-up, stay on defense
  • Regression:
    • Take shot instead of lay-up
drawing Lay-ups with outlet
  • 2 teams.
  • Everyone a ball
  • Shoot from 7 positions.
  • When you have shot, you go for your own Rebound.
  • If you have caught your Rebound without the ball touching the ground, you may score again immediately.
  • So you can score 2 points at a time.
  • Half Court shot, 1 hit no Rebound.
drawing Travel around the world with Rebound
3 play sets for offence

  • Toronto switch hammer (Drawn)
  • Drive and kick shooting: Player begin in corner, get ball and takes a fake shot, drives in passing to the top of the key; player takes fake shot drives in passing to corner; corner takes shot immediatly. (Take turn switching clockwise)
  • Drive screen kick play: Ball starts under basket, passed to top of the key who then drives and takes a fake shot, passing it out to the right corner; corner takes fake shot and drives into the base line; while driving player and left elbow switches with left corner; left corner sets screen; elbow originating player at corner, receives pass and take a wide open three.
drawing Play sets
 - Balance on one foot, with ball in hand touch ground, get back up and take shot (free throw line)
 - Face away from basket, jump 180 and take shot (mid range)
 - Take shot without jumping (mid range) 
  • 4X4 or 5X5.
  • Half Field.
  • Only the defending team can score points through:
    • Turnover
    • Rebound
  • When the attacking side scores there is a switch, so the attackers start defending and the defenders start attacking.
  • The team that scores 5 points first has won.
  • Losers 10 push ups.
drawing 4X4 or 5X5 Defense
  • Blue makes a board pass to the right of the hoop and sprints left around the pillon to the opposite side.
  • White catches the ball in the air and makes a board pass, sprints right around the pillon and sprints toward the center line.
  • Red catches the board pass, turns up the right side already in the air, makes an outlet pass to White and sprints across.
  • White makes a long pass to blue and sprints across.
  • Blue makes a layup and sprints across the right side to the other side.
  • White sprints past the left pillon and sprints across again.
  • Red grabs the rebound and makes another outlet pass to white.
  • White passes to blue again.
  • Blue makes a layup... etc, etc

  • High tempo.
  • Try to execute this drill without a dribble.
  • Clearly call Outlet.
  • How many times can you score without letting the ball touch the ground?
drawing 3 man Fast break -> Transition
  • 3 Rows on the baseline.
  • The middle player has the ball and starts the weave with the 2 outer players.
  • On the other baseline are 2 players with a ball.
  • The middle man makes a lay up and the outside players get the ball from the players on the baseline and take a shot.
  • The player who ran the lay up runs the weave back with them.
drawing Weaving with shot
  • Player 1 sets up under the board with a ball.
  • Player 1 jumps 3 times and taps the board with the ball after which he finishes.
  • Player 2 takes the rebound and passes to player 3.
  • At the same time player 1 runs to player 3 where he pulls the ball out of his hands -giving resistance- and immediately goes to the hoop to score.
  • He takes his own rebound and repeats the exercise.
drawing Big guy jump - finish