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Basketball drills

  • Goal:
    • Get shooter free shot wing.
  • 3 rows. Guard 1 with ball.
  • 2 and 3 wing.
  • Wing 2 sets low screen perimeter bucket. (Later double with center)
  • Wing 3 cuts through bucket past screen.
  • Set screen so Wing 3 can cut to wing, free shot.
  • If defender cheats, touch Wing 2.
  • Wing 2 goes up, 3 go's back to orig. position.
  • Always roll after screen.
    • 1 go's to 2,
    • 2 go's to 3.
    • 3 go's to 2
  • Goal:
    • Post up the pivot.
    • Feed the pivot. 2 on 2.
  • Use all means, backscreen, pick-and-roll. Boxing-out.
  • (Needed for 3out-2 in system)
  • 1 ball per side. (2 shots allowed when rebounded)
  • Score, offense stays offense.
  • Post weakside high,
  • post ballside low.
  • Rest in regular 3 out/2in position.
  • Goal:
    • Free shot from Wing3,
    • Wing 2 or pass to pivot rolling-off.
    • Mind cheating defenders.

  • X1 passes to X2 (look for the give and go)
  • X1 puts a down screen on X4
  • X4 comes across the screen curls inside and go to the 1 spot. (X4 looks for the shot)
  • X1 puts screen on X3 at the same time X5 puts screen on X2.
  • X2 takes the screen
  • X5 pick and roll outside as shot option
  • X3 takes the screen and runs inside parallel to X2 (pass option)
  • If the drive is not possible pass swing to X4
  • X2 puts screen on X4
  • at the same time X5 puts screen on X3

We then pass to 1






2 lines shooting drill


  • Basket 1: Centers/power forwards.
  • Passer (Guard). Post up in the bucket with defender.
  • Offense stays offense until offense gets 5 baskets.
  • One try per post-up. If miss, pass ball to the passer. Till 5.
  • Then other team. Then switch defender/offender.
  • Each player twice in offense and twice in defense.
  • Fastbreak, ball over midcourt, defender on midcourt touches circle and joins defence.
  • Goal, quick execution fastbreak. (Before 3rd defender joins) 1 try.
  • Row A, 3-point line on baseline.
  • Row B, with ball mid-bucket. Player throws ball against the board.
  • Player A starts running, (the lane), without holding back.
  • B picks up rebound and gives long fastbreak pass.

  • Goal pass so player B can finish directly with 2-count rhythm.
  • Player A makes lay-up and dribbles back via the other side and joins row B.
  • Players B after pass to row A.
  • Row A, half number of players.
    • Left side ashes half.
  • Pawn at three-point line on left side of field.
  • Spindribble right, coming out on top of bucket set or jumpshot.
  • Finish with jump stop, around your man (pawn), right hand without board from in front of the basket.
  • Row B, half number of players.
    • Right side of the field.
  • 1st pawn cross dribble left/right, 2nd pawn reverse dribble, 3rd pawn 2x through legs.
  1. Wave from mid-court. (Tempo)
  2. Free-throws 2x2 p.p. After 2 shots. Slides from back-court to mid. Sprint back. (Tempo)
  3. Shooting drill bucket. 2 rows under the basket. One with ball. Get ball from passer just outside bucket. Shooter rebounds own shot. Change rows. Pass-shot-rebound in quick order.
  4. If we run two line lay-ups. Always with an outlet. Tempo!