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Basketball drills

  • Stand with the whole group in a circle in the middle of the field.
  • Each player 1 ball.
  • Dribble normal -hip height
  • Dribble low -below knee
  • Dribble extremely low -bounce no higher than ankle height
  • Dribble low -below knee
  • Dribble normal -hip height
  • Dribble extremely high -above shoulder
  • Dribble normal -hip height
  • Have the players sit while dribbling
  • Now have the players stand up dribbling
  • Have the players dribble sitting down again
  • Players now dribble between their legs
  • Have them stand again and make 8s between their legs, then ball around the waist as fast as possible, then the other way.
  1. Each part can be done with both hands
  2. The coach acts as an example.
drawing Basic dribbling
  • Starting lineup:
    • 2 groups at the level of the free throw line
    • 2 players top of the bucket
  • Conduct:
    • Coach throws ball -or collide or roll-.
    • 2 players fight for the ball and play 1-on-1
    • Defense must be between ball and goal
  • Progression:
    • Score with up to 5 dribbles
  • Regression:
    • AFTER
drawing 1 vs. 1 top
Weave with 3 players
  • Player 1 finishes
  • Player 2 and 3 receive a pass on the side of the court and take a shot with their own rebound.
  • They try to make 100 scores within the 1.30 min
drawing USA drill
  • 2 players low -team blue-
  • 2 players high
  • 1 player, not actively involved in the game, on the baseline
  • 1 player, not actively involved in the game, around the 3-point line
  • Player on the baseline passes tightly to the player standing around the 3 point line
  • Player on the 3 point line shoots
  • Team blue provides a good close out
  • Team red and blue fight for the rebound
  • After the rebound there is a 2 vs. 2 situation and they continue until there is a score
  • Explain well in advance what constitutes a good close out
  • With a large group, divide the players over several baskets
drawing Rebound & Close out
Option 1
  • Blue runs to the middle and receives the pass from orange
  • Orange then fills in blue
  • White and Red come up at the same time that orange passes to blue
  • White receives the pass from blue at the free throw line and faces the basket
  • Red accelerates somewhere near the free throw line and heads for the basket
  • White passes to red and red makes a layup
Option 2
  • After orange passes to blue, orange also cuts across the right side and there is a second playoff opportunity for white.
Option 3
  • Orange and blue continue to cut in and white takes a shot
  • Orange and blue fight for the rebound and a score
* After building this exercise up to Option 3, players must be sharp, there can always be a pass or fight for the rebound.
* There is no dribbling
* Rotation is counterclockwise

drawing 4 Corners drill without a dribble
  • 3 rows behind the baseline.
  • Center player blue passes to the left or right.
  • He runs behind his pass, around the one who received the pass.
  • The player who received the pass- red- passes it to the opposite side -white-.
  • Also runs after the pass to receive the ball again from blue.
  • On the other side of the field a layup is made and they make the weave back to the other side of the field.
  • Then the next 3 players can start.
* Don't make the field too wide.
* Vary shot.
* Players must ask for the ball.
* Tight chest passes.
* 30 touches in 5 minutes. If not achieving 15 push ups or walk the difference.

drawing Weaven
  • Basic setup:
    • 1 defender under each goal
    • 2 groups at the center line
  • Conduct:
    • 1 against 1 on each side of the field
    • Defense stays standing when scoring
    • To score first 10 times
  • Progression:
    • Maximum of 5 dribbles from as soon as you cross the center line
  • Regression:
    • Defense with hands behind back
drawing 1 vs. 1, full court
  • Guard chooses where to pass to.
  • Defender of player with ball goes to cone, player with ball attacks.
  • Weak side gives help and defends.
  • Driver makes choice to whom he passes.
drawing Help defense
  • In threesomes shooters
drawing Shooting drill
  • Starting lineup:
    • Per 2 form a team
    • 5 positions around the bucket
    • Each duo starts at a different position
    • Maximum of 3 teams per goal
  • Progression:
    • Players each take turns taking a shot
    • Players take their own rebound
    • After 5 scores, move to the next position
    • Shift clockwise
    • Team that scores first at all positions 5 times wins
  • Progression:
    • Take shots from slightly farther away
    • Walk out to sideline or end line
  • Regression:
    • Taking shots from slightly closer
drawing Paired shooting
  • Starting lineup:
    • Use the whole field
    • 2 players stand right on the center line ready to do lay-up
    • 2 players stand on the left center line ready to do lay-up
    • 3 players stand on the right sideline, level with the free throw line
    • 3 players stand on the left sideline, level with the free throw line
  • Progression:
    • Players at the center line start their lay-up
    • After the lay-up, they take their own rebound and give an outlet pass to the waiting player on the sideline
    • Then they join the sideline, at the level of the free throw line
    • Lay-up, bob cousy, power lay-up, lay-back, jump stop
  • Progression:
    • Change of direction at the level of the three-point line
    • Crossover, behind the back, reverse dribble at the center line
    • After lay-up stay on defense
  • Regression:
    • Taking shot instead of lay-up
drawing Lay-ups with outlet
  • Starting lineup:
    • Players are distributed to the 2 goals
    • 1 player stands ready to take a free throw
    • 1 player stands ready to take the rebound

  • Progression:
    • Each player makes 5 x 2 free throws
    • Each player counts for himself how many free throws he makes
    • After taking the free throw you take rebound
    • After taking the rebound you sprint from end line to end line
    • After sprinting you connect back in for the next 2 free throws

  • Progression:
    • Player sprints 1 more time to the center line and back

  • Regression:
    • Player sprints only to the center line and back
drawing Free throws