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Basketball drills

  • Two rows at the centerline
  • The first two have a ball - Right
  • From the center line you dribble to the basket:
    • Layup (15x hit in a row, a player under the basket catches the ball and counts, play again if the player didn't count)
    • Shots from bucket (7 in a row)
  • The player under the basket starts when the dribbler starts.
  • Coach goes further and further back.
  • Players in a row on the free throw line or for U10 and U12 a bit closer to the basket (put down pilons).
  • First two players have a ball.
  • Player 1 tries to shoot. 
  • When the ball is thrown, player 2 may also shoot.
  • If the player misses, go for the rebound as fast as possible, try to score from the area where the rebound is picked up (if it is behind the baseline, dribble in a bit).
  • If player 2 scores before player 1, player 1 is finished and is not allowed to play again.
  • After a goal is scored, pass as soon as possible to player 3 plays so that he can 'kill' his predecessor.
  • Connect yourself at the back of the row.
  • Play on until there is 1 player left. 
  • Note that the player who has to be played has to get out at the right side to be able to play. And that the scorer rebounds the ball as fast as possible and plays it back with a good tight pass.

drawing Killer
  • A line with the ball on the head of the bucket.
  • A row behind the freethrow line on the right.
  • Player on the head passes the ball to the forward on the side.
  • The forward makes a strong drive to the basket.
  • The player on the head goes for the rebound.
drawing Drive to the basket
  • Two lines, 
    • one a meter behind mid-court, 
    • other behind circle on defense side.
  • Two balls in middle
  • Two hard dribbles, jump stop, pass for layup.

3 players, 2 balls

  • 2 shoot, 1 goes out, rebound, and pass
  • Same, but now go to your strength, and shoot
  • Same but now go to your cross


  • Call names, call for ball => don't pass if they don't call your name
  • Be ready! Tripple threat
  • Step into the shot
  • Game speed, over exagerate
  • Row players 3-point line. 
  • Ball 2nd player etc.
  • Defender under the basket.
  • First player runs to defender. Quick post-up, receives pass/keep ball high. NO DRIBBLE!
  • Passive defense, finish.
    1. Fake left, finish right.
    2. Step to left with left foo,than cross step with same foot/pivot and finish right.
    3. One dribble........
drawing Pass to/& Post-up drill
  • 5 players. 
  • 3 Offense. 
  • 2 Defense. (Well executed) 
  • Extra defender on passer
  • A passes to B. 
  • B looks for the post up from C. 0,5 sec. 
    • If not. C moves to opposite site/duncker spot.
  • B goes one on one. 
  • But B cutting is extra option. 
  • 2 chances. 
  • If well executed every time. 
  • Extra defender on A.
  • Than it's 3 on 3, where A can be open for the shot when B drives..
drawing Corneroffense met dunckerspot
  • 3 players on baseline. 
  • Middle one wth ball. 
  • Weave to midcourt and back.score. 
  • Two baskets.
drawing Weave 2 teams from baseline to midcourt & Back.
  • 3 guys outside 3-point line. 
  • Pass/Dribble right, move right.
  • Pass the ball to moving player when he is outside again. 
  • (Pure for the drill, insidelay-up is goal 1)
  • (Defenders can be added later.
drawing Drill 1 outside no screen offense.
  • Offense with ball. 
  • Dribble to the basket. (First practise this with 3 with defense.
  • Then with 5. Pos. 5 is dunkerspot.
  • Play/move/dribble right/ Move right.
drawing Drill 2 no screen offense (with defense)
  • Shooting drill to move to the free spot against defense. 
    • See fig.1
  • Two-somes. 
    • A passes to B down low. 
    • A, moves to a spot, see fig 1. 
    • Interchange every time.
    • B passes to A. 
    • A takes the shot. 
    • B rebounds. 
    • A returns to starting position and gets pass from B.
    • From the top. 
    • 10 shots, 
    • than change position.
drawing Pass, move, shoot

Parcour passing, moving, finishing

drawing Drill with bal.