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Basketball drills

  • One row on the baseline/corner and one row in the center circle with ball.
  • Pass to the corner and then run to the same corner and get the ball back at the post.
  • Then there are a number of possibilities such as open-step or crossover and 1 vs 0 to the basket.
  • Adjuster takes care of the rebound.
drawing 1 VS 0 with pass
  • Everyone has a ball.
  • One person is the catcher and stands on the center line, the rest stands on the free throw line and tries to reach the other free throw line without being caught.
  • All normal rules apply such as run and second dribble.
  • If you are tagged, you also become tagged.
  • Two players with one ball.
  • Both players have the ball in their hands and start pulling hard to get the ball loose from the other.
  • Best of 3 loser 5 push-ups.
  • In the field there are all sorts of obstacles, such as mats, hoops and cones.
  • The trainer walks in front along these obstacles, the children follow him.
  • Variation
    • The children walk in pairs along the obstacles.
    • They walk backwards.
    • They walk with sideways steps.
  • The children walk in pairs through the room.
  • One child tries to follow the other.
  • Variation
  • The child in front has to change pace suddenly.
  • The child in front has to change direction sharply.
  • Groups of four or five children.
  • Groups of four or five children and on signal the back one sprints to the front and then indicates the track.
  • The entire group is lined up behind a line on the side of the field.
  • On signal they walk over to the other side.
  • Variation Starting Positions:
    • Squat,
    • knee,
    • prone or supine,
    • sit with the back to the walking direction.
  • The group is lined up on the short side of the field in a few relays.
  • On a sign, they all walk to the other side at the same time and sit back to back in a random order.
  • Which group sits first?
  • Variation
  • Varying the starting and finishing poses.
  • At the other side touch a line, return and sit in a row again.
  • From the group, a scapegoat is appointed.
  • The game is played all over the field.
  • The group is lined up on one side of the field.
  • On sign the children cross the field.
  • One of the catchers tries to catch as many children crossing the road as possible.
  • Variation
  • The children walk to and fro on a signal.
  • Back and forth without waiting for a signal.
  • The children are not free on the other side.
  • With two tappers.
  • With boxes where there is one ticker in each box.
  • The children can be tagged in every cell.
  • Who has not been tagged on the way out and on the way back?
  • Or which group of tickers has managed to tick the most children?
  • The group stands on one side behind these hoops.
  • When told to do so, the children steal objects from the other side and place them in the hoops on their own side.
  • If they are caught by a ticker, they have to put the object back.
  • The group is lined up in the four corners of the field.
  • A ticker with a party ribbon
  • At a signal they cross the field in three directions:
  • the short side, the long side or diagonally.
  • On their return, they score one, two or three points respectively.
  • A ticker operates in the room and forces the ticked children to go back to his corner before he can cross again.
  • How many points can you get in an agreed time?

All on 1 line (work up to middle line, run up to end line, repeat exercise every time)

  • 2 x jogging
  • Skipping legs
  • Heels against seat
  • Straighten back leg, bend front leg (straight ahead)
  • Extend the back leg, bend the front leg (sideways)
  • Crossing legs
  • Swinging arms
  • Sprint + step slide back
  • finger tip over head for chest cupboard.
  • around head, waist, knee
  • make between legs
  • release ball between legs and change hands to catch without impact.
  • throw ball behind back over shoulder left right.
  • 10x right dribble 10x left dribble. pushing hard on the ball and not looking at the ball.
  • 2x right cross to left 2x left cross ... Don't look at ball
  • Dribble an 8 through the legs and keep the ball low.
  • Keep dribbling the ball behind your back.
  • Dribble between the legs front and back