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Basketball drills

  • Full field. 
  • Divide the pilons over the square in 5 equal parts. 
  • Players all start on one line. 
  • Coach names the pilons from 1 to 5. 
  • Players stand or sit ready on 1 line and run on command to the line the coach appoints. 
  • This can be done on foot, with slides or dribble. 
  • On the designated line the player has to stand still, sit or lie down flat on the belly. 
  • When dribbling, the ball must be held in place. 
  • Attention should be paid to shielding the ball when standing still.
drawing Warm-up and active listening
  • All players shoot from multiple positions. 
  • Can be a game with players at other basket. 
  • For example: 10 points from each position. 
  • Scoring of the position under the board also using the board. 
  • Catch your own ball or give a good pass to the next in line. 
  • Make sure you are ready to score as a shooter. 
  • Use only 1 ball per basket
drawing Shot close to the basket

forward-3-options-quarter-field-back-door forward-3-options-quarter-field-back-door 


Players must be able to perform a layout from a bounce pass


Learn how to create forward scoring opportunities for yourself


4 players / quarter field, other players wait in center circle. Move over: offence becomes defence, defence goes out + new offence

The helpline is out: you can play with two groups of four on a basket and force the players not to use the space where the help is in the game.

(first perform the exercise several times without defense)

  • guard dribbles up from the center circle
  • at the same time, 2 makes a V-cut
  • if 2 gets free, pass and 1 v 1
  • if defender overshoots 4, then continue the V-cut to at least a meter
  • above the three-point line and sprint backwards for the backdoor pass 
  • and play 1 v 1
  • All score out of:
    • backdoor
    • 1 v 1 from the wing

Mtm offense

  • If you don't manage to pass to 2, 2 will sprint to the centre circle and get the pass of 1. 
  • The cycle then starts again from the front, but now with 1 at the forward position.

Teaching Points:

  • if you can see your defender's shoulder in the pass line at the V-cut, then there is overplay.
  • and you have to take the defender up to at least a metre above the three-point line towards the sideline
  • sprint at full speed as you go backdoor
  • the backdoor pass is mostly one-handed, from the dribble with a flat bounce
  • Two rows on the side at the height of the center line. 
  • Ball is on one side, attacker decides when he leaves and runs to the middle line, which he must cross all the way. 
  • The defender also departs but only has to touch the centre circle. 
  • Aim of the exercise is to come in front of the attacker as a defender. 
  • When a goal is made, 3 push-ups for the defender, a miss is 3 push-ups for the attacker.
drawing Recovery
  • Walk fast in pairs, from baseline to baseline on the right side of the field, 
  • meanwhile chest-pass back and forth, 
  • spacing approx. 3 meters. 
  • Return on the left, but with bounce pass
drawing Warming-up with passing

This exercise helps players with their conditioning and their ability to shoot a ball while running as well as when they are tired.

1. break up your team into three groups of four players each. One group is located on each baseline and one group is in the middle of the court, as shown in the picture.

2. The four players on the center line must spread out along the center line.

3. the groups of four players standing on the baselines each get a basketball. 

4. When the whistle sounds, the players in the middle run to the baseline and ask for a ball that is passed to them by a player on the baseline.

5. The player then catches the ball, shoots at the nearest basket and retrieves his own rebound.

6. The person who has passed the ball runs to the other end of the court and gets a pass from the other baseline and the rotation continues.

Learning points

  • players should be reminded to work hard in this exercise for conditioning purposes. 
  • They should also give a target for passing the ball and use appropriate footwork and shooting techniques. 
  • Make sure that the passes are clean and good


  • The type of scoring can be varied in this exercise (3-point, mid-range, lay-ups, etc.)
  • Give the players a  certain time and a goal for the number of points to be made. 
  • This can be varied depending on the ability of the team or the time you have available.


  • Place some baskets down.
  • Large, small, high and low baskets.
  • Always let two players get as many points as possible by throwing the basketball into the baskets.
  • The smallest basket that is furthest away awards the most points.
  • The biggest basket that is closest is worth less points.
  • Whoever scores 10 points first wins
  • This basketball game can also be played with hoops on the ground.
  • A good exercise to learn how to aim.
  • The teacher places 2 pilons.
  • See floor plan for the precise location, keep the basketball lines.
  • The teacher divides the students into 2 teams and each team stands behind a pilon.
  • The teams have to shoot the ball from the pilon into the basket.
  • When a student has shot, he/she picks up the ball, gives/passes the ball to the next in line and connects to the back of the line again.
  • Every ball that goes into the basket is a point.
  • The team that scored 5 points first wins.


  • Team with 3 balls in a row on the freethrow line.
    • First one shoots, 
    • second one shoots, 
    • If the previous player misses, the next player can shoot him out of the game.
  • If you miss your shot, quickly finish under the basket. 
  • If the player behind it scores, the next player is out. 
  • Until one remains.
  • With 3 balls, faster, more effective than with 2.


  • Stopping two feet together, pivoting, lay-up and jumpshot must be known


  • When passing, jump towards the ball with feet coming down correctly to start the next movement. (pivoting, start dribble)


1. Coach gives passes from position 1, alternating left and right from under the basket. Give passes where jump-to-the-ball applies.

2. Player starts under the basket (2 groups of 5 to 6 players, of which two/group have a ball) ==> fast; explosive exercise.

3. Run to cone under the basket and quickly pushes himself away towards the cone at spot 2 or 3.

4. Makes movement from the cone to the ball to get the pass and perform a jump-to-the-ball.

5. After getting the ball pivot and attack towards the basket (first lay-up, then shot)

6. After finishing, change sides and pass the ball

Teaching points:

  • Rapid explosive movement when running free
  • correct ball acceptance (show hands) and foot placement
  • pivoting and fast attacks without running errors
drawing jump to the ball
  • A row with ball at the head of the bucket.
  • A row behind the free throw line on the right.
  • Player on the head passes the ball to the forward on the side.
  • The forward makes a strong drive to the triangle (defender), passes the ball out to the forward on weakside.
  • The forward makes a strong drive to the basket.
  • The player in front and the other forward who has passed go for the rebound.
drawing Drive to the basket extended
  • Player is explained shooting technique. 
  • Practicing over distance on the field. 
  • Pay attention to technique and the curve of the ball. After 10 practice throws in the field, the first player slides into the ring.
  • 1 Player stands in the first hoop and shoots. If it's in, it's 1 point, player moves to the second hoop and shoots , 2 points if it's scored. 
  • If it's not scored, then move to 1 hoop closer. If it's scored, move to the 3rd hoop.
  • If you score the 3rd hoop, you get 3 points and you may stay and shoot again. 
  • Max score is: 1-2-3-3-3-3-3-3=27 points.
  • Under the basket is a teammate who rebounds and passes the ball back to the shooter. 
  • After 10 attempts, shooter and rebounder change positions. 10 attempts again
  • Remember your score. 
  • After one session (10 throws each) these players go to the field to practice and move up the line. 
  • When everyone has finished, compare scores.
  • Points of attention: shooting technique, rebound action, (shooter ask for the ball) and passing technique.
drawing Shooting practice