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Basketball drills

  • You make 2 teams divided over 2 baskets.
  • Dribble around the post and pick a side.
  • Run a lay-up.
  • The first to reach the proposed number of scores wins.
  • The losing team must run to the back line and back. (start on the back line and run to the back line)
drawing 2-basket shooting race


drawing wave
  • 3 against 2 with passing every time. 
  • Help each other in defense when someone is free. 
  • The attackers learn to use a man advantage and to finish. 
  • Speed, precision, good passing and team play are necessary here.
drawing 3 v 2
  • Everyone takes a position on the field!
  • You are going to focus on:
    • Defending between the man and the basket.
    • Free running. ( in-out)
    • Always pass.
drawing Explaining defending and attacking
  • Everyone has a ball.
  • Everyone starts dribbling in a certain box. 
  • If your ball is tapped away, you have to fetch it and score on the other basket.
  • When you have scored, you may return to the box.
drawing Ticking away in a square
  • You make 2 teams divided over 2 baskets.
  • The first to reach the proposed number of scores wins.
  • The losing team does a half-killer.
drawing 2-basket shooting race
  1. Make sure each player has a ball.
  2. All players start on the baseline
  3. Alternate between strong and weak hand dribbling.

Exercise 1
  • The player starts from the triple-threat position, protecting the ball.
  • The player dribbles the ball on the ground 5 times. Then he jumps forward with two feet at the same time, grabbing the ball with two hands.
  • Points of interest:
    • Player dribbles the ball with the fingertips.
    • Player dribbles below waist but above knee.
    • Player stays balanced after jumping forward.
    • Player does not look at the ball while dribbling, but looks ahead.
Exercise 2
  • Player starts again from triple-threat position.
  • The player takes five steps forward while dribbling.
  • After five steps the player jumps up from the last pass and stops again on two feet.
  • Points of attention:
    • Player pushes the ball forward with fingertips
    • Player looks in front of him
    • Player stays in balance after jumping
Exercise 3
  • The player starts again from the triple-threat position.
  • The player takes five steps forward.
  • After five steps the player grabs the ball and takes two steps forward as in the double counting rhythm.
  • Alternate with right foot first, then left foot.
  • Points of Attention:
    • Players must hold the ball when entering the two-count rhythm.
drawing Dribble from the baseline
  • Make a circle with all the players.
  • Make sure each player has a ball.
  • Do several ball skills exercises.
  • Do the continuous rehearsal, with the players trying to imitate the trainer in the middle of the circle.
drawing Ball skills in circle
Make sure all players have a ball
  • The player starts at the post next to the bucket.
  • Player dribbles to the basket
  • Variations:
    • The player stops on two feet = jumpshot
    • The player starts the two-count rhythm = lay-up
      • From the right side: first right foot, drop with left foot.
      • From the left side: first with left foot, then with right foot.
  • The player picks up his own rebound and dribbles around the pole.
  • The player zigzags through the posts.
  • The player then rejoins the line near the basket.
When there is a large group, this exercise can be done on both sides of the field.
  • Who is the first group to reach 20 scores, wins.
drawing Lay-up with zigzag poles (game form)
  1. Make sure there are two balls for each player. Let the players get an extra ball themselves.
  2. Place the extra basketballs against the wall, behind the baseline.

Exercise 1
  • The player starts from the triple-threat position.
  • The player dribbles forward with the ball to the center line.
  • Player dribbles backwards with the ball to the baseline.
  • Points of Attention:
    • Player pushes the ball forward
    • Player takes the ball back with his fingertips.
Exercise 2
  • Player dribbles with two basketballs to the center line.
  • Player dribbles two basketballs to the baseline, backwards.
drawing Dribble - advanced
This game form consists of two teams. These two teams can either compete against each other, or work together in a race against the clock.

1) Make two teams of about the same number of players.
2) Each team has a ball and its own hoop.

In the middle of the field there is a hoop with pawns in it. These are pawns in the shape of a hat.

  • One player of each team dribbles to the hoop, zigzagging through the poles.
  • The player takes one hat from the hoop and puts it on his/her head.
  • The player dribbles with the hat back to his/her own hoop.
  • The player dribbles back to his/her own hoop, takes the hat off his/her head and puts it in the hoop.
  • The player gives the ball to the next player and the next player can leave.

Can be extended to four teams, with the two other teams dribbling in from the sides of the field.
drawing The hat game
  • Stand on one leg, raise the other as high as possible.
    • Ball with 2 hands above head.
    • Found balance trying to close eyes.
    • Then the other leg.
  • Stand on one leg, stretching the other as far back as possible.
    • Ball in front of you to 15cm above ground, then up again.
    • Drop 45gr to your left to 15cm above ground, then right.
    • Found your balance and close your eyes.
    • Then the other leg.
  • Stretched lunge position with arms spread
    • Close your eyes and slowly move the ball from left to right.
    • Then other supporting leg in front.