Basketball drills
- 4 players on the baseline
- 4 players at the free throw line
- Coach passes to 1 of the players
- Player, opposite the one receiving the pass, runs to the baseline to join the defense
- Other players immediately go on offense and defense
- Important to stop the dribble
- Important to defend the basket

- 3 teams of 3 players
- 3 players in the middle
- Attacking
- Defense up to the center line, even after ball loss

- 2 players on offense.
- 2 players on defense.
- 2 players at the free throw line.
- 2 players at the level of the other free throw line.
- Play 2 against 2 until there is a score or stop.
- Defense gives outlet pass to player at height free throw line.
- These go 2-for-2 to other side of the court.
- Offense becomes defense and returns.
- Defense goes to height free throw line.
Variation: can also go 3-on-3.
Note: ball entered behind baseline, with defense.
Note: ball entered behind baseline, with defense.

- Half players baseline.
- Half players half court.
- Player baseline throws against board and takes rebound.
- Chin the ball.
- Turn and dribble toward middle line.
- Outlet pass to player middle line.
- Player middle line goes for a layup.
- Dribbling return to baseline.
- Now with defender other side of field.

- 5 x 2 free throws.
- 2 groups side by side.
- Each takes turns shooting.
- Count how many in.
- 2 misses = length of run.
- 1 miss = half length run.
- 2 groups
- At the level of the free throw line
- First a v-cut, then get ball
- Pivoting and shooting
- Own rebound
- Connecting on the other side
- With pivot on right foot
- Passing with right or left hand, depending on side
- 20 scores
- Pivot and dribble to goal, lay-up
- Straight to goal driven
- Pivot and dribble to goal, jump stop

- Everyone stands in a circle and start with 1 ball.
- The first player calls out the name of the person he/she wants to pass to and only when he/she looks does the player give a pass of their choice; collision, chest, overhead.
- If this goes well, you can differentiate to multiple balls.
Per 2 players facing each other.
Play ball across:
Play ball across:
- Chest pass.
- Right pass -step around push pass-.
- Left pass.
- Overhead pass.
Put a defender between the 2.
On wrong pass, passer becomes the defender.
Put a defender between the 2.
On wrong pass, passer becomes the defender.

- Everyone on baseline.
- 3 defenders.
- 1 at level of free throw line.
- 1 at mid-line.
- 1 at the free throw line.
- Defense stays on their line, may deviate a bit.
- Players dribble across.
- Whoever loses ball becomes defender.
- Group of defenders gets bigger and bigger.

- 3 groups: Top, down left, down right.
- Top passes to right, player already running to next spot.
- Important to pass in front of player
- 30 successful passes.

- 1 defender under each goal.
- 2 groups at the center line.
- 1 against 1 on each side of the field.
- Defense stays put when scoring.
- To score first 10 times.
- Right and left.

- 2 groups at center line level.
- 2 players look towards goal.
- Coach throws ball towards goal.
- 2 players fight for the ball and play 1 against 1.