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Basketball drills


  • dribble over and over again right hand
  • dribble over and left hand again
  • low dribble over and right again
  • low dribble over and to the left
  • high dribble over and right again
  • high dribble over and left again
  • protection dribble with a hand change every 2 or 3 dribbles (2 times over and over)
  • quick dribble over and over again with crossover at the free throw centre and free throw line.

  • 2 numbers a few meters apart
    • x number of chesst pass
    • x number of bounce passes
    • x number of overhead pass
    • x number of bounce pass out
    • x number of baseball pass
  • Add if necessary
    • Defender
    • pass from the dribble


  • Divide the players into 2 groups.
  • Set up a track on both sides of the court where the players have to dribble in between.
  • At the end of the course they can finish on goal.
  • Line up the kids in two lines,
  • encourage powerful passes,
  • Whoever gets 25 passes first sits on the ground.
    • Powerful passes, both chest and bounce.
  • Pairs run from baseline to baseline on the right side of the field,
  • meanwhile chest pass back and forth,
  • distance between them is approx. 3 metres.
  • Return on the left side, but then with bounce-pass.
  • Dribbling with two balls
    • including three progressions
    • and one regression
  • The player gets the ball thrown to you
  • Do a crossover and shoot the ball at the first position
  • Do the same at the second position
  • And so onshot-drill

Players gather on the right or left side of the center line.
The first two have a ball.
There are two catchers under the basket.
From the center line you dribble to the basket and make a lay-up.
The catcher catches the ball and passes it to the next player in line.
You do this until you have scored 15 times and then you change sides.

  • One person shoots free throws.
  • Two other players stand behind the one who shoots the free throws. (According to the rules of the game)
  • Once the ball is gone, the three players go for the rebound.
  • If the person who threw the free throw has the ball, he can take another free throw.
  • If he does not have the rebound, the three players are replaced by the next three.
  • The teacher selects 2 taggers.
  • They have to stay within their box (within the 4 pilons) and tap the basketballs away from the runners if they want to cross.
  • So the runners have to dribble to the other side without losing their basketball.
  • If a runner doesn't have the basketball with him, he is finished and automatically becomes a tagger.
  • A tip you can give to the runners is that they shield the ball with their body.
  • This means keeping your body between the ball and the opponent.
  • The runners are not allowed to cross again until everyone has tapped or reached the other side.
  • In the end, as the game progresses, you get more and more taps and fewer runners.
  • The last remaining runner is the winner.

drawing Trying to run across
  • 2 or 4 teams (1 or 2 fields)
  • Each team has 1 ball and is at the head of the bucket
  • Take turns shooting
  • If you score then you may go to the other basket to shoot a free throw
  • Is it touching, it is 1 point.
    • At 5 points the team has won
  • Possibly you can turn it into a conditioning training
  • When a shot is missed
  • There must then be run to the back line and back