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Basketball drills

  • A runs in and (runs or around his/her axis and passes the ball to B or gives a sliding flat to B).
  • B takes the ball open and gives a weighted push (a push that stops rolling) in the course of player C
  • C takes the ball and accelerates to the pilons line without stopping or slowing it down (hip just in front of the left foot is the easiest way to do this) C the ball in the course of Player D 
  • Player D runs through the ball and takes the ball strongly. He runs through one gives a backhand pass (FINGERS SPREAD) to E 
  • Player E takes the ball at once and gives a bouncing ball in the course of F that takes and scores!
  • Differentiation:
    • Player A must give a slide on B (let the ball slide off your stick)
    • Persist: you are chasing your ball
drawing Passing exercise with different passing forms
  • Purpose:
    • Reaction speed and 1 against 1 
  • Assignment:
    • Divide the players into pairs and give them one number per pair. 
    • When the trainer says a number, the players with that number sprint to the center as fast as possible, grab the basketball and dribble to basket for 1 to 1.
    • They get only 1 attempt to score. After their goal attempt, the ball goes back to the trainer. 
  • You can also call several numbers at once for 2 against 2, 3 against 3 etc.
  • 1 player represents 4 other players
  • 1 player passes the ball and passes it to the freeman
  • If the pass departs from the fixed pass, the other ball may leave for the fixed pass
drawing Warming up passing drill
  • 2 attackers on the wing position and 1 defender under the basket
  • The attacker with the ball gives a signal the defender chooses either the person with the ball or the other
  • If he chooses the person with the ball, the attacker passes the ball to the free person.
  • If he chooses the person without the ball, the striker with the ball will go straight to the goal
  • Finish with a layup or shot
drawing Deciding when to go for the basket


  • Basket insight into positional play, knowledge of feint movements


  • learn to move in attack and fill the free spot


  • 5 spots
  • 1 player / spot (U10 4 players, U12 5 players)
    • Position 1 passes to position 2, 
    • Feint and cut through towards the basket. 
    • Meanwhile position 3 takes the place of position 1 and position 5 takes the place of position 3. 
    • Cutting player takes place of position 5 (= spot released). 
    • Perform automatically 5 passes and then score via lay-up or jump-shot.

Teaching Points

  • Good chest/bounce pass, 
  • Quick cut with feint (angular), 
  • Open spot fill up, 
  • Get ball = in shooting position watch basket first before passing.

drawing Fill the spot
  • Requirements
    • Be able to dribble and stop in 1 time when receiving a pass
  • Aim
    • 1 time stop (jump stop), jump shot with attention to technique of the shot and finish against the board
  • Organisation
    • 1 passer in position 2, 
    • players dribble zigzag up to midline and then dribble to 1 position 
    • pass to 2
    • cutting inside until next to the ring, 
    • Receive the pass of 2
    • jump stop and finish with jumpshot.
      • Changing = finisher becomes passer, passer takes rebound and connects to baseline. Next player departs when predecessor has finished.
  • Teachingpoints
    • correct stop in 1 time, 
    • finish via shot from shooting-pocket to the board
drawing Jump shot, basic technique
  • The players between the cones guard their terrain. 
  • They must prevent the player with the ball from hitting their gate. 
  • The player with the ball tries to dribble through the gate. 
  • When he hits the other side, he may finish with a lay-up. 
  • After the player is on the other side, everyone moves on. 
drawing Make your move across the field and back
  • Full field. 
  • Divide the pilons over the square in 5 equal parts. 
  • Players all start on one line. 
  • Coach names the pilons from 1 to 5. 
  • Players stand or sit ready on 1 line and run on command to the line the coach appoints. 
  • This can be done on foot, with slides or dribble. 
  • On the designated line the player has to stand still, sit or lie down flat on the belly. 
  • When dribbling, the ball must be held in place. 
  • Attention should be paid to shielding the ball when standing still.
drawing Warm-up and active listening
  • All players shoot from multiple positions. 
  • Can be a game with players at other basket. 
  • For example: 10 points from each position. 
  • Scoring of the position under the board also using the board. 
  • Catch your own ball or give a good pass to the next in line. 
  • Make sure you are ready to score as a shooter. 
  • Use only 1 ball per basket
drawing Shot close to the basket

forward-3-options-quarter-field-back-door forward-3-options-quarter-field-back-door 


Players must be able to perform a layout from a bounce pass


Learn how to create forward scoring opportunities for yourself


4 players / quarter field, other players wait in center circle. Move over: offence becomes defence, defence goes out + new offence

The helpline is out: you can play with two groups of four on a basket and force the players not to use the space where the help is in the game.

(first perform the exercise several times without defense)

  • guard dribbles up from the center circle
  • at the same time, 2 makes a V-cut
  • if 2 gets free, pass and 1 v 1
  • if defender overshoots 4, then continue the V-cut to at least a meter
  • above the three-point line and sprint backwards for the backdoor pass 
  • and play 1 v 1
  • All score out of:
    • backdoor
    • 1 v 1 from the wing

Mtm offense

  • If you don't manage to pass to 2, 2 will sprint to the centre circle and get the pass of 1. 
  • The cycle then starts again from the front, but now with 1 at the forward position.

Teaching Points:

  • if you can see your defender's shoulder in the pass line at the V-cut, then there is overplay.
  • and you have to take the defender up to at least a metre above the three-point line towards the sideline
  • sprint at full speed as you go backdoor
  • the backdoor pass is mostly one-handed, from the dribble with a flat bounce
  • Two rows on the side at the height of the center line. 
  • Ball is on one side, attacker decides when he leaves and runs to the middle line, which he must cross all the way. 
  • The defender also departs but only has to touch the centre circle. 
  • Aim of the exercise is to come in front of the attacker as a defender. 
  • When a goal is made, 3 push-ups for the defender, a miss is 3 push-ups for the attacker.
drawing Recovery
  • Walk fast in pairs, from baseline to baseline on the right side of the field, 
  • meanwhile chest-pass back and forth, 
  • spacing approx. 3 meters. 
  • Return on the left, but with bounce pass
drawing Warming-up with passing