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Basketball drills

Per 2 players facing each other.

Play ball across:
  • Chest pass.
  • Right pass -step around push pass-.
  • Left pass.
  • Overhead pass.
Put a defender between the 2.
On wrong pass, passer becomes the defender.
drawing Partner fitting
  • Everyone on baseline.
  • 3 defenders.
    • 1 at level of free throw line.
    • 1 at mid-line.
    • 1 at the free throw line.
  • Defense stays on their line, may deviate a bit.
  1. Players dribble across.
  2. Whoever loses ball becomes defender.
  3. Group of defenders gets bigger and bigger.
drawing Bird on a wire
  • 3 groups: Top, down left, down right.
  • Top passes to right, player already running to next spot.
  • Important to pass in front of player
  • 30 successful passes.
drawing Passing triangle
  • 1 defender under each goal.
  • 2 groups at the center line.
  • 1 against 1 on each side of the field.
  • Defense stays put when scoring.
  • To score first 10 times.
  • Right and left.
drawing 1 vs. 1, full court
  • 2 groups at center line level.
  • 2 players look towards goal.
  • Coach throws ball towards goal.
  • 2 players fight for the ball and play 1 against 1.
drawing 1 vs. 1 on center line
  • 2-3 players catch the ball.
  • The other players line up around the 3 point line.
  • 2 balls.
  1. Players run regular layups.
  2. Coach stands under the basket and each time a player arrives, raises a specific number of fingers.
  3. The players must then get that number right.
  4. This teaches them not to look at the ball.
drawing Lay ups - looking away from ground
  • Warm-up exercise without ball - 5 minutes of +- 5 rounds.
  • 4 cones in a square in the room with one exercise performed along each side:
    • Sideways shuffling with the face turned to 1 particular side.
    • Swinging arms, per round this can be alternated forward/backward.
    • Side shuffling with the face turned to the same side as last time so that the other leg is now first.
    • Skipping, lifting knees, can be alternated per round with seat touching.
drawing Warming up - walking
  • You make 2 teams divided over 2 baskets.
  • Dribble around the post and pick a side.
  • Run a lay-up.
  • The first to reach the proposed number of scores wins.
  • The losing team must run to the back line and back. (start on the back line and run to the back line)
drawing 2-basket shooting race


drawing wave
  • 3 against 2 with passing every time. 
  • Help each other in defense when someone is free. 
  • The attackers learn to use a man advantage and to finish. 
  • Speed, precision, good passing and team play are necessary here.
drawing 3 v 2
  • Everyone takes a position on the field!
  • You are going to focus on:
    • Defending between the man and the basket.
    • Free running. ( in-out)
    • Always pass.
drawing Explaining defending and attacking
  • Everyone has a ball.
  • Everyone starts dribbling in a certain box. 
  • If your ball is tapped away, you have to fetch it and score on the other basket.
  • When you have scored, you may return to the box.
drawing Ticking away in a square