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Beachvolleyball drills

Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored. Each playing card shows a "color," clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds. Each color represents a fitness exercise.

Hearts: Push-ups, Spades: Squat, Clubs: Burpee, Diamonds: Lunges.

Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise, they do this the number the card indicates. For example, Hearts 4 = 4 push-ups. Then they may continue shooting again. Group with the most cards, has won.

  • You form 2 teams of both the same number of people
  • Each team has its own box
  • On the back line of that section both teams have high cones upside down
  • The trick is for the other team to knock over the pawns
  • You can win with your team by fending off and defending the pawns
  • 2 groups
  • everyone a ball
  • race against each other dribbling to the other side there are cards
  • if you find 2 of the same cards you must turn them over
  • Otherwise turn them over again
  • in order to find all pairs the fastest
Targeting the mat

One player stands on each mat.
First serve straight,
Then serve diagonally,
Then serve short.
Whoever has had all the mats first takes over a spot from someone on the mat or you switch after an agreed time.

Which team brings in most gold pieces/ pits?
  • 1 bank & one-against-all
  • 2-4 gangs of thieves
  • 1-2 guards.
Game consists of 4 rounds of play:

Game Round 1:
  • Thief - attacker: per post only 1 active & 1 gold piece at a time try to steal from bank.
  • Collect in own vault -hoop-.
  • Guard - defender- may only defend outside the bank.
  • If the thief is caught so tapped, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.
  • Which team was able to steal most gold pieces?
Game Round 2:
  • Divide gold pieces equally among the thieves.
  • Thieves: safely move your gold pieces 1-for-1 to other safe -from one hoop to another.
  • Thief -attacker: walk around your cone without the guard catching you.
  • Agent -defender: in this case may only defend inside the bank.
  • If the thief is caught -attacked, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.
  • Which team was able to transfer most gold pieces safely?

Game Round 3:
  • Thieves: for x time, steal as many gold pieces as possible from other safe.
  • Thief -attacker: mandatory back & forth through bank = watch for guard inside bank.
  • Guard may only defend inside bank.
  • If the thief is caught so tapped, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.

Game round 4:
Same as game round 3, but with double guard 1 guard outside & 1 guard inside the bank.

Which team will have the most gold pieces in their possession after 4 rounds of play?

explanation shoot out
own goalkeeper in far corner (preferably)
player throws on with 1 foot on transition sideline goal line (may choose side!)
goalkeeper runs outside! (line of sight!)
player runs in and catches the ball at least 3 passes from the line, then finishes with pirouette or 1 point
watch out for outrunning goalkeeper/blocker!
note: 5 players chosen for shoot-out may not goalkeeper or block!
  • Make 2 teams.
  • Each team stands ready on one side of the field on the back line.
  • Put as many balls as players on both the 3-meter lines.
  • When the trainer/trainer calls GO!, everyone starts rolling the balls to the other side.
  • Whoever has the fewest balls in their field after 3 minutes has won.
  • At trainer's signal, both players start sprinting.
  • Blue must run around first pawn and Red runs straight through to tap Blue.
  • Red becomes Blue and flips over.
  • Players stand in a circle with a ball each
  • In the middle lies a ball. (large ball)
  • Try to hit the ball.
  • You may keep the ball in the circle using your feet


  • Jump where you stand:
    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Focus on a point on the floor and hop up and down where you are standing.
  • Side Jump:
    • Stand up straight, keeping your hands in front of you, and jump from side to side.
  • Butt Kicks:
    • Stand up straight, and keep running standing in place while shooting your heel up touching your buttocks with each step.
  • High Stepping:
    • Raise the leg with the knee at a 90-degree angle.
    • Alternate quickly with the other leg.
  • Standing bike crunches:
    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Bring your knee to your opposite elbow.
    • Return to starting position and repeat with the other side (abdomen/legs).
  • Sumo squat:
    • Stand with feet 6-12 inches apart.
    • Extend arms in front of you.
    • Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
    • Return to starting position and repeat (legs / buttocks)
  • Jumping rope without a rope:
    • Hold your arms at your side as if you were holding the end of a jump rope in each hand.
    • Jump up and come down on the ball of each foot, alternating between twisting your wrists as if you were spinning a rope.
  • Jumpingrope without a rope:
    • Keeping your arms at your sides, pretend you are holding the end of a jump rope in each hand.
    • Jump up with 2 feet, while simultaneously twisting your wrists as if you were twirling a rope.
  • Arm Swings clockwise:
    • Stand on the floor with your arms extended straight out to the sides at shoulder height.
    • Move your arms rapidly in a clockwise motion in large circles (arms)
  • Arm Swings counterclockwise:
    • Stand on the floor with arms extended straight out to the side at shoulder height.
    • Move your arms quickly in large counterclockwise circles (arms)
  • Toy soldiers:
    • Start with feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your legs and arms extended.
    • Kick your left leg up until your right hand touches your toes.
    • Repeat with the other side (stomach/legs/arm/shoulder).


Organization: 6 players per court

  • 2 on each side of the net, at position 1
  • Storage to position 5 or 6, build-up and pass the ball to the server
  • The server defends to position 6,
    • This player executes the first contact
    • and the previous attacker sets the ball to position 2
    • the defence player
  • As long as there are 2 balls, keep going, when one is dropped, go for the point.

Variant: the defender is short or deep, short ball is pokey, deep ball is technical ball.

drawing Beach: short + deep placement + build up of defense

Each player has his own ball.

  1. The players will play the ball overhead for themselves.
    • coach says what they have to do
    • play forearms
    • Get down on your knees
    • Make a circle on your knees
    • Lie down and get up again
  2. With every exercise, you keep on playing