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Beachvolleyball drills

  • The group stands on one side behind these hoops.
  • When told to do so, the children steal objects from the other side and place them in the hoops on their own side.
  • If they are caught by a ticker, they have to put the object back.
  • The group is lined up in the four corners of the field.
  • A ticker with a party ribbon
  • At a signal they cross the field in three directions:
  • the short side, the long side or diagonally.
  • On their return, they score one, two or three points respectively.
  • A ticker operates in the room and forces the ticked children to go back to his corner before he can cross again.
  • How many points can you get in an agreed time?
  • The first player serves the ball to a certain area in the field.
  • The other players must serve to the same area.
  • Whoever does not hit the target area gets a letter.
  • The first player to collect all the letters of the pre-conceived word has lost the game.


  • As long as the ball is within the target area, any type of service will do.
  • Increase the distance of the service.
  • Start at 5 metres and execute.
  • Repeat at 6 metres and so on.
  • Especially with younger players.
  • If the first player hits the target area with a jump service, the following players must also hit the area with a jump service
  • 1 Coach and 3 players are ready.
  • The coach serves the ball over the net.
  • A player passes, a player sets, a player catches.
  • After the completion they turn one spot.
  • A variable is to focus on pass and/or set and/or attack.
  • The more tasks the players are given, the harder the challenge becomes.
  • The simplification of these exercises can be found in having the players perform 'only' one task.



  • Throwing the ball in instead of serving.
  • Serve from different positions.
  • Making serving more difficult.
  • Passer and setter run in from different sides.
  • Set the ball in a basket.


  • The goal is to separate the elements and deliver quality.
  • Pass the ball to the desired position.
  • Then getting into an attacking position, and executing the hitting technique.
  • Hereby preparation for the jump and reach is essential.


  • Two sides of the net are used.
  • Player 1 stands at one side of the net, throws up the ball and hits it to player 2, who stands in a service-pass position.
  • It is important to use the right technique when hitting the ball.
  • Player 2 passes the ball to the trainer.
  • Pay attention to the passing to the desired set position.
  • The trainer catches the ball and throws it immediately in a perfect setup (start with a 1m set which contains a peak).
  • Player 2 gets into position for the attack, and attacks in a specific area (use pawns as targets).
  • After the attack, the player advances to the serving position.
  • After player 1 hits the ball he joins behind the line of passers/attackers.



  • Initially the direction of attack is "only" right or left.
  • As the exercise progresses, the goal can be made smaller and more accurate.
  • The ball can also be thrown in instead of hit by player 1.
  • Give player 1 a more specific assignment.
  • Use the distributor instead of the trainer who catches and throws the ball.
  • Make attack zones smaller to increase the precision needed.
  • Build up the attack from the service and attack with a defense.
  • 1 server, 1 passer, 1 playmaker, 1 finisher.
  • Between the passer and the setter an inverted triangle can be visualized.
  • The top of the triangle lies near the passer, the bottom against the net.
  • Start the exercise with an easier serve.
  • The pass should be sent to the corner of the triangle, which is the most middle of the court.
  • The setter sets the ball to the other end.
  • The distance between them is max 2 meters.
  • To work more accurately a standing basket can be used.
  • Continuation: Instead of a basket the coach plays the ball back to the passer, repeats and catches / plays out if necessary.
  • With 3 players use 1 passer and 2 setters; coach serves.
  • With 5 players you let 2 playmakers alternate.
  • With 6 players divide the game in two groups and use both sides of the court.

  • Work on the correct technique - turning in towards the post, before the set is given, helps with the execution.
  • The set should be given in a dynamic movement in the attacker's shoulder line.
  • The most common is to work with a standing leg (front leg) in a small lunge position with the legs initiating the set up.



  • The service of the 1st ball can be very easy so that the passer can deliver a good pass every time.
  • Increase the pass rush by making the service more difficult.
  • Have the setter start from a deeper point in the court.
  • Have the setter start from block position.
  • Vary set goals; increase the distance to the goal or decrease the goal, shift the goal per set.
  • Try to get 5 perfect passes and setups in a row.
  • Involve the partner in the exercise by giving feedback, or by having the ball attacked without a jump.
  • Serve the ball with a different target each time:
    • Target 1: A precise area where you want to serve the ball (e.g., put the hoop there)
    • Target 2: A wide area where you want to serve the ball
    • Goal 3: A limited internal target, e.g. the feel of the ball in your fingers
    • Goal 4: A wide internal target, e.g. watching the ball in your hands



  • Creating a smaller target
  • Serving from different positions
  • Build an attack on one side;
  • The blocker stands in front of the attacker, pretends to jump and steps back;
  • The attacker plays a short ball over the blocker; the blocker defends the ball and the rally continues or the ball is scored.
  • When the attacker gets in the middle, you can train both ways.
  • The same when the attacker plays short diagonally
  • The blocker makes a step into the diagonal, pretends to jump and then runs to defend the diagonal ball.



  • The first ball must be played short.
  • Then play against each other for the point.

  • Apply it in a situation where the attacker has no restrictions.
  • Trainer (or one of the players) throws in the first ball from a table.
  • The attacker may try to score the ball in the area just behind the net.
  • Along the line or diagonally. With a defender added the