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Beachvolleyball drills

Goal is to put 3 in a row.
  • Make 2 teams
  • From each team, 1 player runs with a colored hat and places it in a hoop
  • When the first player returns the 2nd player of the team starts, then the 3rd.
  • When there is 1 hat of each color the 4th player may move a colored hat to get 3 in a row.

  • Two players run against each other.
  • Run through the pawns to the net.
  • Then sprint to the back line.
  • Whoever touches the back line first wins.
  • Player 1 hits controlled, easy, smash to fellow player.
  • Co-player passes the ball up the court.
  • Fellow player does a setup for himself.
  • Fellow player hits back again.
  • Pairs play the ball over with focus on technique.
  • First overhead.
  • Then underhand.
  • Then alternate.
  • Focus on height to gain time.
  • Two against two
  • Trainer brings in ball
  • Teams play rally against each other
  • The one who loses goes out
  • Substitutes come in
drawing Game: Whoever wins stays put
  • Take a lap around the field. On the long sides jog, on the short sides walk.
  • Stand upright, feet hip-width apart. Make 20 squats at slow pace.
  • Stand upright, feet hip-width apart. Make 20 jump squats. Begin with arms extended above your head. To add extra power to the jump; Drop your arms along your body while bending your knees. Swing the arms through to the back and jump while moving your arms back forward and up. Keep your back straight, hips back, feet flat on the ground.
  • Do lunges in three positions per leg. Basic position; stand upright with your feet slightly apart.
    • Put your right leg straight ahead and bend the knee 90 degrees. Your left knee as close to the ground as possible; come up.
    • Put your right leg, with the foot turned slightly forward to the right side. Bend your left knee. Return to base position.
    • Put your right leg back, bend your left knee. Return to base position.
    • Put your left leg straight ahead and bend the knee 90 degrees. Your right knee as close to the ground as possible; come up.
    • Put your left leg, with the foot turned slightly forward to the left side. Bend your right knee. Return to base position.
    • Put your left leg back, bend your right knee. Return to base position.
  • Make a lap along the field. On the long sides jog. On the short sides sprint.
Two teams of maximum 4 people, 1 ball.
On both sides 2 people in the court, other people behind the back line.

score in 1x in the other court (inside the lines).

Start with simple underhand service
We play underhand tennis, so in 1x over the net.
Difficult ball may bounce 1x, but then the ball must be returned with : 1 hand, a foot, or the head.

Mistake made => out of the court, to the back line, new player takes over.

Sprint around the pawns, always via the middle pawn.

there is 1 ticker and the rest have to try to grab the stretcher and eventually the tennis ball along 2 sides of the square if the ticker ticks you you have to put the stretcher back and try again
- you can also make it increasingly difficult or easier
e.g.: the one who is tapped out of game or make bigger square
1) the player jumps over the fence and then jumps from where she stands with 1 leg into the hoop and back for the next fence
so on until the end
2) you jump sideways over the fence and then jump with 1 leg into the 2 hoops, are you at the outer hoop you jump over the hoop back next to the fence.
3) you jump over one fence sideways and back with 1 big step you jump to the other fence and jump back over it and back and then sprint to the little pawn.
then over the ladder.
Warm up exercise in relay form

  • Divide the players into groups of 2 or 3 players and place them on the left side of the field.
  • Give each player a tennis ball.
  • At the start sign, the 1st player of each group starts running to the other, right, side with a ball.
  • Once there, they put the ball outside the line and run back as fast as they can so that player 2 of their group can start running with his/her ball.
  • When all the balls are on the right side and the last player has returned to his/her group, it is over.
  • The first one back to his/her group wins.
Shooting game where they get to take a card when they have scored. Each playing card shows a "color," clubs, spades, hearts or diamonds. Each color represents a fitness exercise.

Hearts: Push-ups, Spades: Squat, Clubs: Burpee, Diamonds: Lunges.

Once they have picked a card, they must first perform the corresponding exercise, they do this the number the card indicates. For example, Hearts 4 = 4 push-ups. Then they may continue shooting again. Group with the most cards, has won.