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Gym class drills

  • Divide the group into two teams.
  • From both teams 2 children stand on the mats belonging to their team.
  • Also 2 children per team stand in front of the cupboard, these are the goalkeepers.
  • The children who stay over, go to the throwing square (see drawing).
  • When the balls come into play, the intention is that the children from the throwing box throw the balls against the cupboard.


  • The players at the back (in the throwing square) try to hit one of the two cabinets.
  • If a cupboard is hit, the team of the cupboard that is hit, will continue to play (see drawing).
  • The players on the mats try to throw the goalkeeper off.
  • The goalkeeper can fend off with his hands
  • If the goalie is thrown by someone on the mats, the game continues to progress.
  • Back players and mat players may play together


  • The 4 throwers try to throw the runners off.
  • The runners try to prevent this from happening.


  • The throwers are not allowed to run with the ball The runners are not allowed to block
  • If you are the runner and you are thrown off, you will be in prison (square) There are 2 ways to get out of prison:
  • 1. 1. A runner catches the ball or picks it up from the ground, he plays you in jail and you play another runner outside the jail
  • 2. You play the ball back to the runner you got it from (all prisoners free)
  • The runners may be tagged outside the prison when they pick up or catch a ball


  • Two children are the catchers (lobsters), the rest of the children are the runners.
  • The taggers are going to try to tag all the runners on their hands and feet (belly up) at the start signal.
  • When a runner is tagged, he also becomes a lobster and helps with the tag.
  • When all tokens are caught, the game is over and the taggers choose two new taggers.


  • One child is the ticker (giant) who sits in his house, the rest of the children are the gnomes and sit in a circle (with a small opening).
  • The giant comes out of his house and rings the doorbell of the gnomes and says "gnomes are you coming to play?" gnomes shout "NO!" The giant goes back home and goes to sleep.
  • One of the gnomes designated by the teacher walks to the giant's house and rings the bell: "giant are you coming out to play?" the giant sleeps on.
  • The gnome taps the nose of the giant.
  • The giant wakes up and yells "YES" and runs after the gnome.
  • The gnome goes back to his spot through the opening of the circle before he is tapped by the giant.
  • The teacher chooses a new giant.


  • One child is the catcher (policeman), the rest of the children are the runners (villains).
  • The catcher will try to catch all the runners at the start signal.
  • When a token is caught, the policeman shakes his hand and takes him to jail.
  • When all tokens are in prison, the game is over and the scout chooses a new scout.


  • In crooks city the crooks have escaped.
  • The ticker (the policeman) gets a ribbon and tries to tick off the tokens (the crooks) as fast as possible.
  • The crooks try to stay free by running away.
  • When all the hoops (cells) are full, the game is over.
  • Then the agent chooses a new agent.
  • The agent gives the ribbon to the new agent and all the villains are free again.


  • Divide the group into four small groups of at least 3 children.
  • Each group stands at a hoop with 4 different attributes in it.
  • They agree together which attribute they will collect and who goes where.
  • At the starting signal, the group runs apart to another hoop of the other teams and get their attribute that they had agreed.
  • They may only pick up 1 attribute and bring it to their own hoop, after that they may go and get another one.
  • Nobody can stop them or tap them.
  • All other teams try the same.
  • The team that has the first quartet has won.
  • They put the quartet out of the hoop and sit down.
  • The other teams can continue playing for the 2nd , 3rd and 4th spots.
  • At the end of the game you let the teams divide the attributes well again, so that there can be played again.
