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Gym class drills

  • Go, walk, skip, hop: normal, slow, fast, with small movements, with big steps, etc.
  • Make sure all students are free; give as a basic command: go in such a way that you don't touch anyone else.
  • Give a sound accompaniment by e.g. clapping of hands, tambourine,...
  • Change the rhythm to slow, normal, fast.
  • Do the same with walking, hopping, skipping.
  • The teacher makes a square of benches in the middle of the playing field and puts all the balls in it.
  • The teacher chooses two students who will stand in the square.
  • The other students are spread over the playing field.
  • The assignment is simple.
  • The throwers must throw all balls out of the square, the bringers must throw all balls back into the square.
  • Each round takes 2 to 5 minutes. This is for the teacher to decide.
  • If at the final signal there are more balls in the square than in the field the bringers win.
  • If there are more balls in the field than in the square then the throwers win.
  • The teacher will make sure everyone has a place on the parachute (most parachutes have loops on the outside to hold it).
  • Before you start it is important that the parachute is tight.
  • So have some of the students walk backwards until everyone is in the right position.
  • It is easiest if the teacher gives the rhythm, later you can let the children do it themselves.
  • The teacher chooses two students who have to lay down on the ground under the parachute.
  • The remaining students raise and lower the parachute simultaneously.
  • Every time the parachute goes from high to low, the two students on the ground get a gust of wind and an imprint is left on the parachute when it hits the ground.
  • The children always love this!
  • After a few times you can change the students.
  • The teacher will make sure everyone has a place on the parachute (most parachutes have loops on the outside to hold it).
  • Before you start it is important that the parachute is tight.
  • So have some of the students walk backwards until everyone is in the right position.
  • It is easiest if the teacher gives the rhythm, later you can let the children do it themselves.
  • The parachute goes up and down 5 times.
  • At the 6th time up everyone dives in under the parachute and holds it on the ground.
  • If everyone does this simultaneously, a tent will be formed.
  • After a few seconds the teacher gives a signal and everyone gets out of the tent and starts all over again.

  • The teacher will make sure everyone has a place on the parachute (most parachutes have loops on the outside to hold it).
  • Before you start it is important that the parachute is tight.
  • So have some of the students walk backwards until everyone is in the right position.
  • It is easiest if the teacher gives the rhythm, later you can let the children do it themselves.
  • The teacher chooses two students who have to swap places when the parachute goes up.
  • The parachute goes up and down 3 times.
  • At the 4th time the parachute goes up, the two students who were chosen, swap places.
  • When they have taken their new place the teacher chooses two new students and it starts all over again.
  • The teacher will make sure everyone has a place on the parachute (most parachutes have loops on the outside to hold it).
  • Before you start it is important that the parachute is tight.
  • So have some of the students walk backwards until everyone is in the right position.
  • The teacher puts a ball on the parachute.
  • The students have to work together to get the ball through the hole in the middle of the parachute.
  • Put the benches on 2 cabinet heads to create a slope.
  • If this material is not available, an elevation can also be built with other material.
  • The pupils have to roll the ball into a basket via the bench.
  • This means that the ball has to be rolled downwards.
  • Put different balls down so the pupils can experiment with this.
  • After all, every ball rolls differently.

Place the box (without the top) on at least 6 blocks or 2 benches so that the balls fall out at the bottom. This way the students can easily grab the balls. Place different balls in the cupboard so students can experiment with them. After all, every ball rolls differently.
The pupils have to roll the ball into the cupboard via the bench. This means that the ball has to be rolled upwards.

  • Use pawns (or other materials) to mark out two lanes and place two hoops against the wall.
  • Make sure there is a maximum of 5 pupils on 1 lane, if necessary set out more lanes.
  • Place a basket at the starting point to collect all the balls.
  • Place different balls in the basket so the pupils can experiment with them.
  • After all, every ball rolls differently.
  • The pupils have to roll the ball in the hoop.
  • This means that the ball is lying still in the hoop.
  • The overview picture shows where they have to start.
  • The teacher makes a square of benches in the middle of the playing field and puts all the balls in it.
  • The teacher chooses two students who will stand in the square.
  • The other students are spread over the playing field.
  • The assignment is simple.
  • The throwers must throw all balls out of the square, the bringers must throw all balls back into the square.
  • Each round takes 2 to 5 minutes.
  • This is for the teacher to decide.
  • If at the final signal there are more balls in the square than in the field the bringers win.
  • If there are more balls in the field than in the square then the throwers win.
  • The farmer is a ticker and a cow is a runner.
  • The game starts, the first farmer gets off the bench and hits a mat or drum and shouts I AM THE BOER!!!
  • Now all the cows know who the ticker is.
  • The object of the game is for the farmer to catch a cow.
  • The farmer does this by ticking off a cow.
  • Did the farmer tap a cow?
  • Then the farmer also becomes a cow and the one who has been tapped must sit on the bench.
  • So there is a new ticker every time.
  • On the bench is a pass-through system.
  • This means that the pupil who sits on the bench the longest, may return to the field when someone is finished.
  • The other students are given a ribbon, which they must tuck into their pants to create a tail.
  • The tail has to be long, so the ribbon has to stick out of the pants a lot.
  • The game starts, the cats have to catch all the mice.
  • They do this by pulling the ribbon (tail) of a mouse out of their pants.
  • All ribbons (tails) which the cats have caught are put in the basket so nobody can slip over a ribbon.
  • If your ribbon (tail) is taken, you become a cat and you have to catch other mice.
  • Gradually there will be more and more cats.
  • When all mice have been caught the game starts again.