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Gym class drills

  • The ticker has a handicap at a spot chosen by the teacher.
  • This means that the ticker keeps his/her hand on the chosen spot.
  • If the ticker touches another student, he/she becomes the new ticker.
  • The new ticker has a handicap on the spot where it was ticked.
  • For example, if the student is ticked on the arm, then the student keeps his / her hand on the arm.
  • If someone else succeeds in ticking, the ticker is relieved of his handicap.
  • The teacher selects 2 lions (tappers).
  • The lions are only allowed to tap in their cage.
  • This is the area between the benches or between the benches and the wall.
  • All the tokens may take a steak (piping bag) from the butcher's basket.
  • The aim of the game is that the tokens pass all 2 lions without being tapped and then put the steak in the BBQ basket.
  • If you are tapped by one of the 2 lions then you must put the steak in the lion's den.
  • Then you can get a new steak at the butcher and try again.
  • If all the steaks are gone, the game ends.
  • All steaks are counted and the one with the most steaks wins.
  • That's either the lions or the runners.
  • You can only win as a group, so it is important that the group of runners work together well.
  • The game starts with 2 hoops, each with 2 catchers attached to it.
  • If you are tagged, you also grab the hoop and you are also a ticker.
  • When there are 4 tickers per hoop, the rule is 4 is too much, which means that 2 of the four will get a new hoop from the teacher.
  • When everyone is tagged, the students bring the hoops back and a new round begins.
  • The aim of the game is for the tappers to find out who the saviors are.
  • To redeem someone, a redeemer has to give 3 high-fives to someone who is tapped.
  • When the tappers see this they know who the saviours are so this has to be done secretly.
  • The teacher chooses two tappers.
  • The taggers stand in the hallway and the teacher chooses two secret saviors from the group.
  • The teacher gets the catchers from the corridor and the tag game starts.
  • The taggers try to tag everyone.
  • If you are tapped you must stand still on the spot where you were tapped.
  • If you get 3 high fives you are free again.
  • When the teacher gives the stop signal, everyone sits on the yellow line except the taggers who stand in front of the teacher.
  • The taggers each get 3 attempts to guess the saviors.
  • If the saviours are guessed, the taggers win.
  • If the saviors are not guessed, the saviors win.
  • The teacher chooses 2 tickers.
  • The tickers are only allowed to tap in the ticking area (area between the 2 white lines).
  • All runners start in the same starting area (behind the black line).
  • The aim of the game is that the runners get past the tappers without being tapped.
  • The game is played in rounds.
  • That means that you wait until everyone is on the other side or has been tagged before you run again.
  • Is a runner tagged by one of the taggers?
  • Then the runner has to stand in the box and grab the hand of another runner who is also tagged.
  • As the game progresses, a wall will be formed on both sides.
  • The runners are not allowed to go through the wall.
  • In other words, it becomes more and more difficult for the tokens to get to the other side.
  • If everyone is caught the game stops.
  • The students form pairs and each select their own mat.
  • The pairs stand opposite each other on the mat.
  • You may only stand with the front foot on the edge of the mat and the heel must be off the ground.
  • You place your flat hands against each other and the game begins.
  • The goal of the game is to unbalance your opponent so that he/she has to take a step.
  • If this happens, you have won.
  • You may unbalance someone by pushing or holding while the other pushes.
  • Have the students switch opponents every 2 or 3 minutes to keep the tension up.
  • The students form pairs and each select a mat of their own.
  • The pairs sit opposite each other.
  • The attacker on hands and knees, the defender on elbows and knees.
  • There are 2 roles:
  • Attacker: Must try to catch the ball.
  • Defender: Must defend the ball.
  • The game begins and the attacker will try to grab the ball.
  • Succeeds this? Then the attacker wins.
  • If not within 60 seconds? Then the defender wins.
  • Let the students switch opponents every 2 to 3 minutes to keep the tension in the game.
  • The students form pairs and each pair takes two badminton rackets and a shuttle from the basket.
  • Then one of the teams stands on the line of the pawns and his/her buddy stands opposite.
  • This creates a sort of street through which you can walk.
  • This is for safety reasons.
  • The assignment is that the students have to pass the shuttle to each other 10 times without touching the ground.
  • If you manage to do this quickly you can have a game of who can skip the most shuttles within 5 minutes.
  • All students take a badminton racket and a shuttle from the basket.
  • Then they all choose a spot in the hall where they will practice.
  • The assignment is that the students have to hold the shuttle up 10 times without it touching the ground.
  • If they manage to do this quickly you can have a competition to see who can hold up the shuttle the most within 5 minutes.
  • The teacher places 2 pawns.
  • See map for precision location, keeping the basketball lines.
  • The teacher divides the students into two teams and each team will stand behind a pawn.
  • The teams must shoot the ball from the pawn into the basket.
  • When a student has shot, he/she collects the ball, gives/passes the ball to the next in line and joins the back of the line again.
  • Every ball that goes into the basket is a point.
  • The team that scores 5 points first wins.
  • The teacher divides the room into two squares by placing benches on the centerline of the room.
  • Then the teacher makes 2 squares with pawns to catch up the right of attack.
  • During this game the rulebook is used. See module basketball for this guide.
  • The teacher divides the students into teams of 3, possibly with a substitute.
  • See the tables at the bottom of the lesson preparation for the game schedules.
  • The intention is that the team that has the ball (on the map team 2 & 3) try to score.
  • To be able to score, the team must first get the right of attack.
  • They get this right of attack when they arrive with the ball in the area of the pawns.
  • From now on the team may score.
  • They do this by shooting the ball into the basket.
  • The other team must try to take the ball away from them.
  • When this happens, the teams swap roles and the new team with the ball has to get the right of attack and try to score.
  • The teacher chooses 2 tickers.
  • They have to stay inside their box (inside the 4 pawns) and knock the basketballs away from the runners when they want to cross.
  • The runners have to dribble to the other side without losing their basketball.
  • If a runner doesn't have his basketball with him, he's out and he automatically becomes a ticker.
  • A tip that you can give to the runners is that they should shield the ball with their body.
  • This means staying between the ball and the opponent.
  • The pupils may only cross again when everyone has been tagged or has reached the other side.
  • In the end, as the game progresses, you get more and more tickers and less and less runners.
  • The last remaining runner is the winner.