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Gym class drills

  • The main objective of the game is to defend your own cubes while trying to throw your opponent's cubes off the pawn.
  • The teacher chooses 6 field players.
  • The field players then choose 2 pawns to defend.
  • The rest of the students sit on the bench or stand at the side of the field.
  • The field players are divided into 2 teams of 3.
  • Is a cube thrown off a pawn?
  • Then the person whose cube it was must sit on the bench.
  • On the bench there is a pass-through system.
  • This means that the pupil who was finished at the end of the row has to sit on the bench and the one who was sitting on the bench the longest can enter the field.
  • He/she takes over the pawns of the person who was finished.
  • The teacher chooses a referee.
  • The referee must throw the foam ball to all the runners.
  • When a runner is finished, he has to stand in the box behind the bench.
  • A runner can get free by throwing the korfball over with a runner who is not yet finished.
  • If the ball is thrown back and forth without touching the ground, the runner is free again.
  • When all tokens are gone, the referee wins and a new referee comes in.
  • If after 3 or 4 minutes not all tokens are thrown, there will be a new token.
  • The students all take a cube and pick a spot in the room.
  • You can only place your cube somewhere within the (usually yellow) volleyball field lines.
  • This way there is enough space between the cubes and the wall to play football.
  • The object of the game is to knock down someone's cube while defending your own.
  • Do you knock over someone's block?
  • Then you can take 1 goat from him/her and place it on your block.
  • If you play this game correctly, you will get a tower and the winner will be the person who has the highest tower.
  • If a high tower is knocked down, only 1 block may be taken from it, not all of them.
  • When your last cube is knocked down, you may take a new one from the chest and rejoin the game.
  • The students form pairs.
  • The teacher chooses four pairs who go first into the field and each choose one of the four benches (goals).
  • The teacher throws 1 football into the field and the game begins.
  • The goal of the game is to shoot another team out of the field while defending your own bench (goal).
  • You can shoot another team out of the field by hitting their bench on the seating area (the bottom of the bench such as the legs do not count).
  • If your bench is hit you have to leave the field and sit on the side.
  • Then another team that was already sitting on the side takes over the bench (goal).
  • On the side, a pass-through system applies.
  • This means that the team that sat on the sidelines the longest can get back into the field when a team is out of the field.
  • Play this game on 1/3 or half the room.
  • The teacher chooses 2 runners who get a ribbon.
  • The taggers must try to throw the runners off with the foam ball.
  • They are not allowed to walk with the ball.
  • The runners are allowed to hide behind the cupboards for the taggers.
  • When a token is thrown, he/she has to put a pawn on his/her side.
  • He/she continues to participate in the game.
  • When a runner throws the basketball from the hoop into the basket, all pawns are put back upright and the tickers have to start all over again.
  • When all pawns are knocked down, the taggers have won and 2 new taggers are chosen.
  • If after 5 minutes of play the pawns are still not knocked down, the tokens win and 2 new taggers are chosen.
  • The teacher chooses 2 tickers.
  • All runners take a hoop, put it somewhere in the hall and then stand in it.
  • When a runner stands in a hoop, he/she is free and cannot be tagged.
  • When the teacher blows his/her whistle, all runners must change their hoops.
  • The taggers have to try to tag as many runners as possible during this change.
  • When a token is finished, he/she has to sit on the bench and is released when the game is over.
  • The last remaining runner is the winner.
  • Between each round, the teacher must pick up the hoops from the tokens that have been knocked off.
  • The teacher chooses one runner.
  • The runners have one ball.
  • The scapegoat will try to catch all the runners.
  • But the runner who has the ball is free and may not be tagged.
  • So the runners have to play the ball to the runner who is about to be tagged.
  • By being 'social' they prevent children from being tagged.
  • When a runner is tagged, he/she has to sit on the bench.
  • The runner who remains last wins.
  • The teacher selects 2 lions (tappers).
  • The lions are only allowed to tap in their cage.
  • This is the area between the benches or between the benches and the wall.
  • All the tokens may take a steak (piping bag) from the butcher's basket.
  • The aim of the game is that the tokens pass all 2 lions without being tapped and then put the steak in the BBQ basket.
  • If you are tapped by one of the 2 lions then you must put the steak in the lion's den.
  • Then you can get a new steak at the butcher and try again.
  • If all the steaks are gone, the game ends.
  • All steaks are counted and the one with the most steaks wins.
  • That's either the lions or the runners.
  • You can only win as a group, so it is important that the group of runners work together well.
  • The teacher chooses four tickers.
  • The game starts with two hoops, each with two catchers attached to it.
  • If you are tagged, you also grab the hoop and you are also a ticker.
  • With 4 tickers per hoop the rule is 4 is too many, which means that 2 of the four will get a new hoop from the teacher.
  • When everyone is ticked, the students bring the hoops back and a new round begins.
  • Use 2 hoops on top of each other per squid, otherwise the hoops will be broken during the game.
  • The teacher chooses two cats.
  • The other students receive a ribbon, which they must tuck into their pants so they get a tail.
  • The tail must be long, so the ribbon must stick out of the trousers.
  • The game starts, the cats have to catch all the mice.
  • They do this by pulling the ribbon (tail) of a mouse out of their pants.
  • All ribbons (tails) which the cats have caught are put in the basket so nobody can slip over a ribbon.
  • If your ribbon (tail) is taken, you become a cat and you have to catch other mice.
  • Gradually there will be more and more cats.
  • When all mice have been caught the game starts again.
  • Three balls are thrown into the playing field.
  • Then all students may throw each other.
  • The teacher makes 2 teams.
  • The aim of the game is to throw all players of the other team.
  • If you succeed, your team has won.
  • You are not allowed to run with the ball and only stay on your own field.
  • But there is one exception, the mat!
  • You can use the mat to run with the ball into the opponent's box.
  • However, you must remain on the mat.
  • If you accidentally step on the wrong side of the mat and land on your opponent's floor, you're out.
  • The game begins.
  • The teacher throws 3 balls into the game.
  • The teams will try to knock each other off.
  • If you're thrown off you have to sit on the bench.
  • If team 1 throws the ball in the basket which is on the field of team 2 then the whole team on the bench is free again.