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Gym class drills

  • Place 2 cabinets against a wall.
  • Have the students form two rows, each next to a cabinet.
  • At one of the cabinets the teacher will give assistance and at the other one the students can try it themselves.
  • The students can choose which one they want and can also switch during the lesson.
  • At both cabinets help is given.
  • Right-handed students stand at the left side of the cabinet and left-handed at the right side.
  • Then the student with his / her hand on the edge at the front in the middle of the cabinet.
  • The thumb points to the other side of the box.
  • The student turns away and tries to get as far as possible on the cupboard.
  • The further you get, the better.
  • The goal is to turn around and land on the mat again while supporting yourself with your hand/arm.
  • The students can use their hands and feet to move to the other side of the box.
  • Make sure the box is not too high and adjust the height if necessary.
  • The students walk up via the bench and then they can choose whether they walk all the way to the climbing frame and get into the frame or whether they jump from the bench into the climbing frame.
  • Finally, the students can make a run and jump from the bench into the climbing frame at high speed.
  • To get out of the climbing frame, the students let themselves fall out of the frame and make a half turn while falling.
  • They land on their feet with their backs to the frame.
  • Place 1 reuther board (springboard) about half a step/1 step in front of the cabinet.
  • Students make a line at the pawn.
  • Level 1:
  • Students should take a run-up from the cone and jump onto the cabinet via the reuther board (springboard). In doing so, they land standing on 2 feet.
  • Level 2:
  • The students have to take a run from the pawn and jump over the box via the reutherplank. They are not allowed to touch the cabinet while doing this.
  • Level 3:
  • The students have to take a run from the pawn and jump over the box using the reutherboard (springboard) putting their hands down on the box.
  • Important! First cross the cabinet with your legs and only then put your hands down.
  • Level 4:
  • The students have to take a run from the pawn and jump over the cabinet via the reutherplank (springboard) kicking up their feet/legs and putting their hands down on the cabinet.
  • Important! First kick your legs over the box and only then put your hands down.
  • Make sure the ladder is not too high and adjust the height of the ladder if necessary.
  • The teacher chooses two tickers.
  • One ticker sits on one of the benches, the other ticker enters the playing field.
  • The game begins.
  • The ticker on the bench is not allowed to tap, the other ticker (who runs around) must tap all the runners.
  • Neither the runners nor the tickers are allowed to cross the bank.
  • When the ticker has ticked off some tokens, he gives the ticker on the bench a high five and sits down on the bench.
  • The other ticker must now tap all tokens.
  • The intention is that the taggers change often during the game.
  • When a token is finished, he has to sit on the teacher's bench.
  • The teacher chooses 2 scapegoats.
  • The taggers stand in the corridor and the teacher chooses 3 secret saviours from the group.
  • The teacher takes the catchers from the corridor and the tag game starts.
  • The tappers must tap all the tokens.
  • When a runner is tagged, he has to stand still on the spot where he was tagged and wait until he is saved.
  • A secret deliverer can deliver someone by giving 3 high-fives and a punch to someone who has been tapped, this of course has to be done very secretly. The tappers have to watch out who the secret saviors are.
  • After a while the teacher gives the stop signal.
  • All students have to sit on the bench/line, the taggers have to stand in front of the teacher.
  • The taggers each get 3 attempts to guess the saviors.
  • If the saviours are guessed, the taggers win.
  • If the saviours are not guessed, the saviours win.
  • The teacher chooses 2 tickers.
  • Give 3 tokens a ribbon to hold in their hands.
  • The game begins and the teacher starts the time on the stopwatch.
  • The referees have to collect all the ribbons.
  • They have to do this by tapping the tokens who are holding a ribbon in their hand.
  • When a runner is tagged, he has to sit on the bench.
  • On the bench the rule is 3 is too many.
  • So if there are 3 tokens on the bench the first is allowed to start again.
  • The runners may pass the ribbons to other runners.
  • They have to prevent the tickers from getting their hands on the tokens by working together and by feinting.
  • When all the ribbons are in the hands of the taggers, time stops.
  • The tickers who get all the ribbons fastest win.
  • The teacher chooses 2 tokens.
  • The runners have 1 ball.
  • The runners must tap all the runners.
  • The runner who has the ball is free and may not be tagged.
  • A runner can only hold the ball for 10 seconds.
  • So the runners must play the ball to the runner who is about to be tagged.
  • By being 'social' they prevent other runners from being tagged.
  • If a runner is tagged, he/she has to sit on the bench.
  • The last remaining runner wins.
  • The teacher chooses 5 students to sit on the bench.
  • The farmer is a ticker and a cow is a runner.
  • The game starts, the first farmer gets off the bench and hits a mat or drum and shouts I AM THE BOER!!!
  • Now all the cows know who the ticker is.
  • The object of the game is for the farmer to catch a cow.
  • The farmer does this by ticking off a cow.
  • Did the farmer tap a cow?
  • Then the farmer also becomes a cow and the one who has been tapped must sit on the bench.
  • So there is a new ticker every time.
  • On the bench is a pass-through system.
  • This means that the pupil who sits on the bench the longest, may return to the field when someone is finished.
  • The teacher makes 2 teams.
  • Place the cones 2 metres away from the wall.
  • If you don't have cones, you can also use blocks or the like.
  • One team stands on the left (see map) with one hand on the wall.
  • The other team will stand behind the line on the right.
  • Behind this line they are safe and cannot be touched.
  • The game begins.
  • The team on the right must try to bring as many pins as possible behind the safe line.
  • They are only allowed to bring one cone at a time and feints are allowed.
  • The left team must prevent this by tapping them.
  • As soon as a student of the left team takes his hand away from the wall, he has to tap someone of the right team before they are all behind the safe line.
  • If he fails to do so, he's out.
  • If he does tap someone from the right team, he's out of the game and he can stand with one hand against the wall again.
  • When you're out, you have to sit on the bench.
  • The game stops when all pins are in the safe area or when all players of one of the teams are finished.
  • After this, the teams swap places.
  • The students all take a cube and pick a spot in the room.
  • You can only place your cube somewhere within the (usually yellow) volleyball field lines.
  • This way there is enough space between the cubes and the wall to play football.
  • The object of the game is to knock down someone's cube while defending your own.
  • Do you knock over someone's block? Then you can take 1 goat from him/her and place it on your block.
  • If you play this game correctly, you will get a tower and the winner will be the person who has the highest tower.
  • If a high tower is knocked down, only 1 block may be taken from it, not all of them.
  • When your last cube is knocked down, you may take a new one from the chest and rejoin the game.
  • The teacher makes two teams of 4 or 5.
  • The team that has the ball must pass the ball over 5 times without the other team intercepting it.
  • If they succeed, the team gets a point.
  • The team without the ball must get possession of the ball by intercepting it.
  • If a point is scored, the other team automatically receives the ball.
  • Place 2 cabinets and 2 Trapezoids in the corners of the room with 3 pawns on each.
  • The teacher makes teams of 3 to 4 students.
  • 4 teams go into the field and the rest on the bench.
  • The students have to knock over the pawns of the other teams with the fitness ball while defending their own pawns.
  • When a team has knocked down all 3 pawns they have to change with the team that is sitting on the bench.