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Gym class drills

  • All players must stand in a circle facing the middle.
  • There stands the game leader with a ball.
  • All players have their hands behind their backs.
  • When the leader of the game throws the ball to you, you have to catch it.
  • When you catch the ball, you can take your hands behind your back.
  • When you don't catch the ball, you are out of the circle.
  • If the person in charge of the game tricks you into throwing the ball, you are not allowed to take your hands behind your back.
  • If you do so, you are out.
  • Soccer game with a big ball.
  • Depending on the size, rules can be relaxed.
  • A very large ball makes it necessary to allow pushing and rolling.
  • Each player chooses their own tree within the playing area.
  • Before the start, it is made clear with how many points everyone starts, for example 5.
  • During the individual football game that follows.
  • You lose a point every time your tree is hit by the ball.
  • On zero? Then it's over for you.
  • Stay last and win!

  • Same game as dodgeball.
  • The only difference is that on the centre line a sail is stretched so high that the players cannot see over it.
  • For the rest there are no differences: Two playing fields with a back section for people who have finished.
  • At the start of the game, a volunteer takes his place and may return after the first player has finished.
  • Throwing the ball, which is not allowed on the ground.
  • Hands or head are free.
  • When you are ready, you go to your own backfield (behind the opponent).
  • If the ball is caught by the opponent, it means that someone has to return to his or her own section.
  • If you are in a backfield and you throw someone off, you may return too, but always at least one person in the backfields.
  • The losers have lost when there is no one left in their box.

  • It's just dodgeball, so there are 2 teams.
  • One team on one side of the hall and the other team on the other side.
  • Now the children have to throw their opponents off by jumping into the minitramp with a ball in their hands and throw it from the air over a thick mat that stands upright on their opponents.
  • When you are knocked off, knock over a pawn that is standing next to the field.

Rules dodgeball game 2:

  • Divide the whole class into 2 teams teams
  • 1 thick mat, standing upright (on its side) on the centre line of the hall.
  • on each side of the upright mat, 1 thick mat.
  • In front of each mat is a mini-tramp.
  • 6 cones per team.
  • You have to jump with 2 feet at the same time into the mini-tramp.
  • You have to land with 2 feet at the same time on the landing mat.
  • You have to jump into the mini trampoline with a run from the front and you may not bounce on the trampoline.


  • 2 teams against each other each team on one side of the room.
  • You can win the game in 3 ways, namely:
  • by knocking down the team (except the goalkeepers)
  • knocking over all pawns on 1 bench
  • by scoring in the basket(s) in the opponent's box.
  • When you are finished you sit down at the side of the field.
  • Everyone is free again and can participate when a teammate knocks over a pawn.
  • The pawns are reversed on a bench in each corner of the hall.
  • In front of the bench is a thick mat.
  • The goalies can stand on this mat and defend the pawns.
  • The goalies cannot be thrown off.
  • On the other hand, the goalkeepers cannot throw anyone off either.
  • You can use the catwalk (mat or long mat halfway between both fields) to enter the opponent's field, but if you do, you can be tapped and then you're out.
  • The advantage of this is that you can get close to your goals, which of course makes scoring easy!
  • Because the balls always come from the front, you can play this game of dodgeball with 2 or 3 balls.
  • This game has multiple roles so everyone can play at his or her own level.


  • On the 4 small mats there are 2 children, who can fend off with a 1-meter stick.
  • The children standing outside the field try to throw the children on the mats away.
  • If they succeed, the child on the mat swaps with the child who threw him off.


  • You may only throw from outside the playing field.
  • If you are thrown off, you change (or e.g. 5x thrown off is change).


  • The mission of the James Bond team is different in this game from the original.
  • Otherwise, the game is played by the same rules.
  • Mission James Bond-team (pink):
  • Try to rob the blocks, which are in the field, as fast as possible without being thrown off.
  • If you get thrown off you have to go back to the starting line and try again.
  • After you've stolen a block, place it in the hoop near the starting line and try to steal another block.
  • How long does it take for a team to steal all the blocks?
  • When all the blocks are gone time stops and everyone sits down where they were.
  • The teacher writes down how much time it took to rob the blocks, this is the score of team 1.
  • Now the teams are exchanged.
  • After the third round the scores are compared, who took the least time to rob the blocks?


  • There are 3 teams made of equal numbers.
  • Team 1 is the James Bond team, team 2 is the villain team and team 3 are the henchmen.
  • When the game is over, the roles swap through.
  • Assignment James Bond-team (pink):
  • Get a cube from the yellow hoop and try to make a right turn around all the hiding places.
  • If you're hit by a ball, hold the cube high in the air and walk around the circle.
  • Now put the cube in the red hoop.
  • When you return without being hit, place the block in the green hoop.
  • If there are any more blocks you can try again.
  • Assignment crooks team (green):
  • Try to hit the James Bond team from the mat.
  • They are out if the ball hits the body directly (bouncing does not count).
  • This team is not allowed off the mat, the balls are retrieved.
  • Assignment of henchmen team (blue):
  • The balls that the crooks throw to the James Bond team must be thrown back/retrieved by this team.
  • Do this as fast as possible because without the balls the villains can't do anything.
  • When the blocks are finished the game stops and everyone sits down where he/she stood.
  • The teacher writes down how many blocks there are in the green hoop, this is the score of team 1.
  • Now the teams are exchanged.
  • After the third round the scores are compared, who had the most points?


  • There are 2 teams made of equal numbers.
  • Each team stands on one side of the field.
  • One team tries to throw children off the other team, and vice versa.
  • Both teams get, before the game starts, 3 minutes time to build a bunker from the materials that are ready in their section.
  • This is where the children may take shelter.


  • Both outside and in the bunker you may be thrown off.
  • If a mat falls over, it must remain on the ground.
  • Running with the ball is allowed
  • A child is only dismissed if it is hit directly, a bounce does not count
  • At a catch, the child that threw the ball is out
  • When a child is thrown, he/she has to stand behind or next to the other team's box.
  • When a discarded child kicks someone of the opposing team, he/she may go back to their own section.
  • There must always be at least one child outside the bunker. When there is only one player left, this player is not allowed to sit in the bunker.
  • The team that has thrown away everyone is the winner

Extra rule:

  • After a child has been thrown out twice, it may not return to its own section.
  • The child stays at the sides. This way there will be a winner faster.

More difficult for the attackers:

  • No running with the ball Starting situation
  • More materials for a bigger bunker

Easier for the attackers:

  • More balls
  • Smaller areas


  • Playing together faster will make the
  • the attackers get tired faster


  • There are 3 fields, field 1, 2 and 3.
  • The children are divided over the 6 fields.
  • After the starting signal, the children of field 1 try to throw the other players off field 1 and the same goes for field 2 and 3.
  • If you throw someone off, you may move on to the next field (from field 3 to 2, and from field 2 to 1).
  • Field 1 is the winner's field.
  • Whoever is thrown off moves back one square (from square 1 to 2, from 2 to 3).
  • If you are in space 3 and the discard is thrown, you may remain standing.
  • If you are standing in space 1 and you throw someone off, you stay in that space and you can put on a medal (yellow ribbon).
  • If you come to a section where there is no opponent yet, you wait until there is one.

Rules of the game:

  • Running with the ball is not allowed The ball must come directly to the body, then someone is finished
  • If the ball is in the other team's field, you may not take it
  • If you catch the ball directly, the thrower is out


  • Divide the group into two teams.
  • From both teams 2 children stand on the mats belonging to their team.
  • Also 2 children per team stand in front of the cupboard, these are the goalkeepers.
  • The children who stay over, go to the throwing square (see drawing).
  • When the balls come into play, the children in the box are supposed to throw the balls against the cupboard.
