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Gym class drills for technique basketball

  • The teacher places 2 pawns.
  • See map for precision location, keeping the basketball lines.
  • The teacher divides the students into two teams and each team will stand behind a pawn.
  • The teams must shoot the ball from the pawn into the basket.
  • When a student has shot, he/she collects the ball, gives/passes the ball to the next in line and joins the back of the line again.
  • Every ball that goes into the basket is a point.
  • The team that scores 5 points first wins.
  • The teacher divides the room into two squares by placing benches on the centerline of the room.
  • Then the teacher makes 2 squares with pawns to catch up the right of attack.
  • During this game the rulebook is used. See module basketball for this guide.
  • The teacher divides the students into teams of 3, possibly with a substitute.
  • See the tables at the bottom of the lesson preparation for the game schedules.
  • The intention is that the team that has the ball (on the map team 2 & 3) try to score.
  • To be able to score, the team must first get the right of attack.
  • They get this right of attack when they arrive with the ball in the area of the pawns.
  • From now on the team may score.
  • They do this by shooting the ball into the basket.
  • The other team must try to take the ball away from them.
  • When this happens, the teams swap roles and the new team with the ball has to get the right of attack and try to score.
  • The teacher chooses 2 tickers.
  • They have to stay inside their box (inside the 4 pawns) and knock the basketballs away from the runners when they want to cross.
  • The runners have to dribble to the other side without losing their basketball.
  • If a runner doesn't have his basketball with him, he's out and he automatically becomes a ticker.
  • A tip that you can give to the runners is that they should shield the ball with their body.
  • This means staying between the ball and the opponent.
  • The pupils may only cross again when everyone has been tagged or has reached the other side.
  • In the end, as the game progresses, you get more and more tickers and less and less runners.
  • The last remaining runner is the winner.