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Gym class drills for technique free running

  • Place 2 cabinets against a wall.
  • Have the students form two rows, each next to a cabinet.
  • At one of the cabinets the teacher will give assistance and at the other one the students can try it themselves.
  • The students can choose which one they want and can also switch during the lesson.
  • At both cabinets help is given.
  • Right-handed students stand at the left side of the cabinet and left-handed at the right side.
  • Then the student with his / her hand on the edge at the front in the middle of the cabinet.
  • The thumb points to the other side of the box.
  • The student turns away and tries to get as far as possible on the cupboard.
  • The further you get, the better.
  • The goal is to turn around and land on the mat again while supporting yourself with your hand/arm.
  • The students can use their hands and feet to move to the other side of the box.
  • Make sure the box is not too high and adjust the height if necessary.
  • The students walk up via the bench and then they can choose whether they walk all the way to the climbing frame and get into the frame or whether they jump from the bench into the climbing frame.
  • Finally, the students can make a run and jump from the bench into the climbing frame at high speed.
  • To get out of the climbing frame, the students let themselves fall out of the frame and make a half turn while falling.
  • They land on their feet with their backs to the frame.
  • Place 1 reuther board (springboard) about half a step/1 step in front of the cabinet.
  • Students make a line at the pawn.
  • Level 1:
  • Students should take a run-up from the cone and jump onto the cabinet via the reuther board (springboard). In doing so, they land standing on 2 feet.
  • Level 2:
  • The students have to take a run from the pawn and jump over the box via the reutherplank. They are not allowed to touch the cabinet while doing this.
  • Level 3:
  • The students have to take a run from the pawn and jump over the box using the reutherboard (springboard) putting their hands down on the box.
  • Important! First cross the cabinet with your legs and only then put your hands down.
  • Level 4:
  • The students have to take a run from the pawn and jump over the cabinet via the reutherplank (springboard) kicking up their feet/legs and putting their hands down on the cabinet.
  • Important! First kick your legs over the box and only then put your hands down.
  • Make sure the ladder is not too high and adjust the height of the ladder if necessary.