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Gym class drills for technique games

  • Moving with standstill on signal. (statue game)
  • The students move freely, but have to stand still on the agreed signal.
  • (move after signal = 2 turns)
  • The teacher can also give a movement assignment. (simple)
  • Movement through "winding roads". (Constructing with cones, mats, ribbons,...)
  • Beforehand, a movement track is marked out by the teacher with material; start by exploring the track (follow each other),
  • Then various movement assignments are given:
  • who can do it while walking calmly, while hopping, ...
  • If necessary, additional tasks are built in: jumping over the mat, bending under an elastic band,...
  • 1st one goes to the other side, 2nd one follows after x number of steps,...
  • Start simply by having the first student walk to the other side around a cone (indicate the rhythm), followed by the second student at x number of steps.
  • Do the same, students are lined up in e.g. 5 rows, each time walking in pairs.
  • Only then switch to per 3, per 4, etc. Finally the whole group in a row.
  • In twos, threes... Behind each other, next to each other.
  • Start with e.g. 2 lln: the distance between the second and the first may be maximum 1,5 m.; then all.
  • Idem, students walk next to each other.
  • Go, walk, skip, hop, with simple commands:
  • walk with small steps, with big steps, walk slowly, walk fast, walk straight, zigzag, lift your knees, lift your heels, touch your toes, touch your heels,...
  • Make sure the students are free again;
  • Make sure the students are free again; stress that when moving fast or with a change of direction, they have to watch carefully to avoid collisions.
  • Moving like animals: the teacher magician (free) a bird, a horse, a frog, a snake, a butterfly, a duck.
  • Then, e.g. in the width of the room, with each time crossing in a specified manner.
  • Go, walk, skip, hop: normal, slow, fast, with small movements, with big steps, etc.
  • Make sure all students are free; give as a basic command: go in such a way that you don't touch anyone else.
  • Give a sound accompaniment by e.g. clapping of hands, tambourine,...
  • Change the rhythm to slow, normal, fast.
  • Do the same with walking, hopping, skipping.
  • The teacher makes a square of benches in the middle of the playing field and puts all the balls in it.
  • The teacher chooses two students who will stand in the square.
  • The other students are spread over the playing field.
  • The assignment is simple.
  • The throwers must throw all balls out of the square, the bringers must throw all balls back into the square.
  • Each round takes 2 to 5 minutes. This is for the teacher to decide.
  • If at the final signal there are more balls in the square than in the field the bringers win.
  • If there are more balls in the field than in the square then the throwers win.
  • The teacher will make sure everyone has a place on the parachute (most parachutes have loops on the outside to hold it).
  • Before you start it is important that the parachute is tight.
  • So have some of the students walk backwards until everyone is in the right position.
  • It is easiest if the teacher gives the rhythm, later you can let the children do it themselves.
  • The teacher chooses two students who have to lay down on the ground under the parachute.
  • The remaining students raise and lower the parachute simultaneously.
  • Every time the parachute goes from high to low, the two students on the ground get a gust of wind and an imprint is left on the parachute when it hits the ground.
  • The children always love this!
  • After a few times you can change the students.
  • The teacher will make sure everyone has a place on the parachute (most parachutes have loops on the outside to hold it).
  • Before you start it is important that the parachute is tight.
  • So have some of the students walk backwards until everyone is in the right position.
  • It is easiest if the teacher gives the rhythm, later you can let the children do it themselves.
  • The parachute goes up and down 5 times.
  • At the 6th time up everyone dives in under the parachute and holds it on the ground.
  • If everyone does this simultaneously, a tent will be formed.
  • After a few seconds the teacher gives a signal and everyone gets out of the tent and starts all over again.

  • The teacher will make sure everyone has a place on the parachute (most parachutes have loops on the outside to hold it).
  • Before you start it is important that the parachute is tight.
  • So have some of the students walk backwards until everyone is in the right position.
  • It is easiest if the teacher gives the rhythm, later you can let the children do it themselves.
  • The teacher chooses two students who have to swap places when the parachute goes up.
  • The parachute goes up and down 3 times.
  • At the 4th time the parachute goes up, the two students who were chosen, swap places.
  • When they have taken their new place the teacher chooses two new students and it starts all over again.
  • The teacher will make sure everyone has a place on the parachute (most parachutes have loops on the outside to hold it).
  • Before you start it is important that the parachute is tight.
  • So have some of the students walk backwards until everyone is in the right position.
  • The teacher puts a ball on the parachute.
  • The students have to work together to get the ball through the hole in the middle of the parachute.