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Gym class drills for technique games

  • Put the benches on 2 cabinet heads to create a slope.
  • If this material is not available, an elevation can also be built with other material.
  • The pupils have to roll the ball into a basket via the bench.
  • This means that the ball has to be rolled downwards.
  • Put different balls down so the pupils can experiment with this.
  • After all, every ball rolls differently.

Place the box (without the top) on at least 6 blocks or 2 benches so that the balls fall out at the bottom. This way the students can easily grab the balls. Place different balls in the cupboard so students can experiment with them. After all, every ball rolls differently.
The pupils have to roll the ball into the cupboard via the bench. This means that the ball has to be rolled upwards.

  • Use pawns (or other materials) to mark out two lanes and place two hoops against the wall.
  • Make sure there is a maximum of 5 pupils on 1 lane, if necessary set out more lanes.
  • Place a basket at the starting point to collect all the balls.
  • Place different balls in the basket so the pupils can experiment with them.
  • After all, every ball rolls differently.
  • The pupils have to roll the ball in the hoop.
  • This means that the ball is lying still in the hoop.
  • The overview picture shows where they have to start.
  • The teacher makes a square of benches in the middle of the playing field and puts all the balls in it.
  • The teacher chooses two students who will stand in the square.
  • The other students are spread over the playing field.
  • The assignment is simple.
  • The throwers must throw all balls out of the square, the bringers must throw all balls back into the square.
  • Each round takes 2 to 5 minutes.
  • This is for the teacher to decide.
  • If at the final signal there are more balls in the square than in the field the bringers win.
  • If there are more balls in the field than in the square then the throwers win.
  • The students form pairs and each select their own mat.
  • The pairs stand opposite each other on the mat.
  • You may only stand with the front foot on the edge of the mat and the heel must be off the ground.
  • You place your flat hands against each other and the game begins.
  • The goal of the game is to unbalance your opponent so that he/she has to take a step.
  • If this happens, you have won.
  • You may unbalance someone by pushing or holding while the other pushes.
  • Have the students switch opponents every 2 or 3 minutes to keep the tension up.
  • The students form pairs and each select a mat of their own.
  • The pairs sit opposite each other.
  • The attacker on hands and knees, the defender on elbows and knees.
  • There are 2 roles:
  • Attacker: Must try to catch the ball.
  • Defender: Must defend the ball.
  • The game begins and the attacker will try to grab the ball.
  • Succeeds this? Then the attacker wins.
  • If not within 60 seconds? Then the defender wins.
  • Let the students switch opponents every 2 to 3 minutes to keep the tension in the game.
  • The students form pairs and each pair takes two badminton rackets and a shuttle from the basket.
  • Then one of the teams stands on the line of the pawns and his/her buddy stands opposite.
  • This creates a sort of street through which you can walk.
  • This is for safety reasons.
  • The assignment is that the students have to pass the shuttle to each other 10 times without touching the ground.
  • If you manage to do this quickly you can have a game of who can skip the most shuttles within 5 minutes.
  • All students take a badminton racket and a shuttle from the basket.
  • Then they all choose a spot in the hall where they will practice.
  • The assignment is that the students have to hold the shuttle up 10 times without it touching the ground.
  • If they manage to do this quickly you can have a competition to see who can hold up the shuttle the most within 5 minutes.
  • Play this game on 1/3 or half the room.
  • The teacher chooses 2 runners who get a ribbon.
  • The taggers must try to throw the runners off with the foam ball.
  • They are not allowed to walk with the ball.
  • The runners are allowed to hide behind the cupboards for the taggers.
  • When a token is thrown, he/she has to put a pawn on his/her side.
  • He/she continues to participate in the game.
  • When a runner throws the basketball from the hoop into the basket, all pawns are put back upright and the tickers have to start all over again.
  • When all pawns are knocked down, the taggers have won and 2 new taggers are chosen.
  • If after 5 minutes of play the pawns are still not knocked down, the tokens win and 2 new taggers are chosen.
  • Three balls are thrown into the playing field.
  • Then all students may throw each other.
  • Place 2 cabinets and 2 Trapezoids in the corners of the room with 3 pawns on each.
  • The teacher makes teams of 3 to 4 students.
  • 4 teams go into the field and the rest on the bench.
  • The students have to knock over the pawns of the other teams with the fitness ball while defending their own pawns.
  • When a team has knocked down all 3 pawns they have to change with the team that is sitting on the bench.
  • The teacher divides the students into 2 teams of 3.
  • The students have to lie down on their stomachs and take a cube.
  • The teacher rolls the tennis ball into the court and the game begins.
  • The students have to hit the ball against the mat of the other team.
  • If they succeed they get 1 point.
  • They have to do this by rebounding the ball with the cube.
  • Just like playing air hockey.
  • The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.