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Gym class drills for technique games

  • Prepare 4 benches in a square, 4 pawns at the corners of the benches and a basket in the square.
  • Then prepare 2 tjoeks in an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Test the tjoeks before you start.
  • The teacher makes teams of 3 to 4 students per team.
  • 2 go in the field and the rest on the bench.
  • We play rounds of 5 points.
  • The goal is to put the ball in the square through the corner (you can score through both corners).
  • If you succeed in doing so you get 1 point, if you hit a pawn you get 2 points and if the ball goes into the basket the other team loses.
  • The losing team exchanges with the team on the bench.
  • The side with the most players on it hits the ball.
  • Each player may touch the ball once per turn.
  • After the ball is hit to the other side, he has to run to the other side of the table.
  • The game is played according to the normal table tennis rules.
  • Af is sitting on the bench until the game is over.
  • Eventually 2 players remain.
  • They play a final best of 5 (the first to score 3 points wins).
  • The winner gets a life as a prize and can come back into the game once if he has been eliminated.
  • The teacher puts numbers 1 to 20 on 20 tennis balls (for a lesson with 20 students).
  • The teacher gives each student a piece of paper with his/her own number on it.
  • The game begins. All balls are thrown around the room at the same time.
  • The students have to look for their own ball.
  • When a student has checked a ball and it is not his/her ball, the student may roll the ball away on the floor.
  • Does the pupil find the ball?
  • Then he/she goes to the teacher who stands at the side of the hall.
  • The teacher then checks if the number is correct with the number on the paper.
  • The first one with the right ball to the teacher wins.
  • The game stops when 10 students have found their ball.
  • The teacher chooses 2 tickers.
  • They have to stay inside their ticker box (inside the 4 pawns) and tap the basketballs away from the runners when they want to cross.
  • They have to do this while also dribbling with a ball.
  • The runners have to dribble to the other side without losing their basketball.
  • If a runner doesn't have the basketball with him, he's out and he automatically becomes a ticker.
  • A tip that you can give to the runners is that they should shield the ball with their body.
  • This means staying between the ball and the opponent.
  • The pupils may only cross again when everyone has been tagged or has reached the other side.
  • In the end, as the game progresses, you get more and more tickers and less and less runners.
  • The last remaining runner is the winner.
  • The girls stand next to each other in a row and the boys stand behind them.
  • Now they are going to walk to the other side.
  • The boys are not allowed to overtake the girls.
  • At the other side they turn around and walk back.
  • If you are tagged, give the ticker a hand and start ticking, until you get a big swing.
  • Each group gets a pole (or a tube) that can stand upright on the ground by itself.
  • Around it, a circle with a diameter of about 3 to 4 meters is drawn.
  • When the game starts, you can throw over with a ball (don't run if you have one!) and you have to try to knock over the shaft(s) of the other party.
  • However, the circles are off limits!
  • If you want to keep it simple, you can say that as soon as the ball is above the circle it may no longer be touched.
  • This is to prevent "jumpshots", but with older participants it is allowed, if the circle is taken a bit wider.
  • Point distribution: everybody gets 5 points, every time a pole falls over, a point is subtracted from it.
  • The football table is formed by just like a football table 4 lines per group.
  • Goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders and strikers.
  • So from left to right first goalkeeper A, defender A, attacker B, midfielder A, midfielder B, attacker A, defender B, goalkeeper B.
  • Players are not allowed to move from their line, only to the left or right.

  • Each group (approx. 6 participants) gets a ball of wool.
  • One person takes the end and calls out a name.
  • Then he throws the ball to that person, who catches it.
  • He himself holds the end of the ball.
  • Person two calls out a name and throws, but also holds on to a piece of wool.
  • In this way a spider web is formed.
  • And with the help of a beach ball you can play volleyball with it.
  • The ball must not hit the ground.
  • Everyone in a circle with their legs wide and connected, ie.
  • Your right neighbour stands with his/her left foot against your right foot.
  • Legs wide enough to throw a ball through.
  • Then a ball in the game that may only be moved with the hands.
  • Ball between the legs?
  • Stand back and continue playing.
  • Off again?
  • Out of the circle.
  • A playing field of 2 by 2 square, equally sized fields of +/- 10 by 10 meters per field are laid out.
  • Over the central intersection (the middle of the four spaces) another circle is put with a diameter of about 4 meters.
  • The four fields are continents, the circle the Pacific Ocean (and forbidden area).
  • Two teams, fielding and batting.
  • Field party is divided over continents, and there they are fixed.
  • Fielding cannot switch continents during the game.
  • The batting team has 4 men/women in the field and they are allowed to enter all continents.
  • Player 5 of the batting team picks up the bat/wood/breadboard or tennis racket and hits the infield ball.
  • If the (minimum 2) umpires think this is a strike, player 5 also throws the ball to one of the 4 players from the batting team who are loose in the continents.
  • How do you score points?
  • The batting team gets 1 point for every time the ball passes through all continents clockwise or anti-clockwise, without falling on the ground (no running with the ball).
  • Does the ball fall?
  • From that continent you start over again.
  • This may continue until the fielding side has also taken the ball and made a round through the four continents.
  • All players must stand in a circle facing the middle.
  • There stands the game leader with a ball.
  • All players have their hands behind their backs.
  • When the leader of the game throws the ball to you, you have to catch it.
  • When you catch the ball, you can take your hands behind your back.
  • When you don't catch the ball, you are out of the circle.
  • If the person in charge of the game tricks you into throwing the ball, you are not allowed to take your hands behind your back.
  • If you do so, you are out.