Gym class drills for technique tag game
there is 1 ticker and the rest have to try to grab the stretcher and eventually the tennis ball along 2 sides of the square if the ticker ticks you you have to put the stretcher back and try again
- you can also make it increasingly difficult or easier
e.g.: the one who is tapped out of game or make bigger square
- you can also make it increasingly difficult or easier
e.g.: the one who is tapped out of game or make bigger square
- Set up a playing field.
- One person is the ticker, and must tick off everyone.
- The other people have 2 balls at their disposal, which they can pass around.
- You are not allowed to be tapped when you have the ball in your hands.
- So when the ticker is running to someone, you have to throw the ball to this player.
- You are not allowed to hold the ball endlessly.
- All players are spread over the playing area.
- One player starts as the "hunter" and one player as the "prey".
- The "hunter" tries to catch the "prey".
- The "prey" can escape by running away or lying down next to another player.
- This player now becomes the "hunter" and the old "hunter" becomes the "prey".

- The children stand on one side of the room, the ticker in the middle.
- The ticker names the way the children may move across, such as running, crawling or hopping.
- The ticker may tap the children, but must also move in this way himself.
- You're playing tag. There are a number of poles in the hall.
- At least 2 less than the number of children. If you hold a pole, you cannot be tagged.
- You can hold a pole for 3 seconds.
- If a second person comes to the pole, the first person must let go of the pole.
- The children sit in pairs on the floor.
- One child is the ticker, another child has no place and runs around.
- If the running child sits down next to someone, the child sitting on the other side becomes the ticking object.
- There is one ticker. The aim of the game is that the catcher is going to catch all the runners.
- When a runner is tagged, he/she has to stand with his/her legs apart on the spot where he/she was tagged.
- A token can be freed again if another token passes through his/her legs from behind.
- During this liberation action, both runners can be tapped.
- There is one scapegoat without the ball and two players without the ball.
- The ball is thrown over in a good position, who has the ball can be tapped without the ball.
- The ball may be held for a maximum of ten seconds.
- If the ticker has intercepted a ball, then that ball goes out of the game.
- Are you tapped you go to the side when no 2 comes on the side does no 1 again.
- The whole group stands behind a line at the side of the field.
- On signal they walk over to the other side.
- Variation: Initial positions:
- squat
- knee,
- prone or supine,
- Sit with back to walking direction.
- From the group, a scapegoat is appointed.
- The game is played all over the field.
- The group is lined up on one side of the field.
- On sign the children cross the field.
- One of the catchers tries to catch as many children crossing the road as possible.
- Variation
- The children walk to and fro on a signal.
- Back and forth without waiting for a signal.
- The children are not free on the other side.
- With two tappers.
- With boxes where there is one ticker in each box.
- The children can be tagged in every cell.
- Who has not been tagged on the way out and on the way back?
- Or which group of tickers has managed to tick the most children?
- The group stands on one side behind these hoops.
- When told to do so, the children steal objects from the other side and place them in the hoops on their own side.
- If they are caught by a ticker, they have to put the object back.
- The group is lined up in the four corners of the field.
- A ticker with a party ribbon
- At a signal they cross the field in three directions:
- the short side, the long side or diagonally.
- On their return, they score one, two or three points respectively.
- A ticker operates in the room and forces the ticked children to go back to his corner before he can cross again.
- How many points can you get in an agreed time?