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Handball drills for technique 1,5 meter / corona / covid-19

  • One person on the left side of the pitch (can also be another position) and this person has to shoot as many balls at the goal as possible within 1 minute (or longer).
  • The rest of the players collect balls and one of them plays the balls to the ball.
  • Shooting the link-up in succession.
  • Keep track of how many times the player has scored.
  • When you have shot, you must walk backwards to your position. Keep changing until everyone has been there.


  • Different ways of approaching (i.e. slightly inwards or outwards etc.)
  • Different shots (underhand throw, bend throw, out of the way, etc.)
  • Use more than 1 position


  • Green passes 2 - 1 - 2 and shoots at goal.
  • After throwing on goal you are handball
  • 3-1-3 and shoot at goal.

Also useful for playing into the goalkeeper:

  • On the hands
  • Top corner left / right
  • Shoulder height left / right
  • Knee height left / right
  • Bouncing balls left / right
  • Low balls left / right


  • Green passes 2 - 1 - 2 and shoots at goal.
  • after throw on goal you are handball player, after handball you are goalie
  • 3-1-3 and shoot on goal.

  • Hands, high, low, the kids know it.
  • But now instead of going to get their ball right away.
  • They leave their ball on the ground and sprint to the middle line after throwing the ball.
  • Make two teams.
  • The goal is to get the ball to the other side of the line.
  • You do this by standing in plank position and then pushing the ball to the other person who is standing further down in plank position.
  • Then you run to the front and stand in a holding position and wait for the ball to come.
  • The team that gets to the other side first wins.
  • Corner passes to bowl,
  • box sets and passes to play,
  • play runs in and finishes at goal.
  • Players stand in a line with the ball.
  • the one in front jumps off the bench goes backwards around the bench and throws at goal.
  • the other row joins


  • same with defender


Stand in a large circle.

  1. Start with one ball.
    • Play around clockwise at pace.
    • Add one ball at a time.
    • Whoever drops the ball has to do 10 push-ups.
    • Also play around counterclockwise.
  2. Player A has the ball.
    • Player B starts inside and gets the ball from player A,
    • Player C starts in and gets the ball from player B etc. etc.
  3. If 2.
    • But.....
    • When player A has passed the ball to player B
    • player A runs clockwise as fast as possible outside the circle back to his / her position before the ball arrives back there.
    • Player A plays to player B again and when player B passes the ball to player C, player B runs as fast as possible clockwise outside the circle etc. etc. with player D, E, F, G etc. etc.
  • One mat per 2.
  • You work in pairs.
  • One is working on fitness, the other on strength.
  • You do it for 15 minutes.
  • The one doing strength is leading, the other is working on the condition until the one doing strength is done you continue with your condition exercise.
  • 20-18-16-14 etc.
  • person strength has the mat:
    • squats,
    • abs,
    • push-ups.
  • person fitness:
    • Back line (jogging back),
    • middle line (jogging back),
    • 9 meter sprint (jogging back) and
    • sprint 6 meters (quietly back).
  • 2 cones in a row on the 9 meter line in different positions, about 2 meters apart.
  • Player starts at front pawn Goes backwards around back pawn.
  • Then get the ball from the trainer and throw 10 balls at the goal at speed.
  • Throwing up in pairs.
  • Move one step further apart and pass without a bow.
  1. 5 min run: at a pace that remains the same for 5 min. how many laps can you run?
  2. stretching: arms, shoulders, legs, torso
  3. abdominal exercises: lifting, scissoring, bending and stretching.