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Handball drills for technique condition


  • Knee lifts (skippings),
  • Hopping,
  • Connecting pass,
  • Cross pass,
  • Stretch Walk (Pencil),
  • Hopping,
  • Heels buttocks,
  • Running jump and Long make.


  • Handball,
  • single-legged knee lifts,
  • Ascending jumps,
  • Trippling,
  • Pendulum swing (horse walk).
  • Two teams. Per team 1 bounces and 1 walks with the ball.
  • Throw the ball over to the one who was walking along without the ball.
  • A new player becomes the one who runs along. The last one to run is the one who bounced first.

2 teams and 1 bke-area. From each team, 1 bounces to the bke field and places a pebble. Quickly back and then the next one. Who has butter/cheese/eggs first?

In addition, after 4 stones you may swap 2 stones or place your own in an empty space.

  • Make two teams. Each team has a goalie in the goal across the street.
  • Team stands in the corner next to the goal and runs an attack with two players:.
  • Passing without tipping.
  • Shooting from the 9 m line.
  • If scored, it is a point. Retrieve ball and run back hand in hand.
  • Pass the ball to the next couple.
  • The team that scores 10 goals first wins.
  • Make it more difficult:
    • Add two defenders per team (possibly use extra attacker).
  • divide over 2 teams
  • 1 team wears vests
  • play a match to automate agreements in defence and attack


1. Start in the starting position with your face towards the ladder.

2. Step with your left foot into the first compartment of the step ladder and join your right foot (make sure your heels don't touch the ground).

3. Then move forward through the step ladder in the above manner.

4. Alternate the starting foot in turn.

5. Also try to do the exercise the other way around, so you start with your back to the ladder.

ladder1. Start in the starting position facing the step ladder.
2. Jump forward with both feet at the same time. Your left foot ends up next to the first square of the ladder and your right foot ends up in the first square. You're making a ski movement.
3. Keep on jumping, your left foot now lands in the first square of the step ladder and your right foot lands next to the second square of the step ladder.
Make sure you are at full speed at the end of the ladder.

1. Start in the starting position facing the running ladder.
2. This exercise is performed with one foot only. Jump with your left foot into the first square and then hop forward diagonally with your left foot landing next to the second step of the ladder.
3. Hop to the second compartment and hop forward diagonally, landing on the right side of the third step.

4. At the end of the ladder, make sure you're at full speed, but watch your posture and land on the ball of your foot only (so the heel doesn't touch the ground).
5. Alternate the starting foot.

ladder1. Start in the starting position with your face towards the ladder.
2. Jump with both feet into the first compartment of the ladder and immediately jump forward where your feet land next to the second step of the ladder.
3. You sprint to the second step of the ladder and jump forward but now land on the right side of the step. So you make a zigzag movement.
Make sure you're at full speed at the end of the ladder.

ladder1. Start in the starting position, facing the ladder.

2. Step with your right foot into the first square of the ladder.

3. Pass your left foot behind your right foot and place it next to the first compartment of the step ladder diagonally behind your right foot.

4. Place your right foot next to the first box on the step ladder next to your left foot.
5. Step with your left foot into the second box of the step ladder and now step with your right foot behind your left foot and then place your left foot again next to the right foot.
6. Follow these steps for the whole ladder.

ladder1. Start in the starting position, facing the ladder.
2. Step with your left foot into the first compartment of the step ladder and join your right foot in the first compartment of the step ladder.
3. As soon as your right foot is in the first compartment of the ladder move your left foot next to the first compartment of the ladder.
4. Jump with your right foot straight forward so that it ends up in the second compartment of the step ladder and join your left foot.
5. As soon as your left foot is connected, jump with your right foot next to the second compartment of the step ladder.
6. Follow the above steps for the rest of the step ladder.

  • there are 3 tickers.
  • The other players bounce to the center line,
  • the taggers try to tap the ball away.
  • Groups of 2 face each other with the middle line between the players.
  • They give each other a hand and try to pull each other over the line.
  • 2 players face each other with 2 poles in the middle.
  • player a throws both left and right of the post to his team-mate.


  • The same with feinting the poles both left and right above the hands.
  • idem by feinting in front of the poles both left and right underhand
  • idem with feint in front of the posts both left and right sideways play
  • idem with feint for the posts both left and right with bounce
  • Run straight at the posts and play underhand alongside the post


  • Play the ball left and right of the post with jump throw.
  • idem but now catch the ball in the air and play it.
  • Goalkeeper in goal,
  • rest of the players have a ball.
  • Player stands next to the bench throws the ball over the bench in an arc,
  • jumps over the bench with both feet.
  • Picks up the ball and throws it at goal.
  • after goal attempt sprints around the cones and goes to get the ball and connects other sides again.
  • middle li/re high li/re middle li/re low diagonal bounce free


  • pairs of 2 with 1 ball
  • player with ball tries to touch the mat with his foot,
  • other player tries to prevent this with his body.
  • Defender has hands on his back.
  • Each pair 2 times 1 minute, then change.
