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Handball drills for technique condition

  • Large thick mat.
  • 1 player lies on the mat and tries to intercept balls directly or indirectly.
  • Always kneeling or lying position.
Players stand in pairs in a plank position facing each other.
  • Roll 1 ball, right hand to right hand, left hand to left hand.
  • Tip to each other.
  • Throw over without the ball touching the ground.
  • 1 player defends a hat with their arms behind their back.
  • The other player tries to hit the hat with the ball.
  • Special attention to footwork!
  • 2 goalkeepers
  • 2 players on the circle, throw the ball to the trainer.
  • Players run, get ball from trainer and while overplaying go across to finish. Possibly with movement inside.
  • In 2 groups.
  • Zig-zag partoon with flat markers: walk forward and backward, pay attention to light stride, especially forefoot.
  • Then dribble to:
    • Goal on side next to center line, put bench in front of it. Make jump shot.
    • Left of goal 5 pawns: dribble slalom
    • Do a head roll on the mat.
    • Then to the right, there is a pawn at 6 meters, very diagonal to the goal. Make jump shot at 2 pawns standing in the goal.
This exercise focuses on accelerating in the run while looking carefully around you.

  • The team divides into 2 numbers that are about the same speed.
  • The 2-tals divide on the outside lines of the hall.
  • At the start, the 2-counts run one behind the other, front is the runner and back is the ticker.
  • At the whistle, the pairs sprint to the opposite line/corner and the ticker tries to tick off the runner.
  • Are you tapped? Press down 5 times. Did you escape? 5 x push-ups for the other person.
All players start on the LO in a line, everyone has a ball. In the field there are poles to finish on the spots LH, LO, MO, RO, RH.

  • Player 1 starts with a cross and shoots at goal.
  • Player 1 walks backwards to the LO, picks up the ball there.
  • Player 1 rounds the LO, passes to MO etc.
This has to be done on a high tempo and with high intensity! Players must be tired.

  • 2 Benches face each other, between 6 and 8 meters apart
  • On every bench there are 4 to 6 pawns
  • There are 2 teams who must try to knock off the pawns by throwing them over.
  • Pawns that have fallen down can be taken to your own side
  • The team that has all the pawns wins
  • Place the pawns in bicycle tires, where you are not allowed to stand inside.

  • 2 Groups stand in a row next to each other
  • Starting point and ending point are marked with a pawn
  • The player in front of the group rolls the ball backwards between all legs.
  • All players where the ball has passed, lie down as quickly as possible
  • The player in the back jumps over the players, connects and rolls the ball backwards again
  • Important: Every player who has jumped over gets up again
The first group to cross the line wins.
  • Put everyone in a circle with the ball in their hand and hold it high above their shoulder.
  • They start with dribbling on the spot in high speed, after 30 seconds you do another exercise.
    • Skipping (2 times on 1 leg then on the other leg)
    • Jumping forward (2 legs at the same time) and back again
    • Stepping to the left and to the right
    • Shuffle forwards and backwards
    • High speed dribble
  • If this is too easy, extend the exercise by 45 seconds or 1 minute

  • Everyone makes two teams and is divided over the left and right corner.
  • The right corner plays the goalkeeper, the goalkeeper plays the left corner at the half way line.
  • The right corner has run on in the meantime, receives the ball and finishes.
drawing break run 2 numbers
  • Per pair 1 ball.
  • 1 of the pair passes the ball and sprints around the pawn and gets the ball back.
  • Then the other of the pair does the same.
drawing replay and fitness