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Handball drills for technique condition

1. Make pairs with two balls.
2. The two players start from the center line.
3. The trainer plays one ball between the players. The player with the ball becomes attacker, the other defender.
4. After the attacker finishes, the defender runs back to the center line and grabs the second ball.
5. The attacker from the net, becomes the defender and the defender from the net attacks.

1. You divide the team into two corners.
2. One pair starts defending.
2. The first pair plays the ball to the goalkeeper and runs a half break.
3. The pair receives the ball from the goalkeeper just before the half way line4
. They play two against two.
5. 5. After finishing, the next pair starts from the corner and makes a half break.
6. At the same time, the attackers run from the net to the half way line and become defenders. The goalkeeper takes the ball as quickly as possible and plays it to the new attackers.

  • 2 with the ball and the rest by tapping the ball against another.
  • Running with the ball is not allowed.
  • Once tapped you are also tapped.
  • Tappers wear a ribbon
  • Put two chairs 18,3 meter apart.
  • Put a tennis ball on chair 1 (this will be replenished), and put a bowl on chair 2.
  • The players work in pairs.
  • One player runs and the other fills up the tennis balls.
  • Collect in 9 minutes as many tennisballs as possible in the bin.
  • You are not allowed to throw and you have to run around the chairs.
  • Cover 5x the distance of 10 meters as fast as possible.
  • Put 2 cones/line at 10 meter distance.
  • The player runs between these cones 5x.
  • The pawn/line must be hit with the foot!
  • The players work in pairs.
  • One player runs and the other player clocks.
  • Put 4 pawns in a T-shape.
  • 5 meter distance next to each other (between 3,2 and 4) and 10 meter ahead (between 1 and 2)
    • Start at 1 forward to 2,
    • then left sideways to 3,
    • then right sideways to 4,
    • then left sideways to 2
    • and backwards to 1.
  • Record the fastest time in 2 attempts.
  • Players work in pairs. One runs, one clocks.

  • A very simple running in system, where it is primary the contra pass from LB to RB which gives the shooting possibility


  • RO plays pass to starting MO
  • MO sets up swap with LO starting from behind, LH starts towards middle, MO puts bar on UR
  • LO puts pressure on the central block between MA-l and CS and plays pass to in starting LH
  • LH finishes

  • Example of running routes from a 5-1 defense.


  • Example of running routes from a 6-0 defense.


  • The players position themselves as indicated on the drawing.
  • Just before taking the free throw LO starts in towards the centre, player (from wall) plays pass to MO, wall puts backward bar on defensive block.
  • MO puts pressure to the left of UR and plays pass to RO who starts in.
  • RO takes advantage of the space and finishes.


  • Players are lined up as shown in the diagram.
  • The player in the middle of the wall plays a pass to the player in front of the wall.
  • This player threatens with a jump throw.
  • The closest defender will try to tackle her to stop her.
  • The free throw is now executed:
  • LH starts in the middle, middle player now plays pass to player in front of the wall, the players in the wall go backwards to set up a bar.
  • The ball possession player plays pass to in starting LH, (HR will follow LH along the circle) this is the signal for the left player from the wall to quickly
    and start outside in
  • LH plays a pass to the starting player
  • This player finishes
