Handball drills for technique defense
- 5-1 defense with rubber bands sliding together on the circle.
- Corner dares to release when the ball is on the other side of the field.
- Then without rubber bands and make contact through the 9.

- Play ball under pressure from defender.
- Variation in coverage forms:
- Getting out or not, press on the ball.
- Offering or not offering the ball-running route
- All positions of the defender require adjustment of the attacker.

- Play ball under pressure from defender.
- Variation in coverage forms:
- Getting out or not, press on the ball.
- Offering or not offering the ball-running route
- All positions of the defender require adjustment of the attacker.

2 defenders stand on the circle.
2 attackers on the left and right structures.
2 attackers on the left and right structures.
- After signal the defenders sprint to the goal posts, tap them and sprint back.
- At the same time the builders go backwards around the pawn.
- Then they start the attack, creating a 2-on-2 situation.
Possibly expand with a circle player.

3 attackers and 2 defenders:
- 3 blue attacking players in a row.
- 2 red defenders defending a given set area.
- Finishing on goal.

4 defenders versus 3 attackers.
- The exercise is focused on the defenders.
- The point is to get out before the attacker receives the ball.
- The attackers start in and play the ball around at pace.
- Once the attacker actually has the ball, the defender stops as quickly as possible.
- Once the attacker has come to a stop, the defender releases it immediately.
- The defender does hold hands high to intercept the ball immediately.

- In pairs facing each other.
- Defend by walking toward each other and:
- bringing hands to shoulder height
- tapping each other in the air with the hands - jumping
- touching each other in the air with the chest
- stopping each other with the hand in the side
Exercise 2:
- 3 defenders: left builder, left player, right builder.
- 2 attackers at each position.
- The ball leaves on the corner running in, passes to the Left builder.
- This Left builder passes pass to Center player.
- Defenders go out to attacker and shuffle back off to place.
- Attackers run backwards and may not stand still.

- Teaching and improving starting player
- Expand with defenders
- Final exercise based on horizontal binding

- Exercises for individual technique and tactics in defense
- Attention to the movement areas
- Interval method 30 seconds of work, 30/60 seconds of relative rest
- High intensity, explosive work
- Correct technical posture
- Do not cross feet, keep contact with the ground

- Countering focused on getting into possession of the ball.
- Winning 1-on-1 duel.
- Aggravation exercise.
- Attacker must now choose a gate.
- Less space for both attacker and defender.

Preparatory practice and mental toughness training:
- Defenders in left or right corner, 1 active defender.
- Attacker starts to the middle between the pawns and then sprints to the circle.
- Defender anticipates.
- At the 3rd run, the attacker tries to pass between the pawns without being tapped.
- Continuous switching between attacker and defender, both left and right.
- Attention to anticipation, keeping distance, footwork, mental toughness so don't give up!

- 1 goalkeeper
- 1 defender
- 1 row of attackers
- 1 attacker receives the ball from the trainer/handler on the way to the defender
- The defender fends off and the attacker passes to the trainer
- The attacker breaks free, receives the ball again and tries to finish