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Handball drills for technique defense

Which team brings in most gold pieces/ pits?
  • 1 bank & one-against-all
  • 2-4 gangs of thieves
  • 1-2 guards.
Game consists of 4 rounds of play:

Game Round 1:
  • Thief - attacker: per post only 1 active & 1 gold piece at a time try to steal from bank.
  • Collect in own vault -hoop-.
  • Guard - defender- may only defend outside the bank.
  • If the thief is caught so tapped, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.
  • Which team was able to steal most gold pieces?
Game Round 2:
  • Divide gold pieces equally among the thieves.
  • Thieves: safely move your gold pieces 1-for-1 to other safe -from one hoop to another.
  • Thief -attacker: walk around your cone without the guard catching you.
  • Agent -defender: in this case may only defend inside the bank.
  • If the thief is caught -attacked, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.
  • Which team was able to transfer most gold pieces safely?

Game Round 3:
  • Thieves: for x time, steal as many gold pieces as possible from other safe.
  • Thief -attacker: mandatory back & forth through bank = watch for guard inside bank.
  • Guard may only defend inside bank.
  • If the thief is caught so tapped, he must leave the gold piece in the police station -under a cone.

Game round 4:
Same as game round 3, but with double guard 1 guard outside & 1 guard inside the bank.

Which team will have the most gold pieces in their possession after 4 rounds of play?

  • 2 defenders on the circle
  • 1 circle runner with vest
  • 2 attackers try to outplay the defenders via the circle runner
  • Possibly with goalkeeper
  • Use jump shot / pass move / drop throw etc.
  • 1 thick mat in the middle of the field.
  • The defenders stand around the mat.
  • The attackers try to push the ball onto the mat.
  • After 3 changes.
  • Goalkeeper stands in the goal or between 2 posts the size of the goal.
  • Another person throws, like a Frisbee, several hats in succession toward the goalie. Keeper tries to knock the hats down from the air.
  • Variation: Goalkeeper stands with his/her back to you and turns around on command. Then a hat is quickly thrown.
  • Lay out a circle with markers.
  • Divide the players into 2 teams.
  • 1 team defends, the other team tries to put the ball in the circle while overplaying.
  • Pay attention to footwork!
Play a game on small field:
  • Depending on number of players, cordon off part of circle. involve at least 1 corner.
  • Equal number of field players.
  • Small space, lots of pressure.
  • Have defenders connect to force penetration.
  • Let attackers outplay defenders.
  • Passing movements.
  • Make goalkeeper move correctly.
Play a game on small field:
  • Depending on number of players, cordon off part of circle. involve at least 1 corner.
  • Equal number of field players.
  • Small space, lots of pressure.
  • Have defenders connect to force penetration.
  • Let attackers outplay defenders.
  • Passing movements.
  • Make goalkeeper move correctly.
  • Limited space at the circle.
  • 1 v 1.
  • Try to get past the defender, moving quickly and turning away. Possibly pass and feint movement.
  • Explain what is and is not allowed in terms of defense.
    • Hands against shoulders.
    • Not from the side.
    • Do not hold arms.
    • Do not obstruct a broken player.
Practice passing moves in small 2-meter space.

1. Right - right wide - left)
2. Left, left wide - right - left - with overhaul.
3. 3 pass with extended forward throwing arm.
4. Turn -right turn to pass left - left turn to pass right.

  • 3 defenders with vests - 4 attackers.
  • 4 markers on the ground - see drawing - approximate position attackers.
  • The attackers try, through good interplay with the corner players, to get the ball on the ground in the 6 meters. Not throwing but laying down - 1 point.
  • The defenders try to touch an attacker who has the ball - 1 point.
  • Above all play each other freely, no passing moves and the like.
drawing Defense: pressure on the attack
  1. All players at the 6 meter with 1 ball each.
  2. All shoot until everyone has been:
  • At the goalie.
  • High. Changing corners.
  • Low. Corners change.
  • Half. The goalkeeper moves forward and back again.
Remember the goalie arc.
  • Large thick mat.
  • 1 player lies on the mat and tries to intercept balls directly or indirectly.
  • Always kneeling or lying position.