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Handball drills for technique defense

  • 2 duos are facing each other, in between is parallel a line marked with 2 poles.
  • There stands a 5th player who tries to intercept the balls, which are passed with bounce.
Good exercise for goalkeepers.
drawing Intercept the ball with bounce
Make pairs with a ball.
  • The one without the ball stands diagonally behind the one with the ball.
  • The player with the ball tips the ball to the 9-meter line as quickly as possible. The player without the ball tries to tap the ball away.
    Without making physical contact.
  • Line up full team on one side, team without goalie on other side.
  • Players will defend offensively and continue to watch for players behind.
  • Interception is a point and goal is a point.
We play this to practice the previous exercises at high speed and in competition form.

  • 3-vs-3 without circle. Point of attention in attack: lots of movement, don't hang on your spot. Point of attention in coverage: who steps out when.
  • 3-vs-4 with circle. Cover is undermanned and tries to break the attack by taking the speed out of it.
  • 4-vs-4. The coverage is now complete with a circle in their back. Again, focus on who has the circle at what time and when they should step out.
  • 5-vs-5. Same as before only now first LH and then RH are involved.
  • 2 Teams
  • Players place themselves on call on both sides at the 5 defensive positions: LH-LO-MO-RO-RH
    • Then run to attack position
    • Then a minimum of 3 throws (e.g. MO-RO-RH-RO)
    • Then shot at pawn
    • Return to defense
  • Players out, players in
    • Back to offense
    • Again at least 3 throws
    • Shot on target, etc.
  • Who is the first to knock over 3 pawns wins
  • LO a line with ball
  • RO a row
  • In every deep corner 1 defender
  • As soon as the builders start to run, the two defenders move to the middle as quickly as possible
  • The team builders who are competing with the defenders are going to pressure well next to the man
  • The defenders pay attention to a good defence, stepping out on the player with the ball and immediately back to the 6 when the ball is to the other player
  • After rounding on the goal, the attackers become defenders. Do not go and get the ball!
  • Defenders go into the deep corner again and two new attackers start

  • Row of LO with the ball
  • Two in the middle (every now and then new players in the middle)
  • LO puts pressure and passes the ball to the MO who is starting
  • LO runs backwards again with a good arc and keeps an eye on the game
  • The MO puts pressure and passes the ball to the incoming LO who shoots at the goal
  • The LO has to time the ball well. Do not start too quickly or too late.
  • Everyone is allowed to round off a few times on the LO

  • Trainer stands on the 6 on the middle on 3
  • 1 defender at 2
  • We do the same as before, but now the LO goes 1 on 1 with the defender
  • At the moment that the MO puts pressure, the trainer says YES and the defender has to move aside quickly to tap the trainer.
  • Then the LO starts to duel with the defender.
  • When you have shot at the goal, you immediately stand up to defend, so do not go and get your ball!
  • The previous defender joins behind the line LO and gets a ball from the goalie
  • The two MO's have to be exchanged every time

4 players: 1 goalkeeper, 1 defender, 2 attackers

  • 1 attacker tries to get to the goal line
  • if the defender blocks well, pass back to player 2 (who stays behind a bit)
  • Let the players change positions after every attack.

  • Then a variation with 2 defenders
  • Focus on free lines

  • On both sides there are 2 defenders on the build-up position.
  • 2 players in the middle and the rest spread out over the left and right positions.
  • Builders have the ball and play it to the middle, get it back and pass the defender. (The ball may also be played back to the middle).
  • Passing with 0 pass, or other feint.
  • Centre plays both builders and then switches.
  • The players can finish freely.

drawing pass defender
  • 2 pairs.
  • One (defensive) player on the dotted line.
  • Other (attacking) player in front of them.
  • The offensive player tries to pass the defensive player between the pawns (without ball).
  • One (defensive) player on the dotted line.
  • Other (offensive) player in front.
  • The attacking player tries to pass the defending player between the pawns (with ball).
  • Possible shot on goal.
  • Attackers:
    • Quick movement.
    • Continue shot attempt even though someone is hanging on to you.
  • Defenders:
    • Keep attacking player in front of you.
    • Grasping at upper arms.

drawing exercise: attack: pass in limited space / defense: keep player in front of you
  • A normal game is played, however with a special rule.
  • Everything remains the same, teams of 7 (6 field players + 1 goalkeeper) are made.
  • As a team in a break-out.
  • In a first or in a second phase they make a goal they may attack again.
  • If they have scored in this way they may break out again at the centre builder.
  • If a goal is scored in this attack, they have made 2 points in 1 attack.
  • If they don't score, it's only 1 point.
  • This continues until time is up.
  • Change:
    • You can also choose to reward a break-out.
    • You can also choose to reward a break-out, first or second phase attack with 2 points instead of a new attack.
drawing Breakout game
  • 4 attackers.
  • 3 defenders.
  • 1 attacker stands like a circle in the middle.
  • 3 defenders stand around it.
  • The other attackers try to play the ball around by applying pressure.
  • The attacker in the middle.
  • Defenders try to intercept and prevent the attacker in the middle from receiving the ball.
  • Attention defenders:
    • Talking.
    • Stepping out.
    • Step back.
    • Good foot forward.
    • Blocking space with arms.
    • Cover your back.
  • See Insta-film.

drawing Cooperation in coverage