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Handball drills for technique throw

  • 2 cones in a row on the 9 meter line in different positions, about 2 meters apart.
  • Player starts at front pawn Goes backwards around back pawn.
  • Then get the ball from the trainer and throw 10 balls at the goal at speed.
  • Mutual play,
  • if necessary, stop play and let them look at positions,
  • Who stands where and what choice do you make to play the ball to?
  • Throwing up in pairs.
  • Move one step further apart and pass without a bow.
  • 2 groups preferably of the same size and level.
  • Pass the ball to someone of your own group.
  • When you have passed the ball 10 times as a group you have won.
  • You can do this multiple times and earn points.
  • Or an assignment when you lose.
  • You can vary with rules such as not playing the ball back to the person the ball came from.
  • Make two teams. Each team has a goalie in the goal across the street.
  • Team stands in the corner next to the goal and runs an attack with two players:.
  • Passing without tipping.
  • Shooting from the 9 m line.
  • If scored, it is a point. Retrieve ball and run back hand in hand.
  • Pass the ball to the next couple.
  • The team that scores 10 goals first wins.
  • Make it more difficult:
    • Add two defenders per team (possibly use extra attacker).
  • divide over both set-up positions
  • Everyone 1 ball except the first player on the left.
  • with the ball, run in towards the goal, pass to the other player, who moves to the outside without the ball, receives the ball at 9 metres and shoots at goal
  • after making the pass, move outside, receive ball and shoot
  • keepers indicate where the shot must come from (series of hands, feet, up, down,...)
  • They also follow the ball and position themselves at the first post
  • divide over 2 teams
  • 1 team wears vests
  • play a match to automate agreements in defence and attack



Play with pressure from the left or right. (Depending on the number of players available whether we play 6 against 6 or less). When you shoot at goal but miss, you have to push yourself up 5 times.

  • curb in goal.
  • trying to throw it on the edge and catch it.
  • In different forms:
    • ordinary
    • jump shot
    • with defense and feint
    • with defense and jumping over
    • in teams of 2 with 1 defense