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Handball drills for technique throw

  • From each position is shot, 2 rounds. So 12 times no circle.
  • The goalkeeper has won if she stops 6 or more balls.
drawing goalie vs players
  • Players divide into left - and right corner with ball
  • 2 goalkeepers. 1 goalkeeper will play on - half break
  • Left starts, sprint to center, get ball and close 9 yards free
  • Player who threw becomes blocker for the next player coming from the right
  • This player to the shot becomes the blocker for the next player
  • Until everyone has had their turn. Then switch sides. Goalkeeper also changes
drawing Blocks and shot after short break
The goal of the exercise is to have the goalkeeper take the short corner on a throw on goal.
  • The attackers LO / RO are put in motion to RH / LH.
  • They receive the ball back only after being set up between two players.
  • LO / RO get the ball in motion and throw into the short corner.
  • The goalkeeper taps the far post and gets into the correct position to stop the ball in the short corner.
drawing Goalkeeper exercise short corner
Bringing the ball up quickly with short change and rounding
  • From the center line make three rows LO/MO/ RO
  • LO passes the ball to the MO who makes a short change on the right
  • The RO passes behind and receives the ball, makes a short dribble and short change on the left
  • The outside builders run wide
  • The LO comes through the middle and receives the ball from the RO
  • The new MO shoots at the goal.
  • Always change positions
  • Play substitutes on both sides
  • Baltempo
  • Finishing from 9 meters
  • Expand with coverage on circle. 2 defenders, then 3 defenders & 1 circle
  • Not intended to play long attack, so 2x short change >> SHOT
drawing Putting on the ball quickly
  • 2 teams facing each other
  • Bench with tops in between
  • Knock off the tops
  • Which team has the most?
drawing Throwing off pawns
  • Playing diagonally
drawing Appearance passes
  • At least 1 player stands at each pawn.
  • There is 1 ball at red.
  • Red throws to blue and walks to blue's pawn.
  • Blue throws to white and runs to white's pawn and so on.

  • Running after the ball.
  • Run the ball clockwise and players counterclockwise.
  • Crossing diagonally.
  • 2 balls.
  • With a bounce.
drawing Overplaying in square
There are players who make only 1 or 2 passes when making a jump shot. To practice to really make 3 passes, you can do this exercise:
  • Put 4 benches in a row as shown in the drawing.
  • Have them take turns on the 1st bench.
  • Then make 3 passes across the benches.
  • Take a jump shot.
drawing Forcing jump shot 3 passes
  • 2 rows of players at 11 meters
  • dribble and jump on run shot
    • hands
    • left/right high
    • left/right low
    • ground
  • 7 meter practice in 2 goals.
  • Observe contact and standing still 1 foot to throw.
  • Aiming at corners - aiming discs.
  • Then with goalie.
  • 1 player at bin position.
  • Rest in the corners.
  • 1 ball in each corner and reserve.
  • Left runs on the 6 meter line.
  • Right runs on the 9 meter line.
  • Pass to nearest bin.
  • Passer gets ball back from next bin.
  • Pass through to corner
drawing Ball catching in run
  • Rear cone start running in to outer cone
  • Get ball in run and pass to outer cone to teammate
  • Run back to rear cone, backwards
  • Getting ball forward as one runs to the other outer cone
  • Pass when arriving at the outer cone
  • Repeat these exercises at fast pace for 1 minute
  • Then change places
  • Have player giving pass walk forward and backward instead of from standstill
  • Have both players walk forward and backward in a semicircle and pass to each other
drawing Walking in without in semicircle with pass giving.