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Handball drills for technique throw


At the last pass drop off.


Two teams throw with bounce, low bounce, high bounce, as hard as possible through the ground.

Points of attention
Watch the whole movementGood
foot in frontBall
on the hand, don't squeeze the ballBall
along the head forward


Hoops are hanging on the wall at different heights or circles are drawn.
Try to score as many points as possible.
Adjust the distance and throw as hard as possible.
You can also divide a thick mat into sections using painters tape.

Points of attention
Pay attention to the whole movementGood
foot in frontBall
on the hand, don't squeeze the ballBall
along the head forward

  • Players in two build-up positions. 
  • Ball with right build players
  • Right build-up player plays in the direction of the circle (left build-up player)
  • Left build-up player starts in rear right assembly along
  • Left build-up player receives the ball from right build-up and rounds off on goal. 
  • Fetch ball and connect in other row

Repeat with ball at left build players

drawing Warm-up with switching
  • Center build-up player plays the ball to the outside build-up player and starts.
  • Outside build-up player plays the ball back.
  • The centre build-up player makes a single switch with the outside build-up player and gives the ball to the outside builder.
  • The centre builder blocks the direct defender of the outside build-up player. 
  • The outside build-up player plays the goalkeeper.
  • The corner player starts with a break run and gets the ball from the goalkeeper across the centre line.
  • The corner player finishes off on goal.


  • Players face each other.  
  • One of the players throws the ball to the in-goal defender and starts running.
  • The goal defender plays the ball to one of the two players.
  • The two players throw the ball over to the other side at speed.
  • The players go around the pilons and throw the ball back where they pay close attention to the other players.


  • 4 hurdles placed in a row behind each other
    • and then 2 more hurdles to the left 
    • and 2 more hurdles to the right. 
  • First over the 4 hurdles and after the last hurdle you make a nillpass
    • and a slide/drag movement to the left or right. 
  • Here, you pass the last hurdle and then finish off on target. 
  • Can jump over the hurdles with 2 or 1 foot. 
drawing finishing with hurdles
  • all players divide themselves over the 6m line from left to right with a ball
  • goalkeeper now throws in 
  • goalkeeper indicates where
drawing Keeper throw in, another variation
  • A1 tips forward to pilon 1. At pilon A1 passes the ball to A2, which has passed to pilon 2 and so on to A4.
  • A4 finishes on target.
  • A1 goes to A2 and onwards.
  • A4 takes ball after finishing and joins the line behind A2.
  • Expanding 1) by taking away pilons
  • Expanding 2) is by adding defenders (passive)
  • Expand 3) A1 has started inside and receives ball from A4
drawing Passing in groups of 4
  • finish passing
  • 1 tips forward.
  • 2 runs along.
  • 1 plays to 2.
  • 2 passes, 3 finishes on target.
  • 1 joins in the back of row 2.
  • 2 has finished, takes ball and joins row 1.
  • Expandable with jump shots and possibly 1 defender
drawing passing and finishing in pairs
  • 4 players per group
  • 3 players play the ball around to each other
  • 1 player tries to tap the ball away.
  • When this succeeds, a new player stands in the middle.
  • First only play straight passes, then bounce passes, lastly play straight and bounce passes
drawing Taking the ball
  • Organization:
  • 10 players per goal plus goalkeeper
  • One key point at Left attacker or Right attacker one defender at 8/9 metres (defending the throwing side of the left defender/right defender) Two players left defender/right defender, two players middle and two circle players (middle)
  • All balls in the middle

  • Execution:
  • Middle starts in with ball and plays to the right build-up, starting right defender plays ball to right attacker (key point) right defender receives ball from right attacker after an archwise countermovement and plays towards to circle
  • can be done with a stretch shot and (bounce).
  • Circle player terminates exercise

  • Instructions:
  • Correct timing, fast position switch;
  • Short turns;
  • Hip-height bounce pass.
drawing archwise countermovement and threat, stretch shot with bounce timing