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Handball drills for technique throw

  • 1 player at bin position.
  • Rest in the corners.
  • 1 ball in each corner and reserve.
  • Left runs on the 6 meter line.
  • Right runs on the 9 meter line.
  • Pass to nearest bin.
  • Passer gets ball back from next bin.
  • Pass through to corner
drawing Ball catching in run
  • Rear cone start running in to outer cone
  • Get ball in run and pass to outer cone to teammate
  • Run back to rear cone, backwards
  • Getting ball forward as one runs to the other outer cone
  • Pass when arriving at the outer cone
  • Repeat these exercises at fast pace for 1 minute
  • Then change places
  • Have player giving pass walk forward and backward instead of from standstill
  • Have both players walk forward and backward in a semicircle and pass to each other
drawing Walking in without in semicircle with pass giving.
  • Make pairs with 1 ball.
  • Pairs face each other and place the ball at a high pace to each other.
  • Actively dribble and place on spot.
  • On the whistle they sprint to the pawn and back to spot and start placing the ball again.
  • Ball stays center when sprinting
  • Ball with bounce
  • Bounce ball
  • Bow ball
drawing Response and speed
  • 1 player starts on the back line next to the goal
  • Other players stand divided on the sideline. Left and right of the goal, first stands at the level of the 7 meters.
  • On whistle, player sprints to the center line and to the 9 meters.
  • Receives the ball and shoots at goal. Running shoes, jumping boots or with a hip throw.
  • Backwards to the pawn and again to the 9 meters.
  • Just until the balls run out!
  • Collect balls, next player
drawing How many balls do you shoot into the goal?
Left structure:
  • Throwing over the block
Middle build-up:
  • In a square, place patties. Except at the front, there is a fence there.
  • You jump forward, left, center, right, center, forward and then 3 steps and throw.
Right structure:
  • Jumping on the step with 2 feet at a time.
  • Around the step and then throw.
Refine stretch throw, with explanation:
  • Ball in 2 hands
  • Left hand goes down, right hand goes up
  • Left hand moves along causing left shoulder to turn in.
  • Move along to shoulder height
  • Shot with whip-like movement of wrist and elbow
  • Extra direction and impulse from the fingers
  • 2 benches with balls and pawns on them.
  • 2 teams on each side of the benches at about 5 meters.
  • Each team tries to throw off as many pawns and balls as possible.
  • The one with the most wins.
  • 2 benches facing each other in the playing field. On half of each bench a marker or ring in the middle of the bench.
  • There are 1 or 2 players on the bench.
  • Players must overplay to get the ball to the tower = player on the bench.
  • Note; the tower can only be played with a bounce!
  • All players have a ball.
  • 3 mats behind.
  • One goal.
  • Players step through a 3 pass; left-right-left, across the mats and then finish with shot.
  • Note correct shot posture:
    • Correct leg forward - right-handed left, left-handed right-.
    • Arm high and elbow above shoulder.
drawing Teaching 3-Pass
  • Everyone stands in the position where he/she often stands during match.
  • Everyone has a ball and starts up when they receive/play the ball.
  • Everyone rounds their own ball at the goal.
  1. LH starts rounding, get ball played to them by instarting LO. Circle player sets off corner for realistic shot.
  2. LO gets ball from instarting MO and rounds on goal. Circle player can be passive defender.
  3. MO may throw, gets ball from RO. Circle player may be passive defender.
  4. MO quickly returns to position and plays RO.
  5. RO plays RH, rounds on goal.
  6. MO plays circle with bounce and rounds on goal.
This exercise can be repeated several times at a good pace.
There can be several players per position.
The first in line can play all corners.
It is about warming up from your own position.
Keeper stands on goal.
  • Set up 4 benches 1.5 - 2 meters apart.
  • All players a ball.
  1. Make a 3 pass: left-right jump and land on the bench.
  2. Do this toward each bench.
drawing Preparation for jump throw
  1. Players line up in groups of 3.
  2. Player in the middle is the loafer and tries to intercept the ball.
  3. The other 2 may try to make space between the pawns for the pass.
Points of attention:
  • Proper throwing technique.
  • Hands ready to catch.
  • No arc balls.
  • Running free, making sure you respond to the loafer.
drawing Loafing