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Handball drills for technique throw

  • All players divide on the left and right corner (in pairs)
  • Players in the left corner have a ball
  • The trainer calls 'yes' and at that moment the LH sprints to his pylon.
  • The RH sprints to his pylon
  • Once around the pylon, he/she receives the ball and heads towards the goal
  • First without a defender, then a defender, then two defenders

drawing Break Out run 2 (half field)
  • Goalkeeper in goal
  • Rest of the players have a ball
  • Player stands on the build-up positions
  • Picks up the ball and throws at goal
  • After attempting a goal, sprint around the pawn to the sideline
  • Sprint to the middle line, fetch the ball and join the other sides
  • Middle li/re high li/re middle li/re low diagonal bounce free

drawing goalkeeper throw-in with condition factor 1
  • 2 teams bring the ball up from the middle line.
  • First without a defender, then with 1 defender

drawing 2 teams handball 1
  • Split players into 2 groups
  • A number of players stand in each corner
  • The corner players take turns to shoot at the goal
  • Get the ball and connect with the other corner
  • After that build up positions
drawing throw training 2
  • Make 2 teams
  • Each team in a square
  • Big ball in the middle
  • Each player has a ball
  • Try to get the ball over the opponent's line

  • Vary ball in the middle:
    • Big ball, medicine ball
  • Goalkeeper in goal
  • Rest of the players have a ball
  • Player stands on the build-up positions
  • Picks up the ball and throws at goal
  • After attempting a goal, sprint around the pawn to the sideline
  • Sprint to the middle line, fetch the ball and join the other sides
  • Middle li/re high li/re middle li/re low diagonal bounce free

drawing goalkeeper throw-in with condition 2
  • Goalkeeper in goal,
  • Rest of the players have a ball.
  • Players stand at build-up position
  • LO: jumps with both legs over the racks and throws at goal
  • RO: first do the speed ladder and throw at goal
  • After attempting to get the ball and connect other sides again.
  • Mdden- li/re high-li/re middle- li/re low- diagonal-bounce- free

drawing goalkeeper throw-in with condition 1
  • Goalkeeper in goal
  • Rest of the players have a ball
  • Player stands on the build-up positions
  • Picks up the ball and throws at goal
  • After the attempted goal, sprint around the pawn to the sideline
  • Sprint to the middle line, then fetch the ball and join the other sides.
  • Middle li/re high li/re middle li/re low diagonal bounce free

drawing goalkeeper throw-in with condition 2


  • LH plays to LO
  • Takes position deep in the corner
  • LH gets the ball back in the run (with bounce) and completes. 3 Pass rhythm.
  • In each hoop/bicycle tyre 1 foot.


  • RO plays the ball in the run to LO
  • LO opts:
    • A-B-1 (or left past the pylon/defender)
    • A-B-2 (or right past the pylon/defender)


  • LO passes the ball to RO
  • RO elects:
    • A-B-1 (or right past the pylon/defender)
    • A-B-2 (or left past the pylon/defender)
drawing Jump shot Angle and Construction
  • 2 teams bring up the ball from the centre line
  • Around the pawn
  • Finish on goal
  • First without a defender, then with one defender

drawing 2 teams handball 1
  • Two players line up in the middle of a handball half (nr3 and nr5 on the picture)
  • The other players divide themselves against the pawns.
    • The first player has the ball and plays it to the one in the middle (nr 3) and starts running
    • The player who started gets the ball back and passes it to the other player (nr5) in the middle
    • The player goes around the pawn and joins the other group
    • At the moment the player in the middle (nr 5) is in the middle.
    • Receives the ball starts at the other side
    • The next player starts running and receives the ball
    • He passes the ball to the other player
    • In the middle (No. 3), another player starts running and the exercise is repeated.


  • Outside left plays the ball to the goalkeeper and starts a break run
  • The outside right plays the break and also starts a break
  • The goalkeeper runs the second break
  • The left outside finishes the break and switches to the defence to stop the right outside.
  • The outside right goes into the 1v1 duel
  • The outside right finishes
