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Handball drills for technique throw

  • The corner player plays the ball to the goalkeeper.
    • Both the corner player and the centre forward start to break.
    • The corner player runs in and the centre forward runs out, towards the pawn
  • The goalkeeper plays the ball to the centre-back
  • The centre-back passes the ball to the corner player, who crosses in
  • The corner player passes the ball on to the forward
  • The midfielder finishes


  • Players spread out in all corners
  • A goalkeeper stands in each goal
  • The blue players break out and finish on goal
  • The goalkeeper grabs the ball as quickly as possible and throws a break out for the red players
  • Red players break out and finish on goal
  • The goalie takes the ball as quickly as possible and throws a break out for the blue players
  • etc.
drawing Break Out walk 4

  • Group in 2 rows (LO and RO)
  • 1st LO without ball
  • 1st RO plays ball to LO, LO shoots at goal
  • 2nd LO plays ball to RO, RO shoots at goal

Also useful to play the goalkeeper:

  • On the hands
  • Top corner left / right
  • Shoulder height left / right
  • Knee height left / right
  • Bouncing balls left / right
  • Low balls left / right
drawing Goalkeeper insertion 1
  • Divide into 2 teams and place in a circle 1.5m apart.
  • Team 1 has a ball and team 2 has a ball.
  • The balls start with the players opposite each other.
  • Both teams play the ball around and try to catch up with the other team's ball.
drawing Passing the ball
  1. B1 plays on point of play, runs on and receives the ball in the run and finishes with a running shot.
  2. R1 blocks the ball. (jumping and forearms against each other)
drawing Barrier and blocks
  • MO plays ball to RO or LO, build-up starts in direction of corner and corner comes running in.
  • Construction plays ball near sideline to corner player who presses between 1 and 2 and plays ball to MO.
  • LH or RH does NOT go through to the circle - corners go back to their position and stand deep
  • MO (who has the ball) presses the defence and passes to LO or RO who again presses between 1and2and plays the corner free
  • You spread out 4 thin mats and divide the players into 2 teams (1 team with vests and 1 team without vests).
  • Goal: 10 passes and then tap the mat with the ball.
  • 1st phase: *no contact - no dribble - take 3 steps according to handball rules
  • 2nd phase: *well contact - no dribble - don't pass back - sit on the mat (max.3 sec) and get pass to score
  • Goalkeeper in goal,
  • rest of the players have a ball and spread out on the left straight.
  • 1 or 2 players stand in the middle to play.
  • Player plays the ball to the MO then footwork over the rents (3, sprinting over) then get the ball back, left right action and shoot at goal)
  • after the goal attempt, sprint around the cones to get the ball and join the other sides
  • middle l/re high li/re middle l/re low diagonal bounce free


  1. just pass or with 0 pass
  2. underhand shot
  3. over it
  4. shot threat, then a movement around it.
  5. Run-up and then between 2 people
  • Goalkeeper, and player on 9 meter line, 2 pawns .
  • I play to player , throws back taps pion 1 and catches the ball .
  • Throws back again , taps pion 2 catches the ball and turns around and throws at goal .

  • RO plays pass to starting MO
  • MO sets up swap with LO starting from behind, LH starts towards middle, MO puts bar on UR
  • LO puts pressure on the central block between MA-l and CS and plays pass to in starting LH
  • LH finishes

  • RH puts pressure between MA-l and HL, MO puts pressure between MA-l and HL, RO starts in behind MO. This will cause MA-l and HL to go in, allowing a pass from RH to RO.
  • CS puts pressure on MA-r, RO finishes off
