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Handball drills

2 teams from their own 6-metre area bring up the ball.
You meet 1 defender.


  • Without bouncing
  • 2 defenders on the field.

2 teams and 1 bke-area. From each team, 1 bounces to the bke field and places a pebble. Quickly back and then the next one. Who has butter/cheese/eggs first?

In addition, after 4 stones you may swap 2 stones or place your own in an empty space.


The attacker squeezes the ball, approaches the defender to about one meter, threatens to shoot on goal by turning in well with the ball behind and making a step forward with the left leg, steps away to the right with the right leg to get next to the defender, places left leg towards goal, makes a jump throw and shoots on goal (see pictures). The less skilful pupil can make a bounce after the shot threat and then make a 1-2-3 pass and finish on goal.


The zero pass in handball is a jump where one leg is dropped and a player lands on two adjacent feet
. The zero pass, as the word says, does not count as a pass. A player may then make three more passes. When making a zero-pass, the player lands one metre from the defender, thrusts the body to the left, makes a step with the right leg to the right and then steps with the left leg past the defender towards the goal. After this, the player makes a jump shot and shoots at goal. With the zero axis it is important that the student lands on the front feet and brings the weight forward.

  • The attacker squeezes the ball,
  • approaches the defender to about one metre,
  • feinting to the left
  • steps away to the right with the right leg to get next to the defender,
  • places left leg towards goal,
  • makes a jump throw
  • and shoots at goal.
  • Variation with charging, without charging. Pay attention to zero axis.

Place a flag in the middle of a circle. Provide the circle with pawns spaced every 75-100 cm, depending on the level of the player/players.

See also:

1. Distribute the players/players around the circle between the pawns;
2. start 'jogging' between the pawns (snake movement); Arms take turns (warming up)
If they are not on track, you can call 'go' to see who is on track (if the assignment is to sprint for the whistle :-)):
5. Next exercise : Zig-Zag (from left to right) between the cones,
6. Run sideways outside, and make rainbows with the left foot over each cone7
. Run sideways (inside) and make rainbows over each cone (with right foot); on the whistle sprint to outside the circle and back at second whistle;
8. High kicks

while walking to the flag, backwards Zig-Zag to the outside;


Close the gate towards the flag, turn hip to left, lift leg and turn inside, turn hip to right lift leg and turn inside, backward Zig-Zag back:
12. 'Open the gate' towards the flag, lift left leg, turn outside, hip turns with it, lift right leg, turn outside,
13. short dribble with feet forward and backward between the cones, do turn, on whistle sprint to the flag;
14. short dribble with feet forward and backward between the cones, do turn, on whistle sprint a little longer (more meters) to outside the circle;


  • The zero pass in handball is a jump in which one leg is dropped and a player lands on two adjacent feet
  • The zero pass, as the word says, does not count as a pass.
  • A player may then make three more passes.
  • When making a zero-pass, the player lands one metre from the defender, dangles the body to the left, takes a step with the right leg to the right and then steps with the left leg past the defender towards the goal.
  • After this, the player makes a jump shot and shoots at goal.
  • With the zero axis it is important that the student lands on the front feet and brings the weight forward.


  • The attacker squeezes the ball,
  • approaches the defender to about one metre,
  • threatens to shoot at goal by turning in well with the ball behind and stepping forward with the left leg,
  • steps away to the right with the right leg to get next to the defender,
  • places left leg towards goal,
  • makes a jump throw and shoots at goal
  • The less skilful pupil can make a bounce after the shot threat and then make a 1-2-3 pass and finish on goal.
  • The attacker squeezes the ball,
  • approaches the defender to about one metre,
  • threatens to shoot at goal by turning in well with the ball behind and stepping forward with the left leg,
  • steps away to the right with the right leg to get next to the defender,
  • places left leg towards goal,
  • makes a jump throw
  • and shoots at goal.
  • The less skilled pupil can make a bounce after the shot threat and then make a 1-2-3 pass and finish on goal.
  • there are 3 tickers.
  • The other players bounce to the center line,
  • the taggers try to tap the ball away.
  • curb in goal.
  • trying to throw it on the edge and catch it.
  • In different forms:
    • ordinary
    • jump shot
    • with defense and feint
    • with defense and jumping over
    • in teams of 2 with 1 defense

Who is the first to have 21 points?

  • One goal > point for the players.
  • If the goalkeeper stops the ball > point for the goalkeeper.
  • The first player to 21 points is the winner.
  • Two persons sit side by side on circle facing the other side of the field.
  • Trainer throws a ball from behind in front of them.
  • At the moment they see the ball they stand up and see who has the ball first.
  • The fastest becomes attacker, the other must defend.
  • Finish on the other side.