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Handball drills

  • Line up full team on one side, team without goalie on other side.
  • Players will defend offensively and continue to watch for players behind.
  • Interception is a point and goal is a point.
Everyone gets a ball, dribbles and tries to get each other's "tails" (less than the number of players).
To improve your balance you can stand in pairs on the sideline and throw the ball.

This can be done with different tasks:
  • Tightrope walk (feet together, flat on the ground)
  • Tightrope walk + toes position
  • Stand on 1 leg
  • Jumping up and landing on the line on 1 or 2 legs and then throwing up

  • Keeping arms forward
    • Small rotation with clenched fist
      • Do not overextend
  • Jog quietly across the field
    • Arms forward
    • Backwards
    • Turn against each other
  • Arms crossed wide in front of the chest
    • Alternating between up and down
  • Arms wide and turn small circles
Question, which muscles do you feel when?
  • There are 3 lines, marked with hats
  • 2 Teams stand on opposite sides of the center line and try to hit each other
  • If you are hit, you walk to the line behind the opponent
  • If you succeed in hitting an opponent, you may return to the line behind him.
  • The team that has all players on the backline loses.
  • 2 Benches face each other, between 6 and 8 meters apart
  • On every bench there are 4 to 6 pawns
  • There are 2 teams who must try to knock off the pawns by throwing them over.
  • Pawns that have fallen down can be taken to your own side
  • The team that has all the pawns wins
  • Place the pawns in bicycle tires, where you are not allowed to stand inside.

  • Keeping arms forward, small rotation with hands, not extreme stretching.
  • Slowly jog across the field, arms forward, backward, twisting against each other
  • Arms crossed in front of the chest, alternating up and down
  • Arms wide and turn small circles
Question: which muscles do you feel when?

  • 2 Teams
  • Players place themselves on call on both sides at the 5 defensive positions: LH-LO-MO-RO-RH
    • Then run to attack position
    • Then a minimum of 3 throws (e.g. MO-RO-RH-RO)
    • Then shot at pawn
    • Return to defense
  • Players out, players in
    • Back to offense
    • Again at least 3 throws
    • Shot on target, etc.
  • Who is the first to knock over 3 pawns wins
  • You make 2 teams
  • 1 team starts with the ball and tries to tap the other team with the ball.
    • They have to pass and are not allowed to run
    • The other team tries to intercept the ball
  • When the ball is intercepted, they can continue playing immediately
  • If you tap someone you get 1 point
Who has the most points at the end?
  • All players run through each other in a smaller field (10x10).
  • They run the ball at speed, which they do for about 2 minutes
  • Afterwards they do an exercise after they played
    • Lie flat on their stomach and get up again
    • Squat 2 times
    • 2 times jumping jacks
You indicate which exercise they should do

  • LO a line with ball
  • RO a row
  • In every deep corner 1 defender
  • As soon as the builders start to run, the two defenders move to the middle as quickly as possible
  • The team builders who are competing with the defenders are going to pressure well next to the man
  • The defenders pay attention to a good defence, stepping out on the player with the ball and immediately back to the 6 when the ball is to the other player
  • After rounding on the goal, the attackers become defenders. Do not go and get the ball!
  • Defenders go into the deep corner again and two new attackers start

4 players: 1 goalkeeper, 1 defender, 2 attackers

  • 1 attacker tries to get to the goal line
  • if the defender blocks well, pass back to player 2 (who stays behind a bit)
  • Let the players change positions after every attack.

  • Then a variation with 2 defenders
  • Focus on free lines