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Handball drills

  • 4 hats, 1,2,3 & 4
  • The trainer calls which one you touch.
  • Forward around the pylon.

  • Hats further apart.
  • Dribble to the hat with number 1 2 3 or 4
  • Place a flag in the middle of a circle.
  • Provide the circle with pawns spaced every 75-100 cm, depending on the level of the player/players.
  • See also:
  • Distribute the players around the circle between the cones;
    • Start by 'jogging'between the cones (snake movement);
    • Arms take turns (warming up)
    • At the signal of the trainer ( whistle) short sprint to the flag in the middle and back again;
    • 2x whistle sprint to the outside
  • Next exercise :
    • Zig-Zag (left to right) between the cones,
    • Run sideways outside, and make rainbows (knee up) with the left foot over every cone
    • Run sideways (inside) and make rainbows (knee up) over each cone (with right foot);
    • Short dribble with the feet forwards and backwards between the cones, but keep on turning.

  • 2 teams bring up the ball from the centre line
  • Around the pawn
  • Finish on goal
  • First without a defender, then with one defender

drawing 2 teams handball 1
  1. Players line up against each other.
  2. One of the players throws the ball to the goalkeeper who has the ball and starts running.
  3. The goalkeeper plays the ball to one of the two players.
  4. The two players speed across to the other side.
  5. The player who receives the ball +/- 2 metres before the dotted line rounds on goal.


  • Two or three people on the left side of the pitch (can also be another position) and have to shoot.
  • The rest of the players collect balls and one of them plays the balls.
  • Shooting from the left side in succession.
  • The player who scores ten times first has won.
  • When you have shot, you have to walk backwards to your position.
  • Two or three people on the left side of the pitch and have to shoot.
  • The rest of the players collect balls and one of them plays the balls.
  • Shooting from the left side in succession.
  • The player who first scores 10 times has won.
  • When you have shot, you have to walk backwards to your position.
  • Divide group into equal attackers/defenders. (e.g. 5-5)
  • Defenders defend forwards and pay attention to their (correct) position (correct leg in front - bent legs - grab opponent by the upper arms - stand as close to opponent as possible). Obstruct the shot/run direction - force attacker outside - communicate - help close teammates
  • Attackers must - determine where the spaces are - press forward and show initiative (by passing (tipping/shooting), running free (with/without the ball), playing give-and-go's. Changing/acquiring a position)

The exercise can be made easier or more difficult by: (foul play - make space in attack bigger/smaller - adjust number of players)

  • At the end of the training, have the two teams play against each other.
  • Coaching them, but letting the game run.
  • Point out the pressure they have to put on and how to connect.
  • Make sure the children apply the distance shot and various passing moves.

Make 3 teams: 1 stands 2 meters for the sideline, 1 stands in the middle, the other stands 2 meters for the other sideline.

The ones in the middle have the ball

  • 1. Dribble/putt on towards the 1st one on the sideline pass the ball and the other one runs to the other sideline and so on.
  • 2. Advance to the sideline, make a zero pass (the other one has to defend) the defender gets the ball and does the same on the other side.
  • - Note: player lands 1 meter in front of the defender, player must land on front feet, makes a body threat and passes the other side, speed up
  • 3. Same as 2, but now zero pass on left/right leg.
  • - Attention: player lands on 1 meter in front of the defender, makes sure he takes his upper body with him while landing and accelerating
  • 4. same as 2, but now with overpowering.
  • - Pay attention: that the zero axis is made slightly next to the defender, one long arm, that the player pushes down the defender's arm with the other arm, accelerate

drawing Defending/ Passing move
  • Two persons sit side by side on a circle, facing the other side of the field.
  • - Variation: standing, sitting on buttocks, lying on stomach, lying on back, plank posture
  • Trainer throws a ball from behind in front of them.
  • As soon as they see the ball, they stand up and see who gets the ball first.
  • The fastest becomes attacker, the other must defend.
  • Finish on the other side.

  • Divide the group into 3 teams
  • Each team takes place behind the square with the hats
  • The squares are identical to each other and consist of four different coloured hats
  • The first person of each team stands inside the square
  • The trainer calls 1, 2 or 3 colours which have to be tapped by hand in the right order
  • Then continue the course at maximum speed
  • At the cones: forwards-backwards-forwards-backwards.
  • At the ladder, each foot in the next square (several variations possible).
  • Then sprint back past the first hat of the square.
  • The fastest earns 1 point for his team

During the time that the track is completed, the other team members do push ups and abdominal exercises

drawing Relay course
  • Divide the group into 3 teams
  • Each team takes place behind the square with the hats
  • The squares are identical to each other and consist of four different coloured hats
  • The first person of each team stands inside the square
  • The trainer calls 1, 2 or 3 colours which have to be tapped by hand in the right order
  • Then continue the course at maximum speed
  • At the cones: forwards-backwards-forwards-backwards.
  • At the ladder, each foot in the next square (several variations possible).
  • Then sprint back past the first hat of the square.
  • The fastest earns 1 point for his team

During the time that the track is completed, the other team members do push ups and abdominal exercises

drawing Relay course