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Handball drills

  • Your left leg in front and your right leg in back. Now you are bouncing back and forth between your legs

  • You stand up straight without looking at the ball Then you sit down slowly The ball should continue to bounce

  • You are tipping straight up without looking at the ball Then you lie down slowly. The ball must continue to bounce

  • You are tipping on the ground. Tipping without looking at the ball Your legs are apart during these exercises Now bounce on the left side, then in the middle and then on the right side

  • You are sitting on the ground, tipping Tipping without looking at the ball
    Your legs are close together in these exercises, but are not touching the ground
    Now bounce under your legs
    You can do this with your good hand, but you can also do it with your bad hand

Set up volleyball net. Set up a handball goal at 9 meters from the volleyball net. Goalkeeper on goal. players shoot over the net and try to score.


  • Using different shots.
  • Run in from different sides.
  • Make it a competition (who scores the most, etc.).
  • Reduce or increase distance

2 or 3 people on the left side of the pitch (can also be another position) and have to shoot.
The rest of the players collect balls and one of them plays the balls.
Shooting from the left side in succession.
The first player to score 10 times wins the game.
When you have shot you must walk backwards to your position.


  • Different ways of approaching (i.e. slightly in or out and so on)
  • Different shots (underhand throw, bend throw, out of the way, etc.)
  • Use more than 1 position

Everyone shoots from their own position.
A player shoots his own ball and then he has to "free" all the others so they can shoot.
This has to be done in a competition-oriented way, e.g. freeing the left corner from the left tackle, freeing the circle player from the middle tackle and so on.

  • Everyone a ball and bounce through 6 meter area.Then you can do different exercises:
  • Bounce the ball through your legs once in a while
  • Bounce the ball behind your back
  • Trying to tap someone else's ball.
  • Bounce the ball on the spot, sit down while bouncing, then lie down and then stand up again.


Bring up the ball in 2 teams from your own 6 meter area.
On your own half of the field you encounter 1 defender (stays only on this half of the field).
On the other half of the field, you encounter 2 defenders, but offensively you also have a circle runner.


  • Without bouncing
  • Without circle runner
  • 3 defenders on one half of the pitch, so front defender stands with the other 2 defenders.

Bring up the ball in 3 pairs (left build, middle build and right build) and score on the goal across.


  • without bouncing
  • substitutions/systems
  • add defender(s)



B1 plays players and runs through the back and back to the start.

Playing variations:

  • Straight throw
  • Jump throw
  • With bounce
  • Bounce Throw
  • Two-handed
  • Left
  • Right
  • Roll


  • 2 hands
  • 1 hand


Blue crosses, Red tries to tap the ball away.
Ball away -> defend until everyone has lost their ball.

Extra defenders.

Points of attention:
Conquer by tipping:

  • When you hear the ball on the ground, put your hand between the ball and the hand of the opponent.
  • Attacking on the ball side


A dribbles and passes to B.
B dribbles and passes again to

Pass so that the next player takes over the dribble.


Two teams each on their own half.
Centre line is a line.
One tries to throw the ball over the line in such a way that it goes over the back line.
The line may not be touched. Who scores the most points?


  • introducing a neutral zone in front of the line
  • shot variation
  • number of times compulsory replay


Tipping and throwing over the line.
Connecting other group.