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Handball drills

1. Bounce the ball around the body.
2. Bounce the ball in an 8 shape.
3. Bounce the ball around while sitting.
4. Sit while bouncing, with high and low bounces.
5. Using both hands.
  • 2 players facing each other, with tennis ball.
  • Hold upper arm and overplay ball with forearm/wrist.
  • Pass over with hip throw.
  • Trainer stands center front at 7 meters.
  • Player throws on ball from 11/ 12 meters, runs up, catches ball and shoots under arms trainer, with side shot.
  • Note low body position.
Practice passing moves in small 2-meter space.

1. Right - right wide - left)
2. Left, left wide - right - left - with overhaul.
3. 3 pass with extended forward throwing arm.
4. Turn -right turn to pass left - left turn to pass right.

  • All players have a ball.
  • 3 mats behind.
  • One goal.
  • Players step through a 3 pass; left-right-left, across the mats and then finish with shot.
  • Note correct shot posture:
    • Correct leg forward - right-handed left, left-handed right-.
    • Arm high and elbow above shoulder.
drawing Teaching 3-Pass
  • Set up 4 benches 1.5 - 2 meters apart.
  • All players a ball.
  1. Make a 3 pass: left-right jump and land on the bench.
  2. Do this toward each bench.
drawing Preparation for jump throw
Warming up:
  • Lunge pass.
  • Calf raises, possibly on bench, sagging slightly.
  • Jumping in place, landing softly on 2 legs, torso straight, knees out.
  • Jumping walk on 1 leg, landing softly.
  • Lunge stride.
Jump shot exercise:
  1. Place a marker at the jump spot.
  2. Player starts from corner, ball is passed with bounce by other player.
  3. Run up sharply to avoid giving defenders space.
  4. Lean sideways to prepare the turn.
  5. Aim in the left-right corner/high low.
  6. Possibly with goalkeeper.
  1. All players at the 6 meter with 1 ball each.
  2. All shoot until everyone has been:
  • At the goalie.
  • High. Changing corners.
  • Low. Corners change.
  • Half. The goalkeeper moves forward and back again.
Remember the goalie arc.
  1. All players grab a ball and line up next to each other.
  2. The trainer stands with ball in front of it.
  3. The players follow the trainer dribbling as a mirror image. If the trainer goes forward then they go backward, if the trainer goes left then they go right, and so on.
  • Trainer raises number of fingers and players call out how many; looking over the ball.
  • Sit down while dribbling and stand up again.
  • Lie down while dribbling and get up again.
  • Turn ball around waist.
  • Dribbling between the legs.
drawing Mirror
  • At 3 spots(LO/MO/RO) place a dummy or poles with vests.
  • Players approach from 1 side, get the ball and after 2 steps from the 2nd line they finish 3 times with:
    • High stretch/ swing shot.
    • Underhand shot.
    • Articulated shot.

  • Have left-handed players start on the right.
  • Focus on ball control.
  • Lots of repetitions.
  • Place a marker at the jump spot.
  • Player starts from corner, ball is passed with bounce by other player.
  • Run up sharply to avoid giving defenders space.
  • Lean sideways to prepare the turn.
  • Aim in the left-right corner/high low.
  • Possibly with goalkeeper.

  • Same
  • Only right-handed players need to stretch more in time, kink shot in the air.
  • Be careful when coming down!
  • A square is made with 4 pawns.
  • The players stand inside this square and must keep balls thrown into it moving.
  • Note the players must work well together because they may only touch a ball once and then move on to another ball.
  • Large thick mat.
  • 1 player lies on the mat and tries to intercept balls directly or indirectly.
  • Always kneeling or lying position.