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Handball drills

  • You make 2 groups.
  • 1 group has a vest.
  • The groups must have an equal number.
  • The children take turns standing in a circle. (So someone with a vest stands next to someone without vest).
  • There are 2 balls and of each group 1 person has the ball (they face each other).
  • You throw the ball as fast as possible to someone of your own group and try to catch the ball of the other group.
  • If the ball falls, pick it up as quickly as possible and continue.
  • Who will be first to catch the ball from the other team?
  • If this goes well they all take 3 steps back and we increase the distance.
drawing Catch-up ball
  • All players are spread over the playing area.
  • One player starts as the "hunter" and one player as the "prey".
  • The "hunter" tries to catch the "prey".
  • The "prey" can escape by running away or lying down next to another player.
  • This player now becomes the "hunter" and the old "hunter" becomes the "prey".
drawing Hunter & Prey
  • Pairs stand in pairs in a large circle.
  • In the middle are (number of pairs - 2) balls.
  • On a signal the players start sprinting on the outside (remember to indicate the direction).
  • When the player is back with his/her partner, she/he crawls between his/her legs and takes a ball from the middle.
  • Those who have not conquered the ball must do some push-ups or something similar.
  • Then they change places and start the game again.
  • Variations:
    • Sprinting with side steps
    • Sprint backwards
    • Sprint in different directions
    • Lateral sliding passes to the left and right


drawing Circle sprint

  • 2 teams of 5 - 6 players.
  • The exercise is performed as a relay race.
  • The team runs a slalom around the pylons.
  • The point from which the throw must be made is at the pylon at the free throw line.
  • The moment the player finishes, the next player starts.
  • Variations:
    • The whole round is dribbled
    • Each player makes 3 rounds:
      • The first round the ball is carried between the pylons and dribbled along the long side
      • The last round is the whole round dribbled.
      • Carry the ball between the pylons and dribble the rest of the way
drawing Slalom dribble race
  • All players stand in a circle.
  • The ball is passed to the person next to you.
    • with one ball
    • Add one ball at a time
  • The ball is passed to the person next to you but skip one player (uneven number of players).
    • With one ball
    • Add one ball at a time
  • The ball is played randomly to someone, pay attention to eye contact.
    • With one ball
    • Add one ball at a time

drawing Throwing up in a circle
  • All players divide on the left and right corner (in pairs)
  • Players in the left corner have a ball
  • The trainer calls 'yes' and at that moment the LH sprints to his pylon.
  • The RH sprints to his pylon
  • Once around the pylon, he/she receives the ball and heads towards the goal
  • First without a defender, then a defender, then two defenders

drawing Break Out run 2 (half field)
  • 2 teams bring the ball up from the middle line.
  • First without a defender, then with 1 defender

drawing 2 teams handball 1
  • 4 hats, 1,2,3 & 4
  • The trainer calls which one you touch.
  • Forward around the pylon.

  • Hats further apart.
  • Dribble to the hat with number 1 2 3 or 4
  • Place a flag in the middle of a circle.
  • Provide the circle with pawns spaced every 75-100 cm, depending on the level of the player/players.
  • See also:
  • Distribute the players around the circle between the cones;
    • Start by 'jogging'between the cones (snake movement);
    • Arms take turns (warming up)
    • At the signal of the trainer ( whistle) short sprint to the flag in the middle and back again;
    • 2x whistle sprint to the outside
  • Next exercise :
    • Zig-Zag (left to right) between the cones,
    • Run sideways outside, and make rainbows (knee up) with the left foot over every cone
    • Run sideways (inside) and make rainbows (knee up) over each cone (with right foot);
    • Short dribble with the feet forwards and backwards between the cones, but keep on turning.

  • 2 teams bring up the ball from the centre line
  • Around the pawn
  • Finish on goal
  • First without a defender, then with one defender

drawing 2 teams handball 1
  1. Players line up against each other.
  2. One of the players throws the ball to the goalkeeper who has the ball and starts running.
  3. The goalkeeper plays the ball to one of the two players.
  4. The two players speed across to the other side.
  5. The player who receives the ball +/- 2 metres before the dotted line rounds on goal.


  • Two or three people on the left side of the pitch (can also be another position) and have to shoot.
  • The rest of the players collect balls and one of them plays the balls.
  • Shooting from the left side in succession.
  • The player who scores ten times first has won.
  • When you have shot, you have to walk backwards to your position.