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Handball drills

  • Two or three people on the left side of the pitch and have to shoot.
  • The rest of the players collect balls and one of them plays the balls.
  • Shooting from the left side in succession.
  • The player who first scores 10 times has won.
  • When you have shot, you have to walk backwards to your position.
  • Divide group into equal attackers/defenders. (e.g. 5-5)
  • Defenders defend forwards and pay attention to their (correct) position (correct leg in front - bent legs - grab opponent by the upper arms - stand as close to opponent as possible). Obstruct the shot/run direction - force attacker outside - communicate - help close teammates
  • Attackers must - determine where the spaces are - press forward and show initiative (by passing (tipping/shooting), running free (with/without the ball), playing give-and-go's. Changing/acquiring a position)

The exercise can be made easier or more difficult by: (foul play - make space in attack bigger/smaller - adjust number of players)

  • At the end of the training, have the two teams play against each other.
  • Coaching them, but letting the game run.
  • Point out the pressure they have to put on and how to connect.
  • Make sure the children apply the distance shot and various passing moves.

Make 3 teams: 1 stands 2 meters for the sideline, 1 stands in the middle, the other stands 2 meters for the other sideline.

The ones in the middle have the ball

  • 1. Dribble/putt on towards the 1st one on the sideline pass the ball and the other one runs to the other sideline and so on.
  • 2. Advance to the sideline, make a zero pass (the other one has to defend) the defender gets the ball and does the same on the other side.
  • - Note: player lands 1 meter in front of the defender, player must land on front feet, makes a body threat and passes the other side, speed up
  • 3. Same as 2, but now zero pass on left/right leg.
  • - Attention: player lands on 1 meter in front of the defender, makes sure he takes his upper body with him while landing and accelerating
  • 4. same as 2, but now with overpowering.
  • - Pay attention: that the zero axis is made slightly next to the defender, one long arm, that the player pushes down the defender's arm with the other arm, accelerate

drawing Defending/ Passing move
  • Two persons sit side by side on a circle, facing the other side of the field.
  • - Variation: standing, sitting on buttocks, lying on stomach, lying on back, plank posture
  • Trainer throws a ball from behind in front of them.
  • As soon as they see the ball, they stand up and see who gets the ball first.
  • The fastest becomes attacker, the other must defend.
  • Finish on the other side.

  • Divide the group into 3 teams
  • Each team takes place behind the square with the hats
  • The squares are identical to each other and consist of four different coloured hats
  • The first person of each team stands inside the square
  • The trainer calls 1, 2 or 3 colours which have to be tapped by hand in the right order
  • Then continue the course at maximum speed
  • At the cones: forwards-backwards-forwards-backwards.
  • At the ladder, each foot in the next square (several variations possible).
  • Then sprint back past the first hat of the square.
  • The fastest earns 1 point for his team

During the time that the track is completed, the other team members do push ups and abdominal exercises

drawing Relay course
  • Divide the group into 3 teams
  • Each team takes place behind the square with the hats
  • The squares are identical to each other and consist of four different coloured hats
  • The first person of each team stands inside the square
  • The trainer calls 1, 2 or 3 colours which have to be tapped by hand in the right order
  • Then continue the course at maximum speed
  • At the cones: forwards-backwards-forwards-backwards.
  • At the ladder, each foot in the next square (several variations possible).
  • Then sprint back past the first hat of the square.
  • The fastest earns 1 point for his team

During the time that the track is completed, the other team members do push ups and abdominal exercises

drawing Relay course
  • Make 2 teams. 4 defenders, 6 attackers
  • 8 mats in a circle, 4 defenders try to intercept the ball.
  • Attackers must move to another mat after every ball contact.
    • Free running by stepping on other mats is also allowed!
    • Receive ball only on the mat!
    • Intercepted ball, then change players.
    • Option: chase the ball, free running on another mat is also allowed!
  • Point of attention: defensive position, light on the feet, arms in good position.
    • (oblique to the body and slightly bent)
  • Players jump on 2 legs, different directions.
    • 2 teams follow each other.
    • Without and with ball between ankles.
  • Run on the spot, on signal assume defensive position.
    • (arms slightly bent, legs slightly in stride, knees slightly bent).
  • Run/walk through the hall and on sign do the same.
    • Also with change of direction. (left/right/back and then sign)
  • Teams of 2: shuffle hand in hand, change direction when signaled.
    • (sign verbally or non verbally by me)
  • 2 teams each with 1 ball.
    • Next to each other tip forward, on sign of the ball tip harder, slide to ball of the other and continue tipping.
  • 2 teams of 4 with 1 ball. A, B and C on 1 line with about 2 meter distance.
    • D has the ball, D passes to B, B passes back to D and shoots a straight pass.
    • B steps out and A and C move against each other.
  • 6 defenders inside the 9 meters. 4 attackers outside.
    • Attackers try to get inside the 9.
    • Defenders try to prevent this.

  • Example of running routes from a 5-1 defense.


  • Example of running routes from a 6-0 defense.


  • Bringing the ball up in teams of 3 (left formation, middle formation and right formation) and scoring the goal on the other side.
