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Handball drills

  • Make groups of 3
  • Mark off space of 2 by 4 meters.
  • Player 1 has the ball and stands on one side of the 'field'.
  • Goal is to give the ball to the 2nd player by running and turning with the ball around the defender (rugby style)
  • The defender continues to defend the attacker frontally and gives counter pressure.
  • On the front foot, give pressure frontally and not through the side

drawing frontally defend
Goal of the exercise
  • In this exercise, we improve our footwork during pressure and in rounding.
  • On the buildup positions, 3 pylons are in the point to the back.
  • The 2 front pylons are at the 9 meter mark.
  • One focal point stand beyond the pylon in the middle.
  • Players play the point of attack and run without the ball towards the left pylon, in the forward motion they play the ball, in the backward motion they get it back.
  • Players run around the back pylon and push again, this time they finish on goal
  • Exercise can be performed at left build and right build position at the same time.
  • After finishing, switch sides.
drawing pressure building
  1. Triceps; push up on edge hands behind
  2. Jumping Jacks
  3. Crunches: lying on back. Make small (fetal position on back) and extend (arms and legs do not touch the ground)
  4. Sumo Squad (wide Squad with feet out)
  5. Superman; on all fours (doggy stance) diagonal arm/leg elevators
  6. Lunges
Each exercise 1 min, 30 second rest; minimum 2 repetitions

  • 30 sec running in place as fast as possible, using your arms to set the pace
  • 30 sec jumping jacks
  • 30 sec squats
  • 30 sec high knee running in place
  • 30 sec left leg hopping left and right
  • 30 sec right leg hopping left and right
  • 30 sec frog jumps straight up with your back when squatting and jumping as high as possible when landing try to stay balanced without putting your hands on the ground.
  • 30 sec plank
Exercise 1
  • ladder; 2 feet in each section
  • step; with 2 feet on the step
Exercise 2
  • Ladder: 2 feet in each section
  • Step: with 2 feet on and off
Exercise 3
  • Ladder:
  • left foot in a compartment
  • right foot wide next to ladder and with slightly bent knee balance for a moment.
  • left foot in next compartment and exchange with right foot
  • left foot wide next to ladder and keep balance with slightly flexed knee
Step: sideways left/right between the step

Exercise 3
  • Ladder:
  • left foot in compartment (on forefoot!)
  • touch right foot outside ladder ground and place in next section (rotating movement with body)
  • then tap left foot outside ladder ground and place in next section
step; limp with 2 feet on the step

Exercise 4
  • start next to ladder with toes towards ladder
  • step with both feet in first section and step sideways to next section.
  • then backwards again next to the ladder
  • step next to ladder on side for next section and step forward again with both feet in section
Step; limp with 1 foot on step

Repeat exercise at least twice

  • Working in threes
  • One ball is needed per group
  • 2 players stand together (with the ball) and the last player stands a few meters away
  • The ball carrier always plays to the player on the opposite side
  • Everyone runs after the ball after playing
  • With 4 players making a total of 4 players spread over 3 positions on the field.
  • The ball starts where 2 players are standing.
  • Still everyone runs after the ball after passing it over.
Duo opposite each other with 1 ball
  • Distance 3 meters over throw (pay attention to elbow above shoulder, correct leg and pass on throwing arm)
  • In motion (move forward on approach, backward, receive ball and move forward again)
  • Increasing distance with bounce (note in hands, bounce just over center)
  • Jump shot
  • Passing sideways
  • Pass too low and catch!
  • Pass to high and catch!
  • Flyer
  • Increase distance
  • 2 balls at the same time
  • 1 rolls the ball, the other throws
Goal is to put 3 in a row.
  • Make 2 teams
  • From each team, 1 player runs with a colored hat and places it in a hoop
  • When the first player returns the 2nd player of the team starts, then the 3rd.
  • When there is 1 hat of each color the 4th player may move a colored hat to get 3 in a row.
drawing butter, cheese and eggs
  • divide players among the pawns
  • player 1 runs straight ahead but plays the ball off to the right collapsing player 2
  • player 2 also runs straight ahead and plays the ball off to the right
  • make it more difficult by playing 2 balls at the same time (start opposite each other)
  • change direction during the exercise
  • pass with a bounce
pay attention to timing start/finish

drawing In run throw and different run path than ball path
  • Exercise 1:
    • 1 vs 1 without a goalkeeper in the goal so that shots can continue to be made in quick succession, when everyone has shot the balls pass and keep changing defenders. Then build up to 2 vs 2 and so on to 3 vs 3.
  • Exercise 2:
    • Around the center line practice footwork with the ladders.
  • Exercise 3:
    • Second line -> occupy the 3 buildup positions offensively and teach the second line. Starting on the left side, causing it to start up and come in, eventually ending up at the right build-up. the Middle and right build-ups both move up one position to the left. The ball passes through the left build-up to the right build-up, which then plays to the middle build-up who will finish.
  • Run in place, at whistle run across. Attention, immediately forward
  • Run across, turn around at the whistle
With ball
  • Tipping (right, left or alternately)
  • At whistle hold ball, make 3 passes and continue tipping
  • Roll ball, pick up, roll
  • Occupy the 3 buildup positions offensively.
  • From the left buildup, the player shoots freely, that is, without a defender.
  • From the right buildup shoot over the thick mat, here a springboard can be used.