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Handball drills

  • Mutual play,
  • if necessary, stop play and let them look at positions,
  • Who stands where and what choice do you make to play the ball to?
  • Everyone with a ball to bounce in a designated area.
  • There are pawns, 1 less than the number of people.
  • On YES everyone grabs a pawn as fast as possible.
  • The one who remains falls off.
  • Take away one pawn and try again.
  • Who is the last one left?
  • Throwing up in pairs.
  • Move one step further apart and pass without a bow.
  • 4 attackers 4 defenders.
  • Fanatic defending against the man.
  • Attackers have to pass, run free and look out for their opponents.
  • Two teams. Per team 1 bounces and 1 walks with the ball.
  • Throw the ball over to the one who was walking along without the ball.
  • A new player becomes the one who runs along. The last one to run is the one who bounced first.


Moving forward with ball

  • Tipping (right, left or alternately)
  • Roll the ball, pick it up, roll it
  • Throw the ball upwards (possibly bounce it 1x), catch it
  • Throw up ball behind back, catch ball in front of back
  • Circle ball around hip
  • Pass the ball under the knee with every step
  • Idem, with knee lifts
  • Soccer dribble
  • Hold ball in front of you and walk / heave buttocks / lift knees
  • Feinting the ball in the run
  • Making passing movements in the run

After this D3 in a row, dribble on the spot, start on a flute and see who is sprinting fastest, because of breakouts

  • 2 groups preferably of the same size and level.
  • Pass the ball to someone of your own group.
  • When you have passed the ball 10 times as a group you have won.
  • You can do this multiple times and earn points.
  • Or an assignment when you lose.
  • You can vary with rules such as not playing the ball back to the person the ball came from.

2 teams from their own 6-metre area bring up the ball.
You meet 1 defender.


  • Without bouncing
  • 2 defenders on the field.

2 teams and 1 bke-area. From each team, 1 bounces to the bke field and places a pebble. Quickly back and then the next one. Who has butter/cheese/eggs first?

In addition, after 4 stones you may swap 2 stones or place your own in an empty space.


The attacker squeezes the ball, approaches the defender to about one meter, threatens to shoot on goal by turning in well with the ball behind and making a step forward with the left leg, steps away to the right with the right leg to get next to the defender, places left leg towards goal, makes a jump throw and shoots on goal (see pictures). The less skilful pupil can make a bounce after the shot threat and then make a 1-2-3 pass and finish on goal.


The zero pass in handball is a jump where one leg is dropped and a player lands on two adjacent feet
. The zero pass, as the word says, does not count as a pass. A player may then make three more passes. When making a zero-pass, the player lands one metre from the defender, thrusts the body to the left, makes a step with the right leg to the right and then steps with the left leg past the defender towards the goal. After this, the player makes a jump shot and shoots at goal. With the zero axis it is important that the student lands on the front feet and brings the weight forward.

  • The players stand in two rows.
  • Player 1 plays the trainer and walks in front of the trainer.
  • Player 2 plays player 1.
  • Then player 2 passes in front of the trainer and gets the ball from the trainer.
  • Make two teams. Each team has a goalie in the goal across the street.
  • Team stands in the corner next to the goal and runs an attack with two players:.
  • Passing without tipping.
  • Shooting from the 9 m line.
  • If scored, it is a point. Retrieve ball and run back hand in hand.
  • Pass the ball to the next couple.
  • The team that scores 10 goals first wins.
  • Make it more difficult:
    • Add two defenders per team (possibly use extra attacker).