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Handball drills

  • Groups of 3 players
  • Start at the level of 1 circle as shown in the diagram.
Goal: cross the field by playing together.
  • Play to each other as smoothly as possible while keeping the field wide .
  • The players walk back along the field.
When the interplay is going satisfactorily, some defenders join the field and try to block the ball away from the attackers.

drawing Together to the other side
  • Group split into the left corners next to the 2 goals.
  • All players have a ball.
  • The front player in the line gets to roll her ball away and chooses position on the 9 meter and starts to function as the point of play.
  • The front player of the line plays the point of play, paces towards the center line, gets the ball back just before the center line.
  • Catches the ball with 2 hands, makes 3 passes and then starts to tip.
  • See drawing for correct running direction.
drawing Break out
  • Left on the center line plays the ball to the incoming left corner
  • Left corner plays the ball to the left center line who has now run to the 9 meter line.
  • Left center line plays the ball backwards to the incoming left corner player.
  • Left corner player plays the ball to the right build-up player who has started in.
  • Right build-up player rounds on goal within 6 seconds.
drawing Starting up and replaying
  • Across half a playing field there are a total of 12 caps in two different colors.
  • Each player starts at a cap of their choice; if a player has the ball, they play it to someone with a different color of cap.
Each correct play scores a point.
How many points can be made within a minute?

  • Ball may not return to sender
  • Extra ball in play for pace
  • Ball carrier must be/maintain movement
  • Group divide-> mutual competition
drawing Interplay in motion
4 defenders versus 3 attackers.
  • The exercise is focused on the defenders.
  • The point is to get out before the attacker receives the ball.

  • The attackers start in and play the ball around at pace.
  • Once the attacker actually has the ball, the defender stops as quickly as possible.
  • Once the attacker has come to a stop, the defender releases it immediately.
  • The defender does hold hands high to intercept the ball immediately.
drawing Getting out and making contact
  • In pairs facing each other.
  • Defend by walking toward each other and:
    • bringing hands to shoulder height
    • tapping each other in the air with the hands - jumping
    • touching each other in the air with the chest
    • stopping each other with the hand in the side
Exercise 2:
  • 3 defenders: left builder, left player, right builder.
  • 2 attackers at each position.
  • The ball leaves on the corner running in, passes to the Left builder.
  • This Left builder passes pass to Center player.
  • Defenders go out to attacker and shuffle back off to place.
  • Attackers run backwards and may not stand still.
drawing defense aspect
  • 1 player per corner without ball as a focal point
  • 1 circle player without ball as a focal point
  • Distribute the rest of the players with ball over the construction positions

  • Ball owner plays in motion to point of play, runs on, gets the ball back and shoots from outside the 9 meters at goal
  • Initially shoot from a run or long shot, then with a jump shot
  • For rounding, pylons can be placed in the corners of the goal
  • For aiming high, the goal can be imaginary divided into 4 areas, with aiming in the top 2 areas

  • Give lots of shots and then 1 on 1 tips for improvement
  • The goal is to try a lot
drawing Shooting from a distance
  • Teaching and improving starting player
  • Expand with defenders
  • Final exercise based on horizontal binding
drawing methodical practice set starting attacker
  • Group split into the left corners next to the 2 goals.
  • All players have a ball.
  • The front player in the line gets to roll the ball away and chooses position on the 9 meter and starts to function as the point of play.
  • The then front player of the line plays the point of play, makes pace towards the center line, gets the ball back just before the center line.
  • Catches the ball with 2 hands, makes 3 passes and then starts to tip.
See drawing for correct running direction.
drawing Break out
  • Except for the circle, occupy all offensive positions.
  • The ball starts with the middle builder.
  • The middle builder starts in toward goal and plays off to one of the players next to him/her.
  • The player next to him/her is already moving toward the goal while catching the ball.
  • The player stays in the forward motion and then plays through to the corner player next to him/her.
  • The ball again passes through the builder back to the center.
  • Then the ball goes to the other corner.
drawing Playing around at pace
  • Except for the circle, occupy all offensive positions.
  • The ball starts with the middle builder.
  • The center builder starts toward goal and plays off to a player next to her.
  • The player next to her is already moving toward the goal and catches the ball while keeping moving.
  • The player then passes to the corner player next to her.
  • The ball goes through the builder back to the middle and then to the other corner.
drawing Playing around at pace
  • Divide group into pairs with 1 ball.
  • Between players about 4 meters space.
Task 1:
  • Player with 'open arm' in 90 degrees, aim at the chin of your buddy on the opposite side. Position the blue players on the drawing.
Task 2:
  • Same as task 1 + 1 more meter between players. The player is in forward motion while throwing. Position of the red players on the drawing.
Assignment 3:
  • Same as assignment 2 + 1 more meter between players. The throwing arm remains in equal position even if the ball is not there. Position of the white players on the diagram.
drawing Overplaying with 'open arm'