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Handball drills

  • Exercises for individual technique and tactics in defense
  • Attention to the movement areas
  • Interval method 30 seconds of work, 30/60 seconds of relative rest
  • High intensity, explosive work
  • Correct technical posture
  • Do not cross feet, keep contact with the ground
drawing introductory exercises defense
  • Over the benches with 2 legs
  • Backwards backwards
  • Slide from pawn to pawn
  • Backwards backwards
  • Over the mats head roll
  • Sprint to the finish line
drawing Relay
  • Divide the group into two teams
  • Team A on one side and Team B on the other side
  • At the teams try to throw on the yoga ball
  • If the yoga ball hits the bench of one team, the other team has won.
drawing Aiming for yoga ball
Ball moves from left to right and back again as the group moves on 1 line to the other side of the field.

Additional extension of this exercise:
  • Trainer names a player.
  • Player calls left or right player by name and switches positions. Fellow player crosses behind.
  • Both with and without ball.
The players learn in this way to coach each other, to see each other and not only to pay attention to the ball. Can be used as warming up as well as coaching training.
drawing Warming up Passing
  • 1 goalkeeper
  • 1 defender
  • 1 row of attackers

  • 1 attacker receives the ball from the trainer/handler on the way to the defender
  • The defender fends off and the attacker passes to the trainer
  • The attacker breaks free, receives the ball again and tries to finish
  • Pass giving from LO-M / RO-MO
  • Pass giving in the run from LO to MO
  • MO runs in without ball, feints back and gives pass to LO.
  • LO feints towards the middle and throws on goal.
This exercise can also be done with 3 players.
  • MO then runs in without ball and passes ball to L/RO.
  • This exercise always in motion for the MO, run half circle, run backwards.
drawing Running in with feint
Walk movements practice zigzagging around pawns:
  • Walking
  • Forward
  • Backward
  • Sliding
drawing Warming up Walking movements
  • The attackers must move from one side of the field to the other to reach the pawns.
  • The trainer throws the ball into the field.
  • One of the two players has the ball and goes to attack, while the other goes to defend.
drawing 1 vs.
Explanation quick middle-out:
  • Only 1 player with ball needs to be on the center line, the goalkeeper can already blow the whistle.
  • 2 teams, 2 goalkeepers in 1 goal area, so 2 stations.
  • 2 defenders - 2 attackers.
Version 1: quick middle-out
  • Keeper gets shot at goal, how does the defending side then get the ball to the center line as fast as possible with the foot, before the opposing team has run across the center line.
Version 2: ball possession
  • Goalkeeper gets grab ball. How does the defending side get the ball across the center line as quickly as possible while the opposing team is allowed to defend?
  • Points of attention:
    • Goalkeeper may run with ball in circle, and outside circle as field player -do not run with ball out of circle.
    • Connectability field players.
  • Line up at the center line
  • 2 players start at the same time
  • Fast forward to the first pawn on the left, tap and reverse
  • To the other pawn on the right, tap and go backwards
  • To the pawn in the middle tap and go backwards
  • Go around the starting pawn
  • Sprint to the other side
  • Then make 2 teams > relay race. When you reach the other side, go back outside and tap the next one. Ready is sitting.
  • 2x without ball
  • 2x with ball;
    • 1st time only to the other side and back is bouncing.
    • 2nd time also to the other 3 pawns.
The team that loses performs an exercise that the winning team comes up with. Such as; push-ups, frog jumps, abs, jumping squats, etc.
drawing Footwork & sprint course in relay race
In two formations:

  • 3 players blue form a triangle
  • In the middle stands the circle player red
  • 1 defender white

  • Goal: the 3 players try to pass to the circle player and the defender tries to prevent this from happening

  • Same formation as 4-1
  • Extra defender added
drawing Circle player addressing
  • At least 1 player stands at each pawn.
  • There is 1 ball at red.
  • Red throws to blue and walks to blue's pawn.
  • Blue throws to white and runs to white's pawn and so on.

  • Running after the ball.
  • Run the ball clockwise and players counterclockwise.
  • Crossing diagonally.
  • 2 balls.
  • With a bounce.
drawing Overplaying in square